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With the keys to the cage (part 3)

Posted on Sun Jan 3, 2016 @ 6:28am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

2,111 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Verex III
Timeline: MD09 1830

She stepped out into the street, and the door had barely hissed shut behind her when she realised there were people waiting for her.

Six. Six people. She knew she could take anyone of them, one on one. Her sense for a winner told her that she wouldn't even break sweat. If it was one on one. But six together?

Probably. Possibly. It had been a long time, and she wasn't exactly at fighting weight anymore. Would they be dumb enough to come at her one-on-one? Hopefully. If not, this was going to hurt.


She drew the Cats Claw, holding it at her side in a reverse grip so the curved blade lay against her forearm, and stepped into the street.

One of the Orions in front of her flicked a glance to the alley way. She looked to see the boy from before nod, and jerk back into the alley. So that's what this was about.

They came towards her, spaced out so if she tried to run there was no easy exit. She sighed. She just wanted out.

She touched the little band around her hear that held Draxx's communicator. "Ready to-"

The Orion that was slightly Klingon as well lunged forward and grabbed her hair. The tug was short and sharp, enough to force her to take a step back to keep her balance. But the orion hadn't been expecting her accessories, and bellowed with pain as the flesh of his hand was cut to ribbons.

She turned on him, kicking out to put her boot to his mid section and driving him back. Then the rest were on her and she had to move fast to keep them at arms length and unable to come at her as one, slashing at grasping fingers, blocking clumsy swings and throwing one into the other to keep them off balance.

The part Klingon Orion didn't stumble for long. Finding his feet he let out a roar that confirmed that despite his parentage he most certainly was a warrior.

"MINE," he demanded with authority just after the others got one round of hits in. "Wiley women," he glared at her hair, shaking his bleeding hand deliberately directing his blood so it hit her in the face as the others heeded his words and stepped back forming a circle round them both. "Take me by surprise once, it WILL NOT happen again, dishonorable bitch."

Dishonorable? Yolanthe took advantage of the brief pause to catch er breath and laughed at him. Honor was irrelevant. This was kill or be killed. She wiped sweat off her face with one hand, and got ready for his next charge.

He raised the sword and ran at her, changing tack at the last minute smashing her cheek in with the elbow of his injured hand with a loud growl as he unexpectedly swung round behind her whacking the flat part of the sword at the back on her knees. Something cracked as she went down. He was toying with her, he could have easily cut her knees off.

"Why is she changing colour?" one of the others suddenly demanded.

They all suddenly were looking at her curious as her skin rippled different colours. "She didn't look like that when she threatened me," the young lad said.

Changing colour? Crap! She saw her fingers turn orion green as she landed.

As predicted the Klingon wanted to lord it over her, gloat in an apparently easily victory. Suddenly she grinned, fierce and wolfish, and went from green to rich royal blue.

She rolled and kicked, the bridge of her booted foot slamming into his groin. It was his turn to crash down. In one move, she rolled on top of his back, slashed the Cat's claw deep, deep, into the back of his knee, rolled off again and came to her feet, the outer curve of the knife facing him.

Five to one. Better, but not great. Her cheek bone throbbed where he'd slapped her. "Next one gets worse than hamstrung." she promised, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet. "Who's up for it?"

"Why don't we go with whose not?" Draxx's voice rang out suddenly.

"WHO ARE YOU?" demanded the Klingon now smarting in pain from his knee, one of the other men took full use of the distraction to try and kick the cats claw out of Yolanthes hand suddenly and smash her from behind.

She dodged the kick, slicing the lower leg with the knife deep enough that green blood splattered across the ground. He retaliated in a wild lunge that unbalanced him. She moved to throw him, and as he went flying he lashed out, foot connecting with the side of her head, and for a moment she saw stars.

"She's mine," Draxx said almost bored. Yolanthe could see through her blurry vision he was backed up by Biggs and Poppy. And also all of them were holding guns that looked suspiciously like one of the prototypes in the shop. "She ran off thinking she could get away from my servitude. She is far more trouble than she is worth and I have lost far too much money on her already. Gentlemen I apologise for the disruption. She will be disciplined and you will all be compensated."

"Disciplined? Yolanthe asked, her skin turning the pale yellow of a week old bruise.

"And if we don't agree," someone asked as they hauled the Klingon up to his feet. He glared at Yolanthe again.

"Then I will persuade you," Poppy/Lucy said simply.

"Gorn!" the young lad said in amazement.

Gorns could be vicious it was true, whether a female one could do as much damage as a male one being smaller remained to be seen. Harry could certainly wipe the floor with all of them if he so chose too. But the look on her face was enough it seemed to convince this group not to test it.

"We'll take the money," they murmured in agreement. "You take the colour changing bitch."

"And make sure I DO NOT SEE HER AGAIN," bellowed the Klingon, "or I will cut off her head next time."

"Biggs," Draxx indicated the group dispersing. "Compensate them."

He headed over and held his hand out to Yolanthe keeping his voice low. "Well wasn't that exciting. Singed a little bit are you?"

