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Catching Up

Posted on Sun Oct 23, 2016 @ 10:00pm by Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,174 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: Interlude MD 03 - 2034 hrs.


Mikaela Locke had had a long day. Much of the data on Pangaea was being analysed by the various science teams, but that didn't mean that there was nothing of interest for the intelligence department. There would, in due course, be great debates in high places about the 'ownership' of the recently-appeared planet and the surrounding space, and she was sure that her own unique 'talents' would be useful in aiding Captain t'Vaurek when the time came.

For now, however, she was in need of a change of scenery.

She strolled along the promenade, hands behind her back, and at the appropriate moment wheeled into 'The Box of Delights.' It had been far too long since she had visited Yolanthe Ibalin and her emporium of excesses.

Tonight was no exception. Huge red letters announced a poker tournament offering a Hundred strips of latinum as the prize and the place was buzzing, the games already under way. The lady herself was moving between customers, checking that everyone had drinks, or snacks, or whatever it was the might need, her skin a azure and her hair royal blue.

Mikaela had forgotten just what a crazy place 'The Box of Delights' could be when it was in full swing. She smiled to herself at the thought of entering the tournament, she had a pretty good poker face and a hundred strips of latinum was certainly not to be sniffed at, but, on reflection, tonight a drink and a chat with an old friend was probably more what she needed. She moved through the room, avoiding the revellers surrounding the poker tables, and took a seat upstairs, overlooking the main bar.

"Why, Ms Locke?" said a familiar voice. Yolanthe had appeared at her table. "Long time no see. If I didn't know better, I'd say you've been avoiding my humble establishment."

"Not at all," replied Mikaela, slightly surprised that the hostess had noticed her, given all the chaos that was going on downstairs, "Things have just been a little busy - what with the whole 'appearing solar system and all.'"

"Its made everyone's life more exciting," Yolanthe agreed, and produced a small pad the length and width of her hand. "So, whats tonight's poison du jour?"

"Takaran rum with earth cola, please," she replied, figuring that she could probably allow herself one drink, especially given that, technically, she wasn't back in duty until the following morning. "And some of those dry roasted peanuts you keep behind the bar," she added with a wry smile.

"Blake will bring it right up," Yolanthe confirmed the order had gone down to the bar, and made sure her prize beauty brought it up. She glanced at the poker game. Round 2 was in full swing, and there were still most of the players in. but soon the eighteen people currently throwing their chips around would be whittled down to six. Until then... "So anything interesting to tell? Who's keeping you busy these days?"

"Well," she smiled mischievously, "Commander Soran always keeps me busy - I've got far too much work..." she tailed off under Yolanthe's inquiring bright-white gaze. She knew full-well that wasn't the question she was asking, but she just wasn't prepared to give up all the gossip quite yet.

"Well you've got a rogues gallery up here, and a rookery of miscreants down there. You must be enjoying yourself."

Mikaela chuckled. "Not tonight," she said. "Tonight is about chilling out and catching up with old friends. Although," she added quietly, indicating that Yolanthe should lean in closer, "It might interest you to know that that guy is a telepath." She subtly extended a wiry finger down in the direction of a blue-skinned humanoid sat at one of the lower level tables, with a large pile of poker chips in front of him.

"Is he now?" Yolanthe's body shifted from its pale blue to a dark marigold. And eyes the indicated offender. "naughty boy." She thumbed a message onto the padd. Down below, the snout of the Huge Gorn doorman swung around, then looked up to the mezzanine, and nodded at Yolanthe. He lumbered over, getting ready to eject the cheat when the round ended. "Thanks. Anything I can do to return the favour?"

Mikaela thought for a moment. There were a couple of things that immediately came to mind: A complementary session in holosuite 3; an extra side of coleslaw with her gagh. Instead she decided to allow the favour to hang. In her line of work one never knew when it might come in useful. Not that she doubted that Ibalin would assist her where she could, should the need ever arise, but it was always helpful to have favours to call upon when required.

"I'll let you know..." she replied, a deliberate flirtatious grin on her face.

Yolanthe smiled. "Well don't wait too long to cash it in. Once that planet opens up, I suspect all my trade will vanish in search of unicorn farts or whatever it is they have down there, and I will be too impoverished to help."

A painfully handsome man with dark hair down to his waist arrived at Mikaela's table, and laid her drink in front of her with a smile and a wink. "Let me know if I can get you anything else."

"Why, thank you, Blake," Locke responded, purposefully over-sincere. "You know what..." she began, addressing Yolanthe but her eyes firmly fixed back on the waiter as he headed to a nearby table.

Yolanthe was watching the taut fabric across Blake's behind, and her body was flushing pink. "Oh, I know. Feel free to take a punt. But he's his own man. I have no power to compel him."

Mikaela laughed out loud. "That's fine," she said, a broad grin on her face. "I'm fairly convinced that if I wanted to 'compel' him, I'd manage that on my own."

She took a huge swig from her glass and sat back in her chair, suddenly thoughtful, but no less bright. "I've missed this," she said, regretfully. "I'm so sorry I've not had the time to come see you more often... I've got no excuse."

"Being busy is a perfectly good reason." Yolanthe waved the apology away, "Just remember, all work and no play makes Mikaela a dull girl."

"That," Mikaela smiled, "is most certainly true."

"Well, don't leave it too long. He's on early shift, so he gets off in an hour." Yolanthe raised a suggestive eyebrow, and turned back to oversee her tournament

Mikaela sat back and took another swig of her drink. She glanced across at the rear-view of Blake as he tended to another table of customers, thought for a few seconds, then downed the remains of her beverage and got up...

to be continued...

Mikaela Locke
Senior Intelligence Officer (off-duty)
Deep Space Five


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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