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The First Move.

Posted on Wed Oct 7, 2015 @ 12:55pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

2,636 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 56. Diplomatic Corps Offices
Timeline: MD04: 10:00

" then I looked at the Finance Minister and said, 'with a face like that, we'll have to take the WHOLE party to Netevron III!' " Melvyn Raddon said in that joyful tone that always signified his rancorous sense of humor.

Dorian Gabriel smirked in response. He understood the humor of the reference, but he just didn't think that now was the moment to share crude jokes right before an important meeting before the Federation Diplomatic Office.

"Ahh, Dorian my boy, you need to relax and find pleasure in the simpler things in life. Otherwise you'll. . .well, you'll end up like the way you are now." Melvyn said as he slapped the younger man on the shoulder.

"mmfff..." Dorian grunted in response. "Yes, sir." He added just as the double doors to the lift opened to the Federation Embassy office.

"What a pleasure to meet you face-to-face," Melvyn said as he extended his hand to the El-Aurian. "This is my security consultant, Dorian Gabriel." He said, gesturing to the stoic man.

My, my thought Mortimer. He knew the history of Dorian Gabriel though he was not sure the diplomatic officer present did. It had not come to his knowledge that the ex Starfleet officer had found new employment, otherwise he would have given a full briefing. Heads would roll.

"Well, well, well," Mortimer said in his usual obsequiously affable tone, "we are always keen to converse with the merchant elite that make our humble station their home."

"Sir," Dorian responded curtly as he shook the Ambassador's hand. Typical stuff shirt, why use 5 words when you can use 10 instead. . . Dorian thought with slight annoyance. He looked around the suite and noticed that the new inhabitants had made changes since his time as the Chief of Security several years prior. He wondered just how many Federation citizens they had risked their lives to save during the last crisis. Dorian was sure he'd be disappointing if not enraged if he actually asked that question. Diplomats hardly served a role in the defense of the Federation, mostly it was there job to placate the various forces that opposed the Federation.

This one in front of him probably fell into the same category.

"Yes, the Raddon Corporation has most definitely made this station and surrounding area its home. In fact, that's what I wanted to speak to you about. Do you have a more...private place where we could speak?" Melvyn asked with that smile of his.

"We've arranged a side office," Sir Mortimer replied, "it is quite private."

"And I arranged some refreshments," Liam said smoothly deciding it was time to step into the little party that was unfolding in his new workplace. He had been watching them for a little while. He knew Tallon and Mortimer from sight having studied their profiles recently. Whether both were aware who he was remained to be seen. He didn't quite know who the rest were but it was always fun sometimes to wing it. That and it gave him a first hand view of how these two other diplomats handled things.

"Liam Reynolds. The new face on the block," Liam bowed his head slightly in a sign of respect.

"Well, you joined us at a most interesting time," Sir Mortimer said. He wasn't going to talk about the *external* negotiations with outsiders present (for the businessmen were outsiders ... not quite part of the diplomatic community). There would be plenty of time for that once this meeting was out of the way.

Liam smiled warmly at the other man. "Please, lead the way,"

Dorian followed the group as the walked through the long corridor to the more secluded conference room. During his time as the Security Attache' on Qo'Nos, he became familiar with the subtle security features that many diplomatic embassies employed. "Strength through Subtly" was the phrase Dorian always thought of whenever he would enter a room that was clearly designed to incapacitate and disable all inhabitants within a room within seconds.

"Mr. Reynolds, thank you for taking the time to meet with me." Mr. Raddon said as he took a seat at the end of the table. "With the sudden changes that have taken place around the station I'm sure you have had your hands full. I know I have." He commented.

Liam wasn't sure if the man in front of his was aware he was an empath, but regardless to that fact he was fully aware that he was being buttered up. But then again, wasn't that the "game". Liam kept his face neutral and took a moment before replying calmly.

"Mr Raddon, I would expect nothing less from such a successful and astute business man as yourself and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to pay us a visit. What can we do for you?"

Mr. Raddon nodded in response. "Well, there's no point in beating around the bush. I'm here to speak to you in regards to settlement rights of the new planet that we have recently "discovered" or perhaps...has "discovered" us." He said.