She gave him a baleful glare. "I was doing fine." she hissed.

"Oh I do apologise Mi lady," he said his voice dripping with sarcasm. He pulled his hand away.

"Pride doth commeth you. Okay then, we'll leave you too it, get the angry mob back," he nodded at the Gorn.

"Works for me," Poppy/Lucy nodded and they both turned round to head back.

Before Yolanthe could spit a reply at him, the Orion talking to Biggs about 'Compensation" said, "Thats it? For one of those?"

Draxx suddenly stopped upon hearing that sentence and looked at Yolanthe funny.

"What does that mean?" Poppy/Lucy asked him having caught it too.

"I'm not sure but I am beginning to think we are missing something here," he answered. Something was clouding over his face. He was clearly thinking and weighing up the situation hard.

"Cut our losses," Poppy/Lucy hissed. "She's done nothing but insult us, our ship and no crap kiss or potential deal with a small time bar owner on one space station out of tons we visit is worth this."

"Hummm," Draxx muttered as all eyes were now on Biggs and the men talking.

Poppy rounded on him trying to lower her voice so Yolanthe didn't hear but the alien was too used to loud bars. "Draxx I know we are taking EVERYTHING to try get her back, we all feel bad about what happened, Biggs and his sister are not just your family. We are all family ....... but if we have a potential gold mine on our hands here," she indicated the women still shifting colours, "well its going to help big time in that goal isn't it?"

The first Orion went into a huddle with a second. "I'll buy her from you. You said she's trouble. I'll make it worth your while. Fifty Bars."

At that exchange, Yolanthe's skin started to darken from orion green to the colour of primeval ferns. If Draxx started entertainaing that thought her odds would flatline. She looked around trying to decide the best escape route.

The human captain was silent considering his navigators words and the offer made. Then he slapped a smile on seemingly decision made stepping forward, his usual bravado and swagger back in spades,

"Not today my friend. She's trouble alright but the sex makes up for it. More than makes up for keeping her around. You have heard of the Andorran butterfly?" he looked sleazy as he dangled a sex act that not many could perform into the conversation. The young lad looked curious, the rest of the men had stopped and sighed clearly knowing of its fame.

"Well ...... worth it," he grinned. "And the feistier she is, the better the climax. I guess I am in for a good roll around tonight." He grabbed the bag of Latinum off Biggs and tossed it to the young lad. "For you and your buddies and remember ...... Andorran butterfly." he winked at him. "Adieu gentlemen."

Poppy/Lucy practically let out a roar of annoyance.

"Fucking men," she snarled heading back, scooping up Yolanthe with such speed she didn't think it possible from a lizard species that big and pulling out a remote smashing a button making them all disappear. As Draxx's ship came back into view the others appearing behind her, she practically tossed the other female to the floor stomping off and continuing her rant this time in solid Gorn.

The bokkai dry heaved for a moment and her skin slowly flushed from emerald green to a more yellowish shade.

"Andorran Butterfly?" She managed once her stomach had settled. Turning over she looked up at him. "Not that I'm not grateful for rejecting his offer, but was that really the excuse you had to give?"

"Seriously," Draxx rounded on her. "Now your questioning my improvisation? Forgetting the fact I had to make it credible and your weren't exactly enduring the masses to you, and that you would be the luckiest women alive to get to be in an Andorran butterfly situation with me, clearly your entertaining thoughts about me if you need to make out to my associates down there that I am not wearing a shirt around you ...... I suppose the question I should be asking myself is WHY did I just reject that offer Yolanthe?" he spat at her.

"Same question the rest of the crew are asking Captain," Biggs smarted shoving past Yolanthe and Draxx.

"Great," Draxx snapped. "Now I have a pissed off engineer and navigator. Have you any idea on the damage control there?"

Where next?" he growled. "Lucky for you when I say I am going to do a job I see it through."

"I'm entertaining thoughts?" She got to her feet and looked down at him. "Sorry sweetheart, but it takes a lot more than some trollop parading around half dressed to entertain me."

"Trollop. That's a good story Princess. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight," Draxx retorted.

"You're delusional." She snorted back. "And for your information I prefer a man who knows his place, not some puffed up peacock who thinks he's the ancestors gift to women."

"The more you insult me," Draxx said leaning in smirking right in her face. "The more I know I have got under your perfect multi-coloured skin. Tell yourself whatever you need to sweetheart. Now where too?" he demanded again.

Yolanthe went perfectly white for a moment, all over, every last hair, every last hint of skin. She opened her mouth for a comeback, realised she couldn't win against him, and shut her jaw with a click.

"Siva 6," she said after a moment, "Your arms dealer friend said he'd send exact co-ordinate. She took a deep breath and her colour returned, to shades of pastel orange.

"Right. I'm going to suggest you stay out of the bridge on account of I don't want two angry females, and me in a confined space. I'll let you know when we get there," he set off following his disgruntled crew then turned back slightly.

"Oh and try to stop thinking about me with my shirt off,"


A JP between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Ricardo Draxx


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