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White Knight

Posted on Sat Dec 26, 2015 @ 6:31pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,255 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: SS The Pride of Betazed, Orbit of Risa
Timeline: 2388


The new girl was, Klia decided, weird. For a start, she changed colour. All the time. Everytime she looked, the strange woman was a different shade of blue or purple or turqoise, fluctuating like an aurora borealis.

And she was tall. No she wasn't tall, she was fucking huge. Klia was used to people being taller than her. At just 1.5 meters almost the entire adult galaxy was taller than her, but the new girl was one of the tallest she'd ever seen, and she'd spent time with several Klingon females.

Neither of those two facts was enough alone to make her weird, but it was the way she reacted to the other stuff. She defered to the Pride's XO readily, but didn't seem to rate the Captain. Which Klia found odd because Commander Veela was an iron bitch and Captain Deh'ra was avuncular and open, keeping his discipline within a velvet glove. The entire crew preferred the captain over his number two. Except the crazy girl with the skin like a lava lamp.

Now she watching the woman wonder around the Presidential Lounge on the Pride of Betazed, her steward's uniform looking extra bright white against her royal blue skin. Klia noted that quite a few of the passengers were watching her with interest. She wasn't surprised. Enormous blue women weren't exactly common, even in an infinitely diverse universe.

A hand dropped onto her shoulder. Klia slid her eyes sideways to see a young man, human like, (she wasn't going to assume human) brown hair in a side parting, with brown eyes that were entirely nondescript. She swallowed her sigh.

"Good evening, Sir." She stepped to the side, dropping her shoulder to take it out of his touch. Being polite to this creep was definitely a down side of an otherwise perfect job. He had spent all of the three days since coming on board hanging around the holosuites near constantly. She hadn't bothered to learn his name. He was just another creeper.

"I want another holosuite."

What a surprise "Let me check." She consulted her padd with all the reservations details. "Holosuite nine should be available,"

She led the way, conscious that he followed so close to her he was scant centimeters from treading on her feet.

When they go to the suite, the closest to the Lounge, the door opened and he stood in the arch. "Can I have pleasure goddesses of Riix?"

Again. Ugh. Such an appropriate choice for such a creeper. She was good at not shuddering. "Coming right up." she entered the program code.

The doors began to close, but before they could seal him away, he tugged on her wrist and she stumbled across the threshold, tripping into his hands.

"Stay with me," he asked, face earnest "I can help you."

Alarm stabbed through her. "What?!"

"I know all about Animal Women. Their appetites. How its their hormones, that they can't help it." he gave the explanation with an earnest smile.

What? there was no way. She had her hormones under control. She had the prescriptions to prove it.

"I've seen you looking at me," the creep continued. "I've studied you. Seen the signals. I know you need help. My help. You want it"

Panic gripped her. She knew where this was going now. Gods below help her. She'd rather endure the advances of some over-privileged dick than this creep thinking he was doing a good deed. "I don't want your help!"

He pressed closer, holding her arms in both hands. "I can see it. But don't worry, I can help."

"I said I don't need your help." She tried to twist away. He grabbed for her, there was a brief scramble and she tripped again, this time falling head first into the holosuite doors with enough force that they rang like a bell. White light exploded behind her eyes and her head was smothered in fuzz.

The next thing she knew she was lying in sweetly scented grass, blue skies over head filled with fluffy clouds. And the creeper was crouched over her, stroking her face.

"Shh" he purred. "Don't try an move You've hurt yourself. I'll look after you. I'll take care of you."

"Get off me!" She pushed at him, but he outweighed her enough that it had no effect, and she was left trapped underneath him.

"You need help," he insisted. "Let me help you." He pulled at the poppers on her pants then shoved his hand inside.

"Get off!" She grabbed for his hand.

"No!" He shrieked, desperately slapping at her hand then putting his own on her face to push her back. She struck her head against the ground and when she tried to rise again, everything swam.

"Sorry! he gasped. "I'm so sorry, sorry." But his right hand didn't stop its reach inside her clothes. "You need this. Just let me do this, everything will feel better."

She couldn't tell if it was his words or the concussion that made her want to throw up.

"I don't want this!"

"Hush, hush." he whispered. His other hand was fumbling at his own clothes. "Don't worry, I'll make it all better. "Just-"

He didn't finish. His weight was suddenly absent from her body. Then she heard him yell, and rolled over to see him hauled upright, almost dangling, in the grip of an avenging angel.

She'd seen creatures like that. Carved on ancient temples. She was pure white, like snow and ice. The angel shoved the creep away, sending him sprawling to his back ten feet from her. He went down, and stayed down, wimpering.

Klia wanted to jump up and applaud. The relief she felt at the rescue made her dizzy to boot. Thank holy fuck that this blazing white fury had come by.

"You alright?" the valkyrie asked her, offering a hand. "I heard a crash. Thought I'd better check it out."

Klia struggled to sit up, and realised that the goddess that had came to her aid was merely mortal. The new girl. There wasn't a hint of colour, anywhere. Even her eyes, uninterrupted white from edge to edge. Not even on her uniform.

"I need to be sick." she muttered. Then rolled over and did so.

When she was done, the brilliant white angel was gone, and the new girl was a more usual blue, even if it was just a slight hint, like morning mist. "Lets get you to the medicine-woman."
She hauled Klia up and set her on her feet. "Then I'll talk to security about that little slag."

"Cheers." Klia tugged her clothing back into place as she walked gingerly out. It was enough for now. When she was done reporting this shit she was going to go through a transporter to get every last molecule of him off her skin and then she was going to scrub for a week. If he'd actually suceeded... Her guts clenched at the thought. If it hadn't been for the bar tender, who'd been decent enough - or maybe just not jaded enough- to invesitgate a crash in a holosuite. Hadn't assumed that she was like every other sort of Orion woman...

She looked the statuesque woman up and down. She was still freaky tall. still changing colour. "I'm Klia."

The tall woman nodded, pausing to let Klia walk out. "Yolanthe."

Klia nodded. "I am so very pleased to meet you."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Lounge Manager
Pride of Betazed

Klia N'shahdrah
Holosuite co-ordinator
Pride of Betazed


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