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Job interview

Posted on Mon Apr 25, 2016 @ 4:15pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: MD16 1900


Zoe felt nervous about this now. This was Draxx's idea. Yes she needed a job. She wasn't going back to the colony alone and had no skill to work on the ship. If she was going to stay here on this space station, she had to find something she could do.

She nodded at the Gorn, "not Lucy's boyfriend". Lucy had felt the need to reiterate that when they had gone shopping yesterday. "Hello again," she said. Her voice sounded quiet against the noise of the crowd. Or perhaps it was because she still wasn't used to being among normal people again and having the freedom to say what she wanted. "Can you .... erm point me towards Edward?" she asked. She couldn't see the nice young bajoran who had been behind the bar.

"I'm afraid you've just missed him, sweet cheeks." he rumbled. "But the boss is back. She's at the bar. " Harry pointed a finger at a tall blue woman sitting on a bar stool.

"Yolanthe is back," she said. A sudden feeling of relief flooded over her. It didn't alleviate the guilt she had been feeling over this whole issue though.

She walked up to her. "Yolanthe. Your safe." It didn't matter right now she likely had no clue who she was. "Is Draxx with you?"

Yolanthe frowned. She'd been back less than a day, everything was still in whirl, and now this? Someone asking over the bastard who had betrayed her. Someone who knew her, but she didn't know her. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

Zoe swallowed not quite knowing how she was likely to respond to this information. "I'm Biggs sister."

Yolanthe faded from blue to the colour of sand. This was the woman that Draxx had screwed her over for. She considered throwing the woman out there and then, but Draxx had made giving the woman a place to lie low a condition of his price. And its wasn't the woman's fault. from what she had gleaned. She'd been in the same position that Klia had been in.

"Oh. What can I do for you?" she asked.

"Your bar man said you were looking for a chef," she said timidly. "So he's not with you?" she asked confused looking round as if Ricardo Draxx was just going to walk out. "He went back for you."

"Who?" Yolanthe was confused for a second by the sudden jump in conversation. "You mean Draxx? No that arrogant trollop is not with me." the rest of the woman's sentance registered. "What do you mean went back?"

"To Torms place. By himself. To get you and your friend. Lucy was furious. Called him something similar. I guess it doesn't matter. He will pop up again, he always does. Do you still need a chef?" she asked.

The sand became more yellow. "He went back? I was on that planet all of six hours. " She shook her head at disbelief in the neverending stupidity of men. "If he'd not got greedy I would have been in and out and back him drinking mimosas." Men. Idiots one and all.

She drew a breath to get herself together. "To answer your question - yes, I still need a chef. Can you cook?"

"I can, and your quite right he's an idiot. Believe me your not the first women to tell me that. Or tell me that today either," she pictured Lucy for a moment. "But back to the matter at hand," Zoe brightened. " I thought you might like to try some samples." She opened up the box she had brought with her and started pulling containers out then handed Yolanthe a knife and fork. "I didn't know what sort of bar snacks you had so ...." she started opening tupperwear boxes. "Earth gyoza dumplings, Bajoran Hasperat and Andorian double chocolate brownies. I know you probably don't serve brownies but I was cooking and my brother asked me to make them. Please help yourself."

Yolanthe looked at the box of goodies, then helped herself to one on the brownies.

It was very very good, and she turned a deep velvety purple and made a noise that was somewhat improper for a public place. "Thats quite good." she allowed. "Are you going to be content making bar snacks and short orders? I'm not running an actual restaurant."

"Well I would just be content with some sort of normalcy right now. A shot at starting my life over. It would be nice cooking for actual normal people and as you know Dra ..... well as you know "the idiot" she amended, "wants me to lie low. He trusts you. And I can cook and you need a chef."

"I don't know why he trusts me. If he didn't have a Y chromosome, I'd gut him like a fish for what he pulled. But I do need a chef. But I don't want you here just because he said so. He can go swivel."

"I'll level with you," Zoe said. "I want to put myself through some classes too. I didn't get the chance. The money and shifts will help me do that. And then figure out what I actually do want to do with my life. Draxx and Biggs would happily pay me through it. But I want to do it myself. Me."

"That's something I can get behind. Alright. Pay is 6 slips of latinum an hour. You'll be on late shift. That's half five to start cooking from quarter to. Last orders for food are taken at half one, and your shift ends at two. You can replicate any equipment or clothing you need, but the food is all real so you'll need to keep the pantries and fridges and so on stocked. Every night, leave what you need ordered on the bar, and Edward will sort it out. Any questions?"

"Nope just point me to the Kitchen boss,"

"You want to start now?" Yolanthe was used to a certain amount of eagerness. Most people who approached her for work needed cold hard latinum, and needed it fast.

"You don't want me to start now?" Zoe asked. "Cause If I have the night off I can get out of your hair."

"Let's show you to the kitchen." Yolanthe replied


Zoe, Biggs sister
NPC - Liam Reynolds

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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