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Cardassian Destiny

Posted on Tue Dec 20, 2016 @ 11:16am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Wei-Tarod Nebula - Warships Nuvor & Dar'heel
Timeline: MD4

Ambassador Hydel Turvan stood alongside Gul Druman Nivall on the bridge of the Cardassian Warship Nuvor. The Warship Nuvor served as the flagship for Gul Nivall as the Commander of the 127th Tactical Wing. Ambassador Turvan stood in his capacity as an official observer of the Cardassian military demonstration.

"Begin test subject 047," Glinn Duk Mojal said as he coordinated the crew on during this test demonstration of the Warship Dar'heel. Countless hours had gone into the development and testing of the capabilities of the experimental vessel that had become the pride of the Sixth Order and soon would be the strength of the entire Cardassian Military.

"Mojal, order the Dar'heel to exit the nebula and begin the process to bring its warp drive online and begin the phase-shift process." Gul Nivall directed. As his Executive Officer carried out his instructions the Gul turned to the Ambassador and spoke gently.

" what we have worked so hard for to build and to protect from unwanted eyes." Gul Nivall said firmly. "Particularly Bajoran eyes." Nivall said sharply. "With this development, no....this leap in Cardassian technology, we will once again be the leaders of the Alpha Quadrant and no longer the wards of the Federation state." He said proudly.

"Sir, the Dar'heel is reporting that it's warp drive is online and they are currently maintaining warp 6. . ." Glinn Mojal said, as he waited for his Commander to give the final instruction.

"On-screen," Gul Nivall said as the location of the Dar'heel was placed on the main viewer. "Inform the Dar'heel to activate the Transphasic Warp Drive..." He said.

Within moments the Warship Dar'heel activated its beta-tachyon meta-phasic shielding. The shielding effect provided protection across the structural integrity of the vessel as it began to accelerate at considerable speeds. Typical such strain would have caused a Cardassian vessel to buckle under the intense pressure of the amplified subspace field.

Ambassador Turvan was not a Science Officer; however, he knew enough about Cardassian propulsion to recognize the phase that had been used by Gul Nivall.

"Trans-phasic? Not even the Federation has been able to successfully create an actual Transphasic Warp Drive due to the crushing effects of the amplified subspace fields." Ambassador Turvan said in bewilderment. "If I remember my basic Engineering courses well enough, you would need a Trans-phasic Matter/Antimatter Reactor Assembly just to sustain the necessary output just to maintain the propulsion speed and the shields to protect the ship." The Ambassador continued.

Gul Nivall smiled as he explained. "Of course it would, unless you were able to successfully re-engineering take a Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser's warp system and integrate it into a Cardassian vessel. Thus, creating the necessary hybrid system." Gul Nivall explained, "Once the Trans-phasic drive begins the acceleration process beyond the standard sub-space field, the Dar'heel will use the Dominion's meta-phasic drive to create a superluminal overlapping subspace field. The overlapping fields provide the protection necessary to survive the intense stress that would otherwise tear the vessel to pieces." Gul Nivall said, relishing in the scientific accomplishment.

On the main viewer, the Dar'heel's experimental drive came to life as it began to accelerate beyond previous warp limitations. warp "4.7....5.3...warp 7.8" Glinn Mojal called out on the bridge. "Sir, the Dar'heel has created a phasic field and has...let our scanners." Glinn Mojal said. It was obvious that the current long-range scanners had not been designed to track the incredible speeds of the newly-designed warp drive. However, the vessel soon appeared again.

"Sir, the Dar'heel has re-appeared on our long-range sensors. . .just outside of the Paulson Nebula." Glinn Mojal said, with a tone of disbelief. "Sir, that is almost 37 light-years from its original position. We've never had a vessel that could travel that far, that fast." The Executive Officer said aloud.

Ambassador Turvan smiled as he listened to the test results. However, the smile slowly began to fade as he realized what such an accomplishment meant.

"This hybrid vessel puts us at least 20 years ahead of the Federation in warp propulsion." Ambassador Turvan began; however, he knew that was not the real concern for Gul Nivall. "The use of Dominion technology could be perceived by others as violating the Treaty of Bajor." He added.

Gul Nivall turned to face the projection of the Ambassador and adopted a more serious tone. "That sounds like a diplomatic problem that you and your capable staff will deal with. My job is to protect Cardassia from its many enemies." He said in a firm tone. "Besides, this warp drive requires an obscene amount of benamite crystal to power it properly." Gul Nivall said as he pressed a button on a nearby panel bringing up the planet of Pangea. "...thus, the need for us to secure our hold on the planet for its mineral resources." He said to the Ambassador.

Ambassador Turvan was prepared to respond when suddenly he was interrupted in his office by the arrival of his assistant. "One moment..." He said in a frustrated tone.

"Yes Seldon?" Ambassador Turvan said, taking several moments to enjoy the svelte figure of his younger assistant.

She smiled briefly as she knew that her next words would certainly change his mood. "Sir, the Federation Security Chief has contacted the embassy to inform us that a Cardassian child was found on Pangaea and is currently in Starfleet custody." She said.

"Where?" Turvan shouted to the young Cardassian.

"He said sickbay." She replied as the Ambassador raced past her and into the main lobby as he headed for the turbolift. There was no telling how a Cardassian child was able to make it all the way to Pangaea. At the moment, Ambassador Turvan did not care, all he cared about was bringing a child back to where he or she belonged.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Gul Druman Nivall
Commander, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire
NPC by Thom

Glinn Duk Mojal
XO, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire
NPC by Thom


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