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Human & Romulan Interests

Posted on Fri Mar 25, 2016 @ 12:52pm by Maekhav D'Aerrol & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,725 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Romulan Embassy - Starship Matthias
Timeline: MD 11 - BACKPOST

"Mr. Raddon, the Bridge reports that it has established a secure channel with the Romulan Embassy onboard Deep Space 5." Melvyn Raddon's assistant Mercy reported to the older Executive.

"Very well, Mercy, thank you. I'll take the conversation within my office." Mr. Raddon said as he continued to review the PADD in one hand and a glass of Rekellian Brandy in the other. He placed his glass down on his desk and slowly rose to the designated spot within his office for the holo-projection communicator system.

The image of D'Aerrol appeared. "Mister Raddon? To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"

"Good evening Ambassador D'Aerrol, a pleasure to finally speak with you one on one." Melvyn said with a warm smile. "I'm sure you can appreciate the need for subtlety. Particularly, a man of your statue certainly would not find much enjoyment within my establishment, Dilithium Chamber." Melvyn said calmly. He could only imagine what reaction his patrons would have upon seeing a Romulan enter his entertainment complex regardless of why he was visiting.

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the establishment," D'Aerrol replied. "I am still familiarizing myself with all the sights on this enormous station." It was true, and also the polite thing to say. D'Aerrol would take Raddon's word that he wouldn't want to be caught dead in this Dilithium place. Silently he thanked the man. "How can I help you?"

"The colony on Cariel III, I assume that you and your staff have been thoroughly briefed on the subject?" Melvyn asked, referring to the Romulan colony that was located within striking distance of Federation space. Recent exploratory scans had revealed a previously unknown deposit of Dilithium in one of its moons. That revelation had sparked Melvyn's interest in the otherwise unremarkable establishment.

However, Melvyn had recently learned that the colony that was stationed there had petitioned to admitted into the Federation. The idea of a Romulan planet being admitted into the Federation repulsed Melvyn. However, it left him in a precarious position:

The development and exploration of the Dilithuim deposits on the colony's moon would deliver a not insignificant boon to the Raddon Corporation's bottom line. However, Melvyn could not be a collaborator to a Romulan infiltration into the Federation. More importantly, he recognized that such an event would not be welcomed by the Romulan establishment.

"More importantly, I assume you are aware of its petition to the Federation Council for admission." Melvyn said, waiting to study the Ambassador's response.

"We are familiar with it," D'Aerrol said carefully. He wasn't yet sure what Raddon's interest was in Cariel, so he thought it best to proceed with caution. "In my official capacity I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to discuss the matter. Other than to say we are watching with interest."

The Romulan was not revealing his hand. More than likely he was waiting for Raddon to reveal his before he divulged any pertinent information. "Ambassador, I'm sure I don't have to educate you as to the crisis that petition creates for both of our people. If one colony is allowed to join the Federation, then it will be seen as a bold act against other planets or settlements along the neutral zone that are current subjects of the Romulan Government." He began.

"While I understand that the colony is 'independent', I'm certain that your security intelligence apparatus is aware that other Romulan colonies are using Cariel III as a litmus test to see how far they can push the tolerance of the Romulan Senate as well as the Federation's willingness to interfere in Romulan Affairs." Raddon concluded.

"There are potential complications to be considered," D'Aerrol conceded while maintaining a neutral expression. "Although I'm sure we could handle any eventuality." His head tilted to one side. "But the most curious question from this interaction is why you feel obligated to reach out to me about it, Mr. Raddon. If you don't mind my phrasing it in colloquial terms, what do you care?"

"I care about a great deal of things, Ambassador D'Aerrol." Melvyn replied quickly. "One of those being the Federation being dragged into the political affairs of other governments. The admission of that colony would signal to other border planets and colonies that they do not have to resolve their grievances with their respective governments, they can simply flee to the Federation and we will dedicate our resources to intervening on their behalf." He said with conviction.

"Unfortunately, there are those within the Federation Council who do not understand that simple wisdom and which to annex parts of the Romulan Star Empire, piece by piece," Melvyn said, shifting the focus of the conversation to how it could affect the Ambassador's people. "Admitting this colony would strike a cord against certain elements that question the manner in which the Romulan Senate handles its internal political affairs. I'm a business man, not a Soldier, Ambassador. There is no profit in saber rattling." He said.

