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You're Going to be an Uncle!

Posted on Sat Oct 29, 2016 @ 2:27pm by Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

2,178 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: The Deep Space Press
Timeline: MD3 21:00


"So this is where the open band night is and as soon as I can find some bods to set up a band again thought we could give it a whirl," Liam told Cade as he introduced him to his new favourite bar. "Oh and the nachos are excellent."

"I came here last night with Jon. We buried the hatchet," he admitted to his friend. "But we aren't here to talk about me. You said you had something you wanted to talk about."

After his earlier chat with Amia, Liam suspected he knew what this was about. It was a bit sooner than he had thought would occur but he suspected Amia had suggested Cade call and them go for a drink just to make her life easier knowing it was all then out in the open. If so he was thankful. He never was that good at keeping something past Cade anyway. If it had dragged on for weeks, he was likely to slip up that he knew.

Cade did indeed want to talk to Liam, but the news about Jon widened his eyes. "What happened with Jon?" He asked as they made their way through the crowd and found a vacant table for two. He wasn't going to let Liam blow that news off so quickly.

"He apologised. Well after I found him in a rather compromising position with Tera," Liam said still a little annoyed about that. "He pretended to be me, can you believe it?"

Cade shook his head. "A very rat-like thing to do, it sounds like. How did Tera react when she found out?

"She was somewhat mortified," Liam said.

"So how did you two make up after something like that?" Cade asked. He couldn't even imagine.

"We went camping in the holodec. It seems," Liam trailed off. "It seems I asked for help with something that I don't remember. You can't stay mad at someone when its a situation of some of your own making can you?"

"Why don't you remember?"

"Because I asked my family to help me forget," Liam said quietly. "I must have had a good reason." He could see that the waitress was on her way over and kind of wanted Cade to tell him so he could buy him a glass of champagne to celebrate but this wasn't going to plan. "I'll speak to Noelle about it. It may not be the best course of action to explore it in therapy though. So what's your news?"

Cade chuckled and rolled his eyes. With all the high drama happening in Liam's life his news seemed mundane in comparison. It wasn't right to keep him in the dark about it any longer, though. "Amia and I are expecting."

Liam smiled at his friend. "That's the best news I have heard today." It wasn't a lie. It was the best news he had heard all day even if he had heard it twice form both of them separately..

When the Waitress made it over he happily said, "Two glasses of Champagne please." He turned back to Cade. "Anything else you fancy?"

Cade didn't hesitate. "A burger, like the one you made me try at that other place. What did it have on it?" If this was going to be a proper celebration then it might as well include good food.

"The works," Liam said with a grin. "And you got it. If they have it." Turning back to the waitress who nodded that they were in luck and burgers were on the menu, he ordered, "Two burgers with onions, Cheese, Ketchup and mustard, fries and a portion of onion rings." He looked at Cade for a moment and mentally decided how hungry he was. "No make that two portions of onion rings."

The waitress shook her head trying to hide a laugh. "And oh you better get us two beers to wash that down with too," Liam added winking at Cade. "After we be grown up and toast your good fortune with the champers."

"So when is Amia due?" He asked settling back into his chair.

"Stardate 71211." Cade paused for a moment then continued. "You know, I've been a parent before but the funny thing is, I'm really nervous about it."

"Its a natural reaction," Liam told him. "I can't imagine it gets any easier. Essentially your bringing a life into the world that will be completely reliant on you for a long time.

When you had kids before in a different host. Were any of them Starfleet?" He asked. "Maybe that's it. I mean we live in a floating station above a planet where an alien race could zap us to an insecticide killing race in full on war world at any moment. I can attest to that." he shuddered slightly thinking back to being stuck there with Annora. "I can't imagine that sort of thing that comes with the job helps. But your one of the smartest and not mention blokes with the highest amount of common sense that I know. Won't be easy balancing responsibility and home life but you will do it Cade. And you have always got Uncle Liam to babysit if needs be."

"Thanks, we'll take you up on that," Cade said with a grin. Then, with the grin fading, added, "I think I've mentioned that Jori never got along with her daughter Jezren. Sometimes I think about contacting her to get things sorted out, but that's frowned upon. Then there was that time one of my children drowned because I turned my back for a few minutes. Tadja was my host." He leaned back in his chair. "It doesn't stop there, either. I've got a whole night's worth of stories about how I've screwed up as a parent. I'm afraid to do it again, you know?"

Liam nodded. "But it was your previous host that screwed up Cade not you. Its not going to happen again. As parents you learn and you adapt. And relationships can always be worked upon. You might not get along but you can find a civil way to coexist. Not that I believe you would ever have that problem. You get on with everyone."

The waitress walked over with the champagne and food. "Look the baby isn't here and can't even speak yet. Your worrying about potential things you can't influence. You and Amia both need to relax and enjoy the pregnancy. Enjoy the excitement of meeting your little bundle. Tackle the issues when they are here ehh."

