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Heave Ho, Theives and Beggers

Posted on Fri Dec 11, 2015 @ 4:58pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

2,163 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Docking Bay 550
Timeline: MD07 0600


Yolanthe was a pale jade by the time she'd arranged her affairs. She'd told Edward Stapleton where she was going. She told him where to find the relevant document packet for if she didn't come back. She'd stopped at her quarters, barely used in over a year. There was a thin layer of dust in Klia's room. She didn't care. If they came back, they'd clean it. But she wanted some clothes for both of them. Then she'd stopped into the Box and rescued the bricks worth of latinum from the safe and the locker key that was tucked inside the gold lame posing pouch on her trophy wall. With that, she opened her locker up in the holo suites and retrieved the gym bag that held some important personal belongings.

Harry met her at docking bay 550. At 800lbs and 8 feet tall, he overshadowed her in height and width by some margin. Next to him she looked like a delicate flower, despite her statuesque height and build. The thought turned her a sandy ochre. She hated looking weak.

"Thanks for this, Harry."

The huge gorn looked down on her. "no problem Boss. Helped avoid the usual awkward breakfast."

She gave him a look, eyebrow raised. He grinned. "There was an all female Parises Squares team in last night. Centre point and Goal Forward came home with me."

"Just the two?"

"The others were too drunk. You need proper co-ordination to handle this much man." He laughed then, deep and relaxed. "Just as well, eh? If they weren't I doubt even I'd manage a booty call at 6 AM"

"Well not to cast aspersions, but I'm hoping to leave quickly." Yolanthe told him.

Har'Silar shrugged. "Wham, Bam, Thank you, Ma'am? I can do that. I'll have her fucked through the mattress in sixty seconds flat if you need."

The ochre turned a sparkling blue for a moment as Yolanthe tried not to smile. "Don't break the ship before we leave. Just... Just don't piss her off. I don't know how long I'm going to need these people, and I don't want them with any incentive to space me more than they have."

"Want me to come along?"

She considered it. "I want to be in and out of Verex III as fast as I can, and no offense big guy, but you're kind of noticeable."

"Says the six foot plus walking mood ring."

"Yeah well, For that I have a plan." Yolanthe squared her shoulders and nodded to the ship parked up in the bay. "Wanna go knock?"

They didn't need to "go knock" as, as soon as they were about half way across the giant hanger bay the large door to the cargo hold creaked open and Draxx could be seen with his arms draped over the two girls from last night. Only in trousers and his boots at present, he leaned into both whispered something, kissed them each deeply and then slapped their butts playfully as they detached themselves from him and set off away. They were giggling when they passed Yolanthe and Harry. But the Trill once again glared at her upon recognising her from last night.

"He's with us," She stated angrily. "Keep your mitts off."

Biggs had appeared and handed Draxx a shirt which he just about had buttoned once Yolanthe and Harry reached them. "Ahh you agreed," he addressed Harry in full Gorn."Thank you, she's right in there. I don't think she will give you an easy time of it though."

Harry looked down at him, tongue flicking out, tasting the air. "No, she won't." He moved forward. The stabilizing legs creaked as his bulk worked its way up to the ramp to the interior.

"Is it a species thing?" Draxx asked Yolanthe as Harry disappeared further inside. "Are they all grumpy as shit? I tell you if she wasn't the best navigator I had come across, I think I would reconsider employment on this fucking hormonal PMT."

She didn't get a chance to answer as he looked over her shoulder and suddenly yelled. "BOK you pathetic SOB, you're late! GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE." Turning back to Yolanthe he raised a finger his voice just a calm as a second before. "One moment pumpkin."

She watched, teeth grinding and turning ochre, as a Ferengi male tried to run while dragging a big carry all. Biggs joined Draxx and he was suddenly pressed up against the ships left stabilising leg by both men. Voices were low for a couple of minutes until Draxx stepped back picked up the holdall and ordered loudly. "Rip both his arms off." The Ferengi looked terrified.

"No no please. It was Novac who .... I'm just the messenger ..... PLEASE Draxx. Pleaaaaase."

The human stopped thought it over and stretched. You could hear his neck click. He turned round once more. "Break one arm and you take this message back to Novac that if he doesn't pay up in full next time we are in port, then I am coming for him." The danger in his voice with that statement was unmissable. He reached Yolanthe again.

"I am not a morning person," he stated simply. "So tour?" he asked raising his arm in the direction of the ship. A loud crash was heard deeper in accompanied by lots of Gorn hissing and behind them there was a loud crack and the Ferengi screamed.

Yolanthe didn't turn away from the Ferengi; the ochre turning to a sunset orange. She couldn't interfere, that was a given. And for all she loathed Ferengi, she loathed seeing men hurt even more, and loathed herself, for a moment, for doing nothing.

The crying Ferengi limped away, right arm cradled to his chest. She watched him go. the bitter orange of her skin fading back a little. She gave Draxx a bright, fake. smile. "A Tour sounds good."

"Cargo bay. Lots of nice hiding spots in here," he stated. As more Gorn hissing and crashing was heard, them both witnessing several containers suddenly flying, he steered her towards a ladder leading up. "Lets just leave them to it. Do you have anything you want stashed down here?"

