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Haul together

Posted on Fri Dec 18, 2015 @ 1:31am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,101 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Orbit of Verex III
Timeline: MD09 1700


They had arrived at the infamous slave market at Verex III in good time. Someone had just banged on her door to tell her they had arrived and to get ready to go.

SHe went over to the gym bag and sorted through it. She wasn't going to take everything in that bag yet. That would come later. It would stand out too much down there. Instead she kept to the Cats Claw. The viciously curved dagger would make a bloody mess of anyone who got too close to her. She also took out the hypospray, and a small tin.

She'd braided her hair back, close to her head to kepp it out of her face. The indiviudal rows all worked back to where it all met into a single tail It would make a tempting target, very grabble. But she was prepared for that.

She slipped into her coat. It came to her calves, but had a high collar that would protect her neck, and the mantle would give extra protection to her shoulders. She opened the small tin she had taken from her bag, and put on gloves before reaching inwith extreme care and pulling out its contents.

It was a several lengths of wire, all bound together at each end, into a short hook. Wrapped around the wires were sharp barbs and tiny razor sharp blades. She hooked one end into the top of the tailt, and then started to braid it into a plait, combining the wire with the plait. She tied the plait off at the end, then carefully secured the final hook into the band. Anyone who grabbed it now would get a vicious and nasty surprise.

Then there was only the final touch. She picked up the hypospray. She needed happy thoughts. There were plenty of blue species. It wouldn't stand out as much as say, yellow. And she would not be green down there. Not under any circumstances

Happy thoughts. The roar of the crowd, The adrenalin of being still alive, the weight of a scalp hanging in a hand. The sweet pleasure of red flesh under her fingers. Memories of her first Sambuca; Klia insisting that it was a terran delicacy; The gales of laughter when she knocked it back and realised it was probably close to drain cleaner and practically choked.

Of celebrating a year at the box with Edward, pleasant unassuming company that lacked Pelin's sweet but awkward shyness, and dry wit that lacked Ahjess's spite. Of watching Ahjess and Blake fight over the remote control to the LCARS screen in the recroom, like two children, relaxed and silly.

Of Tharek, strong hands round her thighs, kneeling between them, pleasuring her till she couldn't breathe, let alone scream his name, till she'd been red as human blood, and then darker still during what followed. Of bathing him after, quiet and gentle and intimate.

Thinking of it all, her skin flushed, pale blue at first, then sharpening, deepening until she was tropical blue. That was good enough. She rammed the hypospray into her neck, and pressed the button. The drug would freeze the chromaspores in her skin, holding her blue skin for a while, whatever she felt. Not for long. Maybe an hour. She'd just have to hope she could get down there and find where Klia went in time.

She opened the cabin door, and nodded to Draxx. "I'm ready. Let's go."

Draxx looked her up and down. "Nice hair pumpkin. So your all ready for battle then?" It was a rhetorical question on his part. He knew how to use clothing to your best advantage to shield parts of you.

The rhetoric was lost on her. "This is me going for a friendly chat. When I dress for battle, you'll know."

He passed her a small PADD. "If you say so sweetheart. What my contact managed to find out for you. You want to find a Bolian called Bobbo believe it or not. They are not very original with their code names here it seems. Bobbo the Bolian. Anyway he has information. You need to get to a spice shop called .... " he looked bemused. "Sweet and Spice. Really. They don't do names justice here at all. Sounds right up your alley though."

"Look I know this is something you have to do yourself and we never made the deal that we would go in any further than getting you here but .... " he also handed her a tiny communicator. It looked like a tiny earring. "If you don't get sliced into pieces and you need a way out we will be in the merchants sector. Nowhere near the spices," he added as an afterthought.

She looked at it. All she'd bought was the lift here, and then again on to get Klia. but actual backup if it went nasty might be very useful.

As they walked to the end of the ship where he had a single transporter, he grabbed her hand before she stepped on it. "Wait. I am calling in that kiss now. In case you don't make it back," he said simply.

"This is only stage one. I'll be back." she insisted.

"Yeah we'll see," Draxx stated.

"Fine. Whatever." She leaned down, tipping his chin up with one hand and kissed him for a second, softly, gently, but with zero commitment. It was reflex, falling back to the old standby. The way that said. You don't want to be here, I don't want to be here. The Duty sucks, but here we are, I'm just doing what I have to to get us both through it.

"What was THAT?" he demanded. "The deal was a real kiss. Whatever that was. You weren't even there. It would be more interesting kissing Poppy," he stated with indignation turning away from her.

She was meant to be this Amazonian that you didn't cross. Her reputation on the star base put her at dangerous, exotic, interesting, knowing that feeling of living on the edge. She was supposed to be tougher, a million times better than any of those flower pot geisha's. In fact she was supposed to pride herself on being better and providing a better service. He had expected far more. But no, all he got just then was a scared little girl. What a waste of payment he chided himself.

"Just go Yolanthe. If I don't hear from you in 4 hours I'm calling it your under a slab somewhere."


A JP between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Ricardo Draxx


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