"I'm going to take a crew down to the surface and begin preliminary investigation into the minerals and other natural resources that are available." Mr. Raddon said, getting straight to the point. "Since I've enjoyed such a warm relationship with Starfleet and the Federation for so long I wanted to discuss with you any potential problems you believe may exists." Mr. Raddon said.

In reality he had already begun sending scouting parties to survey the planet from space. He was preparing to send his first scouting party within the next few days. However, he always found it best to announce his intentions to those around him so that there were no surprises. However, he wanted to make it clear that he had already made the first move.

Liam pressed his fingers together gently. "Mr Raddon, you are fully aware that things are not that simple. It's a mine field of problems. Every diplomatic representative of every race on the station, possibly in the whole of the quadrant is thinking completely along the same lines. That they want to send probes, take a crew down and settlement rights."

"How is your request to do this any more or less important than say," Liam pulled his PADD up so the man could see the hundreds of messages coming in from all governments reacting to the news of this planets sudden appearance. "The Klingon high council, the Romulan empire, the Andorrans, the Ferengi, need I go on?"

"Because I'm not a Klingon, Romulan, Andorian, or heaven-forbid, a Ferengi..." Mr. Raddon said rather sourly.

"And what if the planet is inhabited by a race already? And if it isn't, what if its not habitable? What if it was to disappear as quickly as it appeared. We have no guarantees it will still be there each morning let alone in a few days. These questions need to be determined before anyone lays claims to anything on that planet."

Liam sighed softly. "I cannot, of course stop you sending your own scouts and probes but I also cannot protect you against any other parties that may also decide to take matters in to their own hands when they to arrive. What I would ask of you is patience and to be our honoured guest while we await the many other parties currently on route to the station, of which I will be offering the same advice before calling for a proper summit to look into and discuss matters."

Sir Mortimer cleared his throat, "I think what Lieutenant Reynolds means to say is that any planetary excursions would be premature. We must observe the Prime Directive," he turned his baleful gaze to the diplomat, "If you have prematurely ej .. enactivated your forces, then now would be the time to recall them before any damage is done."

"Lieutenant Reynolds meant to say exactly what Lieutenant Reynolds just said," Liam clarified firmly.

"But yes I would agree that recalling any forces would be prudent." He made a mental note to speak to Mortimer at another point as such a statement as he just made showed a lack of respect and confidence in the abilities of his new boss.

Sir Mortimer placed his small untouched glass of sherry aside, "I apologies of course," he muttered with a twist of his overbred lip, "Mr Raddon, is, I'm sure, fully aware of Federation protocol, and fully willing to observe it."

"Gentlemen," Mr. Raddon responded with a smile. "You fail to see the opportunity that has presented itself here. This is not a time to wait for Federation protocols and regulations to catch up with innovation. My organization is agile enough to take advantage of this gift without being bogged down by the laborious and rather tedious protocols that shackle the Federation, the Romulans, Klingons, and every other outsider on your list." Mr. Raddon said pointedly.

"This...." He said, gesturing to the nearest window facing the newly arrived planet. "Is a golden opportunity for humanity! I can assure you that the other governments are not wringing their hands trying to determine what is in our best interest." He said, attempting to appeal to their common racial heritage.

Liam smiled. "Mr Raddon, that planet is not an opportunity for "us" in Starfleet to profit nor can we shake off our "protocols and regulations."

"If you truly think that could happen I wonder why you decided to consult with us at all. You came to us for advice, this is the situation as it stands and I am sorry that I cannot lay things out the way you would like it to be. I do hope, as Mr Mortimer advised earlier, that you will observe Federation protocol and be our honoured guest during the proceedings. We can then bring your requests to the table with all the rest."

Mr. Raddon shook his head and sighed aloud. It was as if they were speaking two completely distinct languages. They were more focused on formalities than taking advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity. He turned back around to face the senior diplomatic officer.

"Do you truly believe that our...friends will truly come to the table with open hands waiting in line patiently for their turn on the planet surface?" He asked directly. "Is your Starfleet-induced idealism so blinding that you believe their diplomats are instructing them on the virtues of patience?" Mr Raddon asked pointedly.

