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"What's the right thing to do?"

Posted on Tue Jan 24, 2017 @ 10:55am by Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

2,753 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: French Cafe, Promenade, Deep Space 5
Timeline: After "What Happened?"


Liam wondered if Noelle had chosen a French restaurant because they had seen each other in that little café a while back. Maybe she was trying to make him more comfortable by giving him something she thought he was a fan of. Unfortunately, Pastries, French bread and coffee were pretty much the extent of his experience with French cuisine. However, he soldiered on cheerfully, it couldn't be any worse than the Ferengi food and drink that Qinee and Nazi liked introducing him too when ever he had an event. He doubted he would have to eat a slime beetle this evening.

Thinking about the Ferengi, suddenly he remembered the report that Qinee's aid had been murdered. It was a horrible and shocking situation but he couldn't ignore there was some sort of universal karma about it. He had got away with what he did to the Chief's daughter. Still though the circumstances were dark.

He rounded the corner and found the place. It looked more upmarket than the little café. Sophisticated. Noelle all over. He felt like maybe he should have dressed up a little more than a shirt and jeans as he waited at the bar. It seemed more of a place one had a dinner jacket. But then this wasn't a date and there had been no instruction to dress up. It was friend wanting to spend time with a friend. Well he kept telling himself that. Tera was in the picture now. Wasn't she? He closed his eyes and shook it all away. He didn't need added complications. He was seeking Noelle's consult anyway. Now he had processed the Alexandra thing he had no idea what to do for the best.

As Noelle approached the restaurant, she began to wonder if arranging the meeting here had been a mistake. Just judging from the outside, it looked far more upscale than she had first thought it was, and now Bennett was concerned she would be sending the wrong impression for their meeting. This was the sort of place people chose when they wanted to impress a date or establish a romantic interpersonal vibe, not a place to she imagined people chose for business meetings or meetings between friends. In truth, she had chosen this location because she'd never been here before and trying a new location was always more fun with a friend than alone. Bennett was about to contact Liam by comm when she spotted him waiting for her at the bar.

She approached and offered quietly, "I'm sorry. I suggested this place because it was brand-new and I wanted to explore it with a friend, but I should have done more homework on it. We can go somewhere less formal, if you would like."

"Well," Liam said slowly noting the very firm mention of "friend". A mixture of both light relief and annoyance ran through him. "I do feel like I should be in a penguin suit but you want to try it and we are here." He thought for a moment. "How about a compromise of sorts? We could order the food to go and I could show you one of the best places on the station for a picnic," he suggested. A less formal and romantic atmosphere would make things easier.

"You have yourself a deal," Noelle replied with a smile. She felt no particular attachment to having a sitdown meal here and was now curious where Liam may take her. "I should tell you now. I also have no idea what to order. My experience with French food is quite limited."

"As is mine," Liam agreed. "But as long as no one makes me a eat a snail I'm happy. I get enough unusual insects at Ferengi and Klingon events." He reached for a menu and placed it between them. "I think I will go for that," he said pointing at a beef dish with ribbons of pasta. "And try a piece of the cherry Clafoutis. What do you fancy?" he asked her.

Noelle reviewed the menu and then said, "I'd like to try the lemon rosemary chicken with frites, and chocolate crepes for dessert, definitely the chocolate crepes," Noelle added with a smile. She loved anything chocolate.

Liam smiled knowingly. He had yet to meet a female who didn't like chocolate. "And to drink?" He asked.

Noelle consider her options for a moment before finally settling. "Just ice water, please. I figure with all that rich food, ice cold water will be good for me," she explained.

Liam ordered and paid for the food, appeasing Noelle with a, "you can pay next time." While they waited he asked, "So how are you?"

"Thank you," she replied, now slightly embarrassed she had ordered dessert. "I'll definitely get next time," she said, before adding, "I'm doing okay, I guess. I just have a lot on my mind with everything that's going on of late."

"Yeah I know what you mean," Liam said smiling at the waiter as he brought there order and reaching out for the bags. "Come on. You'll like this place," he told her.

