
Once Upon a Dream

Posted on Fri Jan 2, 2015 @ 12:02am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek

346 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Interlude II
Location: CO's Quarters

Last night I dreamt I went to Shi'Kahr again.

The russet dust that swirled up from the deep passageways with each and every rare dry breeze scoured the last moisture from my throat. Even the night brought little relief from the harsh Vulcan sun.

I burst through the waters of Lake Yuron, showering the other delegates in a mist of unwelcome rain before the sun asserted itself, evaporating the shining water in a haze that drew us all into fire.

It was Rh'vaurek who lifted me from the flames, flames which had burned through my silk robes and threatened my skin. His words cooled me

"You looked just like Ihhuein," he told me, ignoring my question, "the one fresh and living thing Okhala cannot burn. I thought that if I touched you, you would burst into a thousand drops of sweet refreshing rain."

"Stay with me," I begged, "Stay and we’ll forge our life here."

"While I have life the True Brotherhood of S'Task will not harm you, Senator Isha t'Illialhlae. They have made no demands as of yet, and they do not, despite their claims hold you. I have work to do."

"Stay, Rh’Vaurek. Senator t'Illialhlae is dead and gone."

"You can't command me though half the galaxy might yield to your word."

"Stay. You must. I can't do this alone."

"You have a husband," he reminded me before dawn blazed across the horizon, transforming us both to vapour.

That’s when I woke.

It has been years since I thought of Rh'Vaurek, his loss slices through my heart more even than the loss of my husband did.

Is this a cry to me for assistance?

Does Raedhoel live somewhere beyond my reach or is that too a dream.

Isha exhaled.

It was all fancy. Isha was the only survivor of those times. She had a job to do and chasing ghosts was not part of it.

"Computer, delete personal log," Isha said.

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