"I truly believe that "our friends" will all have plenty to say about things, as will you sir, in the summit I will be arranging," Liam stated firmly. "Now will you be joining us in the meantime? If so I will arrange quarters immediately. If not then I will arrange your invitation come to you as soon as its organised."

Dorian watched the conversation with interest. It was the same discussion, just different voices. He had always believed that Starfleet was too conservative when it came to utilizing its strategic advantages. Battles were won by those who had the most Beans, Bullets, and Band-aids. A Commander's objective was to always feed, re-supply, and heal his troops on the front line better than the enemy. This planet represented an opportunity for Starfleet to discover what advantages this planet supplied and how to best manage them before any other government.

Unfortunately, the stuff-shirts could not see beyond their own conference table.

Liam could feel the musings emanating off the other man, from the emotions he wasn't a fan either but he took the opportunity to try change subjects before Raddock tried for a third time to convince him letting the businessman have that planet was the only way to save humanity again. "Sorry I didn't catch your name? Will you be joining us?"

"I didn't offer it," Dorian responded curtly. He looked towards Mr. Raddon waiting to see what his employer's next move would be. It was obvious that the Diplomat were more focused on defending their reputations than defending Humanity's interest against the approaching storm. Mr. Raddon returned his glance and gave a knowing nod. Dorian stood and buttoned his jacket as Mr. Raddon walked away from the viewing window towards Mr. Reynolds.

"Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Praxis, I thank you for taking the time to meet with me." Mr. Raddon said as he grasped the men's hand.

Liam plastered a very diplomatic smile over his face as he watched them retreat saying, "Good bye gentlemen."

He immediately turned back to Tallon and Mortimer. He motioned for them to sit down once more. "So," he asked the other two, "Raddons only interested in the money and that delightful second chap? What's his deal? Raddons muscle?" he asked.

Sir Mortimer cleared his throat. He didn't sit. "Mr Gabriel is a local trouble maker," he told the diplomat. "He used to be a member of Starfleet, indeed the Chief of Security on this station. A series of incidents lead to his dismissal. Unfortunately for us he has chosen to make his home here."

"Well isn't that the icing on the cake," Liam chuckled. "So he knows how we think, probably all the secrets of the station and you don't need to be able to tune into emotions to know he's no longer a Starfleet fan."

The part betazed laid back and cast an eye over both his new staff. Mortimer did not look comfortable in the slightest.

"So sorry about kinda springing myself on you like that. I'm Liam. I have only been a diplomat a short while and was a counselor before that. Most of my diplomatic work has been on Betazed where ..... well its easy to know what they are thinking. I think I am going to need to rely on you both to help me get up to speed."

Mortimer linked his fingers behind his back, "The Department will prepare a precis, my assistant Mr Woolsack will have it with you by the end of the shift," he assured the diplomat.

"Mr Mortimer," Liam asked curiously. "Are you knighted?"

Praxis allowed himself a slight smile and nodded his acknowledgement. "I have had that honour bestowed upon me," he replied with enough pompous dignity to fill a thousand Knights of the Realm, "A customary throwback to a more dignified age, but an honour all the same."

Liam nodded impressed. He now knew an actual boneafide knight. "You will have to tell me the story of how you came to be bestowed upon that honor. Perhaps," his smile dropped as his PADD beeped as another message came in. "Oh the Vorta ..." his eyebrows raised with interest. "Perhaps when we are less busy."

"Of course," he replied with a polite bow.

"Right then boys," Liam jumped up. "We have work to do. Sir Mortimer, can you get your assistant to call together a staff meeting first thing tomorrow?

"I'm sending you both copies of some of the messages from who has contacted us so far. Splitting the list up for us to go over. Todays "homework" is to sift through and work out what requests are purely information and can be dealt with immediately and when we reconvene we will narrow down that list so we have a clearer picture as to who's actually going to be turning up. Then we will get a plan in motion. So bring your thinking hats," he winked at both of them.

lets sign off here. :)

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor/Winder of Red Tape

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Mr. Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corps.

Dorian Gabriel
Raddon Corps.

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor
NPC by Louise


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