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Can't Make an Omelette (Part 2, Conclusion)

Posted on Wed Aug 10, 2016 @ 4:44pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD02 2100

Jessica’s eyes widened with fright a moment, and then narrowed. “Petty Officer, take these two gentlemen to the brig.” She reached for her plastic restraints.

Olan and Taki were staring at the egg smeared Chief of Security. They were far too dismayed and shocked to even think of doing a runner.

Travis and Jessica secured the plastic restraints on Olan and Takahiro. “Just what the hell were you two thinking?” Jessica asked, rolling her eyes as they marched them to the lift to take down to the security offices. “Petty Officer, get an evidence team to collect that thing.”

“Yes, sir,” Travis said, handing the prisoners over to the blonde ensign as he called over the comm for the evidence techs.

"It was an accident!" Takihiro protested.

"And I didn't do anything!" Olan muttered, but didn’t fight the big petty officer pushing him along the Promenade.

Jessica read them their rights as they walked and soon they were in the Security offices. The stench of rotten egg indicated Lieutenant Commander Ryan had beat them there.

Caleb came out of his office, shirtless, his uniform top packed into an evidence bag. Jessica couldn’t help pausing and admiring the hard, muscular, lean frame on the older man. She caught herself staring and blushed.

“Sir, I am so sorry we didn’t catch them sooner before you had to--”

Caleb waved away the apology. “Just book ‘em an’ figure out what the hell they were doin’,” he said with annoyance. “Ah need a new uniform.”

“Yes, sir,” Jessica said. “Looking good, sir.” She gasped and covered her mouth.

Caleb arched an eyebrow at the ensign and then closed his office door.

Travis grinned at Jessica.

“Not a word,” the blonde muttered. “March!” she ordered Olan and Takahiro as they pushed them through booking and into an interview room.

Jessica let them stew for an hour until the contraption they had built was brought in by the evidence techs. Then she entered the interrogation room briskly and propped it on the table in front of the manacled miscreants.

“So care to explain what this was all about?” Jessica asked them, her blue eyes glaring at them. She tossed her blonde hair out of her face.

"Nothing to do with me," Olana protested. "He built it."

Takahiro looked at the Trill. "Thanks, man." He sighed. "Yes, I built it. Olana came along to help me carry it."

“And just why were you trying to egg people on the Promenade?” Jessica asked, sitting down with a padd in front of her, their files loaded onto it. “You realize you could seriously hurt someone with this thing? Hit them in the head...the eye…”

"No, it can't. It auto adjusts for centre of mass," Takahiro said, the instinct to defend his work overriding his common sense.

Jessica nodded. “So explain how this works to me,” she told him. “And why, exactly, you thought you had to remotely assault the Chief of Security.”

"Not him specifically," Taki admitted. "Just all those bigots and racists who want to give that twat Raddon their patronage. If eggs are getting slung on the Promenade, they should at least hit the people who deserve it.”

“And Raddon deserves it?” Jessica asked, arching a blonde eyebrow. “You know not everyone who goes to the Dilithium Chamber agrees with his views? Like the Chief of Security,” she pointed out. “He was having lunch with the Promenade Chamber of Commerce,” she pointed out.” She checked her padd. “There was only one incident of egging,” she said, “and that wasn’t missile launched,” she said pointedly. “Your file looks pretty clean, Taki, and you’re being cooperative.” She pushed another two padds forward to sit in front of each of them. “So if you write me a full confession I will see what I can do to talk Commander Ryan out of hitting you with the full charges. Assaulting a Starfleet officer comes with five years minimum in prison,” she told them. “On top of manufacturing and deploying a possible terrorist mechanism.” She stood and picked up the launcher from the table. “I’ll give you half an hour.”

"Terrorist mechanism?" Taki squeaked.

Olan glared at him. "I told you it was a bad idea. But no. You always have to build a better mousetrap." He picked up thepPadd's stylus and began to write hurriedly.

Deciding she had put enough of the fear of whatever gods they worshipped into the two post-grads, Jessica gathered up her things and walked out.

“Nicely done, Ensign,” Caleb said, coming out of the observation room in a fresh uniform.

“Thank you, sir,” Jessica said, blushing at his praise. “It really wasn’t that difficult.”

“Well, we want ta nip this in the bud before it spirals outta control,” the Chief said. He clapped a hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Let’s increase security presence on the Promenade for the next couple weeks.”

“Yes, sir,” Jessica nodded.


Olan Zen & Ikeda Takahiro
Post-grad researchers
Border Research Institute
NPCs by Notty

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer 2nd Class Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical


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