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One step forward, two steps back - Part 1

Posted on Thu Apr 14, 2016 @ 2:30am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx

682 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate
Timeline: MD10 1500


Draxx pressed the communicator screen. Only two parties knew how to contact him and he bet money it wasn’t his crew, going on how pissed his Gorn had been at being ordered to deliver what was left of the latinum to Yolanthes bar.

“Orson, you old dog,”

“Draxx was the hell are you pulling?” the other human came into view.

“I’m headed back to Torms,” he told him.

“Yeah Lucy said. To rescue the colour chick,” Orson said in disbelief. “She used some interesting language. The word “dick” was cast around a lot. The question is why?”

“Ah well she’s entered into a breeding cycle. You know female gorns. Hormones and tempers rise during that lovely time.

“The question is why are you rescuing the colour chick?” the other man said impatiently.

“I owe her,”

“Don’t buy that.”

“I want to pork her,”

“I buy that more,”

“I have a bet going with Biggs and Anders as to what colour she goes when she comes. You want in on that action?”

“Draxx for fucks sake,”

“You can’t have blue or violet,”

“Look. Be serious. I’ve known you a long time. There’s more. You’re going in for the same thing you have been trying to find out for years aren’t you?”

“Oh come on Orson. You know I deal for secrets. It’s not the other way round.”

“Draxx when the drug and weapons lord you have been working for, for half your life suddenly goes to radio silence it usually means there’s some messed up shit,”

“You’re such a drama queen. Besides with Torm its always messed up shit. And eggs. Least we forget the eggs.”

“He’ll splat you like an egg if you’re not careful,”

“That’s why I brought my new baby,”

“Yeah about that …..”

“Ahh Lucy gave you your cut then,”

“She gave me half my cut, a job offer working for your sorry arse and something that looks awfully like whatever you’re flying.”

“This ….. oh she’s an insurance policy I have had lying on standby until just such an occasion as this. Biggs and I have been doing her up. Got a personal cloak. Shielding for all heat signatures. He did some mumbo jumbo to mask life signs. She’s practically undetectable. Just a teeny tiny spurt of Norson gas every so often. Fractional. But who the fuck in the universe looks for that?”

“So tell me why do I have one,”

“That’s for when you want to get off that sorry station and realise you want to come work for me,”

The other human laughed. “Never going to happen.”

“Oh yeah ….” Draxx drawled. Then his eyes narrowed. He had just started coming out of warp.

“You know that messed up shit?” he muttered. “You weren't half wrong.”

“What do you mean?”

“Half his moon is blown to smithereens. Hell. Someone sure as hell came in here and did a number,” he said transmitting some images with an encryption programme. “You getting this?”

“Oh holy shit. Is he dead? What about the harem. All the girls. The idiot henchmen.”

“Easy Orson. There are a few signatures, very faint,” Draxx stated calmly. He stood up and went to a small hold.

“You’re still going in?” Orson said incredulously watching him pull out something wrapped up. "If he's still alive your toast ..... and if he isn't some scavengers are going to be picking at what's left."

"Better to be the scavenger then and hopefully the "Princess" managed to stay in one piece."

Draxx unwrapped an impressive and unique looking Romulan gun. “Got my other insurance too,” he flashed it to him, holstered it and patting it against his thigh.

“I’m going to check in, in three hour intervals. If you don’t hear from me …..”

“I’ll get my ass to Deep Space Five,” Orson said. "I'm not waiting around for people to turn up here asking questions on the tail end of that."


Ricardo Draxx

NPC Liam Reynolds


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