"An intriguing point of view, Mr. Raddon. Coming from someone from your side of the Neutral Zone. You have my compliments." He leaned back against his chair and allowed a momentary silence to take over. He still had to be careful. For all he knew Raddon could be in the employ of Starfleet Intelligence, working to gain his trust and exploit him for secrets. On the other hand, if Raddon was genuine, then they could help each other in many ways.

In the span of those few seconds D'Aerrol decided to take the chance. After all, Raddon had just filled him in on some very useful information. Information that he could use as leverage against the stubborn Isha t'Vaurek. "I'll be honest with you, Mr. Raddon. The Empire has never been much concerned about Cariel because it's far outside our borders, and it's a convenient magnet for all the undesirables we'd like to get out of the Empire. If they want to congregate there then it's fine with us. All the better for us to keep an eye on them."

He smiled thinly and continued. "We imagined that if they ever got it into their heads to apply for Federation membership, that membership would be swiftly denied by the more reasonable elements in the Federation Council. If what you're saying is accurate, however, that there is a petition in motion and that it's being seriously considered, then yes that does cause the potential for crisis. How sure are you of what you've just told me?"

"In recent years I've had a chance to meet various individuals who share my concern that the Federation is becoming too heavily involved in the affairs of others and not focusing enough on its own matters. One of those individuals is Federation Envoy to the Obsidian sector, Hilliard Braxton. He's a former Commander within Starfleet and has visited the station many times before." ** Melvyn responded.

"He has kept me abreast of the petition's movement within the Federation Council. The petition was submitted at the same time that Captain Isha t'Vaurek was appointed the Commander of this station." Melvyn said. "I doubt it was a coincidence. However, it has not been approved as of yet, and I doubt this recent murder investigation will speed things along either." He concluded.

"Trouble does seem to follow her," D'Aerrol noted sourly. Outwardly he was calm but inwardly he was reeling. Raddon was apparently very sincere about the information he was passing along, and it was a goldmine. D'Aerrol knew he had to pass this along to the Praetor's Continuing Committee as soon as possible.

For the moment he had to be calm, however. No use getting ahead of oneself. "So then, Mr. Raddon, how can we best serve each other's needs in this delicate matter?"

"Send a warning shot." Melvyn replied. "An official statement on behalf of the Romulan Senate condoning the interference in Romulan affairs concerning border colonies would be enough to jolt any would-be Federation Council members considering the admission of the colony. A simple generalized statement will give Envoy Hilliard Braxton the political coverage he needs to show the Federation Council how accepting Cariel III would damage Federation-Romulan relations." Melvyn said.

He understood that above all else, no Federation politician would risk burning the bridges that had been maintain since the Dominion War. If Romulus made a general, yet negative statement, condoning Federation interference in their government affairs, the rebuke would be enough for scare the Council from becoming too involved with Cariel III.

"It will be done," D'Aerrol promised. In his mind he was also contemplating ways of getting the message across to the people of Cariel themselves. Perhaps a search and seizure operation against some of the freighter traffic near their planet? Pirates and smugglers could be found anywhere, you know. That was something he'd have to bring up with his contacts in the Imperial Fleet. "You're a well-connected man, Mr. Raddon. I don't suppose you could also find out the positions of any Starfleet vessels in or near Cariel's sector?"

Melvyn understood that such an olive branch to the Romulan Ambassador would require some sacrifice on his part. As much as he sought to maintain the purity and sanctity of the Federation, he was not willing to compromise its security just to expel a back-water colony. However, there was a middle road.

"Seeing as how Cariel III is not a Federation member planet nor a protectorate, I would not have a problem with providing any information I may com across regarding Starfleet vessels within that area." He stated. "However, I will not provide any information that may endanger the lives of any Federation citizen" Melvyn rationalized aloud, more to himself than anyone else.

"A completely reasonable position," the Ambassador said. "Please understand that I require this information not to provoke a conflict with Starfleet, but to help our Warbird commanders avoid one. Believe me when I say that the last thing I want is for this Cariel situation to escalate beyond our control."

Melvyn nodded in return. "I look forward to the both of us accomplishing our respective goals." He said as he reached to deactivate the link.

"As do I, Mr. Raddon. Thank you for reaching out to me. I will be in touch."


Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corporation

Maekhav D'Aerrol
Romulan Ambassador


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