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Security Detail

Posted on Wed Mar 2, 2016 @ 7:27pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Caleb's Quarters
Timeline: MD 12/2115

Liam frowned as he stepped out of the second turbolift he had had to take from leaving Ops to getting here. The redheaded ensign was still following him. He looked at her confused. "Are you this part of the station too, Ensign?" he asked.

"Oh no. I fancied a walk. In fact, I wondered if you might like to grab a drink. I have some questions about Betazed and, well, the Commander says you’re so informative, sir."

The uncomfortable feeling that this girl was becoming stalker-ish doubled in his stomach. "I'm sorry, Ensign. I have some official business I still need to take care of. In fact, I am pretty tied up for the next couple of weeks."

Her face fell, but she nodded. "Another time then, sir, when you are less busy, of course. My apologies." Finally she went the other direction.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Liam was sure the Security Chief probably didn't count him as his favorite person right now, having to pull what he had in the summit earlier and inflict the Romulan ambassador on him. However, Cades orders were orders. He needed to sort out some security detail ready for tomorrow. Also, he was probably not going to earn any points with the security chief descending on him when he was off shift. Never the less, he would rather speak direct with Caleb Ryan and get his stance on today also. He rang the chime. Liam was not expecting a rainbow haired teenager to open the door though.

Aleczandra brushed her rainbow hair from her blue eyes and looked up at the handsome older man in diplomatic purple. She arched a blonde eyebrow in that condescending teenage way.

“Looking for my dad?” she asked, and then she turned and yelld, “DAD!” She turned back to Liam.

Caleb came out of one of the back office. “Zandy, don’t yell like that. It’s rude.”

“Don’t call me Zandy,” the teen shot back. It almost seemed by rote.

Caleb came to stand next to his daughter. “Lieutenant Reynolds,” he said, a bit surprised at the visit. “Come on in. Can Ah get ya somethin’?” he offered.

“He means can I get you something,” Aleczandra said sarcastically.

Caleb shot his daughter a look.

"No, I'm good, thanks." He nodded at the chief and smiled at the teenager. Something felt off at the younger girl in front of him, like she was there, but not all completely there. He brushed it away though. Teenagers were teenagers. And she was finding herself at this age.

"Sorry to bother you so late, sir. I have just come straight from Ops. Couple of things. I hope the ambassadorial delegations didn't give you too much strife earlier. The Romulans and Cardassians maneuvered me into having to prove our security. I also kind of had to shut the Romulan ambassador down. I apologize immensely if my actions brought any havoc on you."

Caleb shrugged. “Ah can always shoot him,” he said, his smile indicating it was a joke.

"Ah, yes. I have permission to move the summit planetside tomorrow. Neutral ground. They were tag teaming up to pick holes at our station and, can guess the Federation in general. Makes you wonder why half of them bother being in it. Anyway, I am hoping them all seeing what they are squabbling over might actually help in this process. The XO requests I have some security with the diplomatic parties."

“Ah can arrange that,” Caleb mused, moving out of the doorway so Liam could come in if he wished. “How much are ya looking for?” he asked the diplomatic officer.

“Bo-ring!” Aleczandra said. “I’m going out, Daddy,” she said.

“What? It’s a school night, Zandy!” Caleb protested.

“So I won’t go to school, then,” Zandra teased. “Homework’s done. Don’t wait up.” As she slid past Liam, the teen flashed him a sultry smile and goosed his firm bottom.

Caleb scowled. “Ah don’t have time for teenage shenanigans,” he grumbled.

Liam looked uncomfortable and flushed slightly as she cheekily grabbed his arse. He didn't know if Caleb had seen that or not. But he really did not want another young female swooning after him either. Nor did he want an angry, wound up father at him either. He didn't ask for that move from the young girl.

"She's a handful, that one," he said after a moment as the door slide shut. "I can't imagine being a father. Hats up to you, Chief. I don't know how you do it and stay on top of everything else," he complimented.

Caleb gave a wry smile. “Not sure Ah do,” he admitted. “Her mother was able to handle her better…” he said quietly, sadly. But he seemed to shake it off and look back to Liam.

"Just a couple of men would be grand. I don't want too many and to make a big thing of it in case they all start arguing it should be their security or they want to bring their own as well. The Romulans and Cardassians are jumping on every little thing they can to make it an issue. I know its strategy on their part. Stir up the rest of the ambassadors against us, and eventually they’re going to get right to the point and the other shoe drop. The Romulan ambassador’s already said he has fleets deployed somewhere. Thought it best I mention that in case it didn't come up earlier. Mortimer had to go appease the Klingons who walked out at the point."

Caleb paused. “They have a fleet out there?” he said seriously. “Ah’ll have to run some in depth scans of the area, then,” he said with a scowl. “I can spare a couple officers to babysit,” he said, “but do be careful down there.”

"Sure thing," Liam said with a grin. "But not too boring and careful. Us diplomatic officers don't get out much, you know. Thank you, Chief. I'll let you get back to your evening."

Caleb nodded. “Let me know if ya need anything else,” he told the diplomatic officer, walking him back to the door.

"Thanks, Chief," Liam said, stepping out of the door.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief of Secuirty/Tactical

Aleczandra Ryan
NPC Matthew


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