She shook her head, swinging her gym bag around to her back so she could climb the ladder.

"Crew quarters to the left here," he said as they reached the next level. "You have the distinct honour of having a room to yourself." He stopped outside a door and indicated room 5. "Bathroom facilities and galley through there to the right." They stopped just before the galley and there was more ladder rungs going up and down. "Engines, weapons, he indicated down. "I'd rather you didn't venture into either. And up to the bridge. You may go in there."

There was several almighty roars below as Biggs appeared behind them. "They have practically destroyed half the cargo bay. Luckily it was empty containers," he shrugged at Draxx. They followed him up to the bridge.

"So Verex III," Draxx stated looking at her. He was giving her a chance to tell them if there was anything further they needed to know. Yesterday he had promised not to put any of her people in danger. He wondered if she would do the same for his.

"Verex III" she confirmed, not saying any more. It was none of his business what she was there for.

She disappointed him. Draxx toyed with the idea of just dumping her there out of sheer spite but the idea of annoying the Klingon who clearly wasn't a fan of her, by bringing her back again if she did manage to do whatever idiot thing she was attempting alone in such a crazy place was more appealing.

"Well, we are just waiting on our navigator finishing up and then we will get going pumpkin,"

"How fast?" The orange was becoming a golden yellow. "Hours? Days?"

"I think we are looking about four days, Poppy can confirm. Biggs we have made this trip a couple of times yes?" Draxx asked.

"Yes Sir. Bought 4 days."

"Four days." She wanted to think it didn't matter. Klia would be long gone from there already. That romulan had been at the infamous auctions there weeks ago. But the quicker she could get there, the quicker she could find Klia and bring her home. She went a middling shade of grey, twirling a strand of charcoal hair around a finger in an anxious gesture. "That's it?"

"Well Poppy might be able to shave some time off and us push the engines," Draxx stated, "I suppose it depends on how happy she is."

There was a triumphant roar from below that vibrated across their skins, echoing back off the bulkheads into a throbbing mass that took full minute to die away. She turned a sharp aqua, not knowing if it marked the end of proceedings or just the beginning. Given how long she had been on board, she hoped it wasn't the former.

"Look, I need to get there fast. If I could get there yesterday it would still be too slow. Isn't there anything you can do?"

"Well of course there's plenty I can do," Draxx told her. "I can really push the engines - it means more expense at fuel for me of course. I like to operate in certain costs but I suppose I could look to waver things for you pumpkin. We can slingshot round the purple giant on route and shave maybe a day or more. We have done it before. Ups the excitement of course and makes for an interesting ride but ..... for me to want to do that, I am going to need more information on what's so important we have to be there quicker?" He finished simply.

She wasn't going to win this one without sharing. She went a bright lemony yellow, and her knuckles tighted on the handles of her gym bag. "Information. Purchase records." She left it at that. he could assume whatever he liked, but if he had been to Verex III as often as he claimed, then he could figure the rest out.

Draxx laughed. "So if I was to guess, your looking for a slave or your rescuing someone whose fate sadly saw them become a slave. Got it. I can probably help get you some of that before we even arrive. I have contacts I can speak to before we get there you know. But without an name....."

She was determined to be stubborn, so low behold her. And jesus did she think he was actually interested in what was in the bag the way she was holding on to it for dear life.

He stood up. "Coffee time I think," as another crash was heard then an alarm sensing the cargo bay door had openned. Draxx pressed a button on a console to his right bring up video feed. Harry was leaving. "And possibly something to smoke for Poppy."

Yolanthe watched Harry swagger down the ramp with a sudden twinge of nerves, colouring her green as grass.

"I'm in hock to you enough, Don't you think?"  She asked him.  "All I want from you is a fast ship and no questions."

"You don't go into this sort of place without backup," Draxx said honestly. "And you already agreed to my terms. You wouldn't be any further in "Hock" whatever the hell that means. Your a stubborn woman aren't you? Have it your way Pumpkin. I have business I can do to make it not a wasted trip if you end up missing or dead. Its not like the Klingons going to get annoyed at me if you don't make it back "

Poppy stomped in to a cheer from all the rest in the bridge. She hissed several times at them before slamming herself down in the oversized seat at the front and powering up the engines. "Double time Pops, and we have a slight detour," Draxx informed her in standard.

"Detour?" the yellow paled further.

"Purple giant, slingshot pumpkin. We are not going our usual way that's all. Relax I have said I will get you there quicker," Draxx stated.

Yolanthe breathed a sigh of relief, her skin turning a pale blue, her hair slightly more intense. "Thank you." She looked down, and forced her hands to loosen their death grip on her holdall. Maybe he could be helpful. She took another breath in and out. "Her name is Klia. She's orion. But she's.. she was.." She thought how to describe it, and went with the word Klia had used herself. "...neutered...when she was a teenager. She's not a typical orion. hasn't got their aggression, or their defenses."

"Klia," Draxx rolled the alien name round in his mouth. "I'll put some feelers out."

She hefted the bag back onto her shoulder and turned back towards the cabins. "Thank you."


A JP Between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Propriator, The Box of Delights

Ricardo Draxx


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