"Yeah, I know. You're right," Cade said. He examined the burger on his plate. The presentation was a bit messier than the other one he'd had. It didn't matter. Still looked good enough to eat. He gingerly removed the toothpick holding it together at the center and picked it up for a bite.

"Any thoughts on names?" Liam asked cheerfully as he chewed one of his onion rings.

That provoked a chuckle. "We've been through hundreds already. Nothing we agree on yet. Any suggestions from you?"

"Well Liam is a good solid name," Liam jested. "I don't know. Are you naming him/her a Trill name or a Baku one?"

The Trill rolled his eyes. "We're all over the place with names. We haven't even narrowed it down to Trill or Ba'ku. We have discussed a possible hybrid name, though. So I guess that's some progress."

He picked up the champagne glass. "Toast. To you two becoming parents."

Cade picked up his own glass to match the gesture. "Thank you." He grinned. He was happy, even though some apprehensions still lingered. Those didn't go away so easily, despite Liam's pep talks. He took a small sip and set the glass down. "Hey, how about-"

A third voice interrupted them. "Liam Reynolds. Is this where you've been hiding?"

A look of surprise and then a small growing grin spread across the Betaziods face at the appearance of a Klingon male. "Korax. nuqneH. bIpIv'a' " Liam suddenly surprised himself by pulling up some rusty Klingonese.

"jIpIv. bIpIv'a'," The large alien responded eying Cade with the usual suspicion you got when meeting a Klingon for the first time.

"Commander," Liam made introductions. "May I present Korax of the House of Hactux. We were stationed on the same ship together during my Klingon exchange. Kovax, Commander Cade Aldrex. XO of the station."

Cade stood and placed a fist over his breast. The traditional salute. "NuqneH! What brings you here, Mister Korax? Are you with the Klingon delegation?"

Hardly impressed at the spotted ones title or pronunciation of klingonese, the alien gave him a fleeting look. "We accompanied the delegation. And will be part of the Klingon exploratory party when the planet is finally designated open for visitors." he informed him.

"Liam," he boomed turning back to the part Betaziod.

Liam hoped Cade didn't take offence. He had practically taken nearly the whole year on that exchange to get this Klingon to respect him. And earning that respect had ended up being very dangerous in the end. He shuddered slightly at the memory. Korax was a hard arse. He wasn't going to warm to Cade in 5 minutes.

"I wanted to thank you for your warning a few months back. I can see you are busy, we will catch up another time and discuss it."

Liam nodded. The large Klingon took his leave with one last look of disgust at them drinking bubbles from a long stemmed glass.

Cade watched the Klingon go. "Well, he was a lot more cordial than I expected him to be. What was his position aboard ship when you were deployed together?"

"Weapons specialist," Liam stated with a grin. "And for the most part royal angry son of a bitch. He takes a while to warm up to people. Taught me most of what I know with a Bat'leth though. Started out as a dare. He didn't think a half human/half mind reader sad little starfleet emotions specialist, as he put it had enough nouse to weld a Klingon sword. I proved him wrong."

"Really? I don't think I've ever seen you with a weapon in your hand. Of any kind. So what happened? He took another bite out of his burger.

"I very rarely pick up a weapon," Liam admitted. "Or get involved in violence. Half of my species is all about peace. Its just sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I managed to pin him a few times. He didn't think that was possible. It impressed him. Later down the line I got better and did win a few matches."

"Everyone who participated in the exchange program came away with interesting stories. Do you ever think of doing something like that again?"

Liam took a sip of his champagne and gave it some thought of a second. "Never say never I guess but the smells in a bird of prey really are the scary thing. What about you? If given the chance?" He bounced the question back to him.

The Trill shook his head. "No. With a wife at home and a kid on the way? The last thing I need to do is tell Amia I'm deploying on an exchange tour where she can't come." He studied his half-eaten burger with a forlorn look and added, "She's unhappy here. I can feel it."

Liam looked confused. He had no idea what was up with both his friends at present. Well actually he could put Amia's blip earlier down to hormones but this was unexpected of Cade. He tried to reassure his friend.

"Amia's not unhappy. Not as far as I can tell Cade. She loves her job. She's never said anything about not liking being on the station. She worries you guys don't get to see each other enough with work but when your both senior officers, it never was going to be easy was it. You both knew this before you went into things. That it would take work sometimes and you both committed to it. Look if your worried talk to her."

The Trill wasn't convinced, even though he knew Liam's Betazoid abilities gave him an edge in knowing what other people were thinking. Of course he knew the best way to get things sorted was to talk to Amia. Perhaps he was just afraid to, he admitted to himself. "Yeah, you're right," he said. Not wanting to dwell on that subject he switched to a happier one. "Hey, how about that new corner guard that just signed up with Tannikah Six?"

Liam sighed inwardly as Cade shut down that part of the conversation. He didn't need to be an empath to know his friend was not convinced. He didn't understand why. If Amia wanted to leave he was sure she would have said something to him. Anyway he didn't push. He knew Cade would only talk when he was ready. "Yeah he's a bruiser. They might possibly have a chance this season."


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Cmdr. Caden Aldrex


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