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Differing Views

Posted on Sun Feb 28, 2016 @ 10:54pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Edited on on Sun Feb 28, 2016 @ 10:57pm

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Upper Promanade
Timeline: MD 12 - 03:00

"There's no drinking on the promenade." Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis said as he approached his predecessor.

"Really?" Dorian Gabriel said with very little concern for the gold tunic the approaching officer was wearing. "I guess I'll have to remember that for next time." He said as he took another swig from the bottle in his hand. From his view he was able to look down at the patrons who were making their way into the Dilithium Chamber just two levels below him.

Since it's opening the Dilithium Chamber had proven to be one of the more consistently popular attractions on the promenade. Particularly, for the human population of the station. His employer, Melyvn Raddon, had intended for it to be a "home away from home" for the Humans on the station who felt marginalized and perhaps forgotten by the Federation Administration onboard. Dorian didn't disagree; however, his concerns were more external than internal.

"Don't you ever get tired of being such a pain in everyone's ass? You were a sub-standard Officer, a sub-standard Security Chief, and now years later, you are proving to be a sub-standard citizen of this station!" Lt. Trellis shot back towards the aged man.

Dorian continued to take a sip from his bottle as he watched the crowd clap excitedly for the performing artists that had recently took the stage.

"Don't you ever get tired of being everyone's whipping boy, Si'Lar?" Dorian said, not even feigning the pretense of respecting the Trill's rank. "Starfleet kicks you around however they see fit and you merely bow your head and ask for more." Dorian said pointedly. "All of these years in my shadow, and what do you have to show for it?" He asked.

"I was never in your damned shadow!" The Trill nearly roared as he took a step towards Dorian.

"Really? Then whose shadow did you walk in? Because it certainly wasn't your own." Dorian said as he finally turned to look at the security officer. "All of your years serving this station and the best you have accomplished was rising from Docking Bay security to being the fetching boy for the new Security Chief." Dorian pointed out. "Correction, you can't even claim to have that distinction considering he trusts that Ensign Mayhew more than he does the former Acting Chief!" Dorian said bitingly.

Trellis' chest swelled with anger and his fist unconsciously balled up on their own.

"You...are nothing...Dorian Gabriel." Trellis said through clenched teeth. "You are a failure as a Starfleet Officer and you have nothing to show for it. You have no career, no accomplishments, and worst of all. . .you are alone with no one to care if you died alone in the night." Trellis said maliciously, with the full intent of striking a chord within the Human's body.

Dorian paused for several moments as he studied the simmering Trill before him. His brow raised as a question came to his mind.

"Tell me, Si'Lar. . .why weren't you ever selected as a Trill Host? If I remember correctly, your father is a pretty high-up official within Trill Government and he was joined. What was or. . .is wrong with you?" Dorian asked with slight amusement in his voice.

Something inside of the Trill silently snapped. Trellis looked between Dorian. . .and the rail that he was leaning on, he began to take a step forward when a comm unit chirped to life.

*COM* "RadCOM to Dorian, come in."

Dorian watched the slight movement of the Trill and began to plant his feet in preperation; however, he too was caught off-guard by the sudden interuption.

*COM* "Dorian to RadCOM, I'm here go ahead." he replied.

*COM* "Dorian, Mr. Raddon is preparing to depart for the planetary summit and he wants to go over last minute security details with you before you all leave. He wishes for you to meet him in Docking Bay 3." The communication officer reported.

*COM* "Understood, I'm on my way..." Dorian said as he continued to maintain eye-contact with the Trill. He began to walk past the Officer and as he did he pushed his bottle towards the man's chest.

"Hey Si'Lar, take care of that would you? I'm sure you know where all the trash belongs..."

Dorian Gabriel
Raddon Corps
Former Starfleet Officer

Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigations Officer


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