He took her to one of the parks he ran round quite regularly on of the lower decks of the square mile promenade whilst filling her in a little about work. The new Bajoran temple was nearly finished. He led her to near a big fountain that overlooked the whole park, and sat down on the wall to it. "Here you go," he smiled handing her, her order and dishing out the utensils on. "I like to come run round here. Reminds me of a place back home."

Noelle absentmindedly accepted her food but kept her focus on her surroundings. "This place is beautiful." She shook her head. "I really have to get out more. We are on this huge station and sometimes I think the only places I ever go are my quarters and my office most days." She let the comment hang in the air as she opened her food and took an opportunity to sample a bite. The chicken was delicious and she instantly was glad of her choice, as her smile and small moan indicated. "Delicious."

He ate some of his beef, savouring the flavour. "It's very good," he muttered wondering how to approach what he needed to speak to her about. He was beginning to bottle out a bit. In reality he was putting this revelation onto another person.

"It is," Bennett agreed, now not looking at her food and instead focusing on Liam who looked very pensive. She wondered if he wanted to address the tension between them from earlier. In some ways, she would welcome the opportunity, and in others, she dreaded it. Nevertheless, her instincts told her it was better to just be patient and let him find his own words.

"So," Liam said slowly. He was doing everything he could to focus on other things and shut out her emotions which were slightly above the surface not from any fault on her. She had no idea about that. He could tell she was concerned about something and wanted to talk but after their last conversation about his abilities that was the last thing he ever wanted to be bringing up. Best to try ignore things!

"I need your advice on something but I'm ...... reluctant. If I do talk to you about it I'm putting in you a place where you have to also deal with the knowledge of it. And I don't want to put you in an awkward position. But I'm also kind of stuck as I don't know what to do with it for the best and your the most sensible person I know on the whole station. I know you wouldn't steer me wrong," he finished.

He wasn't dressing this up very well at all so shut up further, stuffed a fork full of noodles into his mouth and waited for a verbal response.

Noelle paused, not sure what to say, before finally settling on, "I appreciate the compliment and your protective intentions, but now you're starting to worry me. If you're comfortable, I'd much prefer you tell me whatever it is that's bothering you, and together, we can decide what's best to do. Just keep in mind, once I know whatever it is, I can't pretend to know as just your friend if it's something that you think will directly affect the station and crew or has that potential." Bennett knew he understood those limitations, but under the circumstances, she felt an obligation to clarify them so there were no hurt feelings later. After their previous conversation, Noelle wasn't comfortable leaving anything to chance.

Liam sighed inwardly. He knew Noelle felt the need to state that for the record but both had been professional counselors and he knew the drill.

However he didn't know how much of it could directly affect the station. It certainly affected one key crew member though. He decided to just go with the band aid approach. Fast and to the point.

"Chief Ryan's daughter is a joined trill. I worked it out last time we spoke in my quarters when we went over events. Then I pretty much threw you out as I didn't know what to do with it. Sorry about that. I wasn't trying to be rude. I was still processing. And now I still don't know what to do with that knowledge. Normally I would report such a thing to the security chief. But Ryan is the security chief and obviously it affects him."

Noelle kept her features inscrutable, but inside, she knew things just got a whole lot more complicated. She had known this particular truth since well before she had come to Deep Space Five, when she had been on Leto Colony, in fact. At that time, Caleb Ryan and Zandra were in therapy with her, and Noelle could identify no immediate threat that would require her to notify the commanding officer. Her obligation to protect client confidentiality was paramount. What Bennett had insisted upon, however, was that Caleb and Zandra be honest with the Colony's CMO at the time, as withholding such medical information could threaten the girl's life if she were injured and it wasn't disclosed. Noelle had also insisted Zandra continue to see her for counseling so they could address any problems with the sudden and forced joining. Things had been going well, but then they were both transferred and Noelle didn't think she would see Ryan or Zandra again. That was, of course, until they'd run into each other here.

Bennett took a few moments to consider her next words before finally offering, "Hypothetically speaking, if what you're saying is true, what would be your reasoning for reporting such a thing at all? Do you believe withholding such information poses an immediate threat to the crew?"

Liam blinked rapidly a few times. He was not expecting that response considering how protective Noelle had been of Alexandra with the whole Nazi situation. "Un-Hypothetically speaking," he stated. "A minor has been illegally joined with a Trill symbiont. What I am saying is true Noelle. Trills are prepared for years and selected in a whole process, after the age of 21 for this to occur. The reason being that someone younger and without training to be able to deal with it runs the risk of loosing themselves in the forceful personalities of the other hosts. It's not about the safety of the crew. It's about the current host - Alexandra. And its about the fact that her father either has not recognised this fact or he knows and has concealed it. For whatever reason. Look I believe Chief Ryan is a good man so he must have his reasons but has Alexandra has the care she requires to deal with this?"

"That would be an issue for the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Counselor to address," Noelle pointed out. "I appreciate you coming to me with this concern, but as you know, I cannot reveal the identities of the crew members I'm working with or the nature of our sessions. I'm not denying the potential concerns you've raised, but as you pointed out, hypothetically speaking, the risks you mention are to a single individual, which means the command staff are not required to be notified because there is no specific and immediate threat to the entire crew. Myself and the CMO can't share any information of a medical or psychological nature with you, but perhaps Chief Ryan could speak more directly to your concerns."

Noelle hoped Liam could read between the lines. It would be unethical for her to confirm or deny anything he thought he knew, so the only thing she could do is direct him to Chief Ryan, who could confirm or deny information as he chose. Bennett didn't disagree with all of the risks Liam raised, but even just acknowledging she was seeing Zandra professionally would be breaking a confidence the diplomat had no right to.

Liam nodded but barely. It was the smallest move of his head. He understood the situation but it didn't mean it didn't frustrate him. He now suspected that Noelle was aware of this all along, as her physical response showed no outward shock in the slightest. He could sweep her emotions to determine things properly of course but he had promised he wouldn't so it had to be left at that. Again this drew a duel emotion from him. In one sense he was happy as if correct it meant she would be keeping an eye on Alexandra but on the other hand again it served to show just how many secrets the senior staff were effectively keeping. Something he had already raised with Annora and concerned him greatly. How was he supposed to work and trust these people with so many secrets? Now he wasn't even sure he could fully trust the woman in front of him.

"Well I have made the chief Counselor aware now," he said neutrally. "And I will speak to Amia. I'm not sure its worth me speaking to Chief Ryan. I mean if you and the CMO are both aware and you consider this no danger to the crew. I can leave it in yours and the CMO's capable hands and not have to get any more involved in it. I barely know the man. I have already had to be the person who informed him of what Nazi said happened with his daughter. I really don't want to get into anything further if I don't have to. He did not take the original conversation well. He might take things the wrong way and think I am interfering and may threaten to go to the Trill Symbiosis commission or something. It's probably better to not give him anything further to worry about and just forget I know about this."

"I can't say I disagree with that logic," Noelle replied. "Do you think you can forget you know about this?" She appreciated Liam had strong convictions about things, and though she knew he had experience with keeping secrets from his time as a counselor, she also knew his time as a diplomat had made him much more proactive in a number of situations, and she honestly wondered if he could stop himself from saying anything more, especially if he disagreed with how things were being handled.

"Being an empath and having a certain degree of telepathic power you inadvertently end up knowing lots of things that you don't always wish to and simply have to ignore. I think I explained it to you before in one of our sessions. It's like people have freckles. Except some are really big ones," he said simply. "It's not like I have a lot of interaction with the chief's daughter anyway. I suppose if anything changes there and I see cause for further concern, I bring it back to the Chief Counselor and CMO's attention. I have reported it and I trust you both to do your jobs."

"I appreciate that," Noelle offered sincerely. "I also know you're just looking out for the crew and I would never fault you for that."

Liam nodded and raised his glass to her, "Cheers to that."

Noelle raised her glass in turn and clinked it with his. "Cheers to that."


Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomat
Deep Space Five


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