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Fae-t Accompli

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2015 @ 2:40pm by Shea & Orrin

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Bembleman's Bakery
Timeline: MD03 16:30

Shea opened her eyes. She preferred being active at night, when the more interesting mortals were around, and as a result she tended to nap during the day, so she was sleeping when she felt it.

The Ingress was fully open. The veil between worlds was no longer thin. It had been torn away entirely. The dribble became a rush, the trickle a deluge, and she gasped out, sitting straight up, cheeks flushed and eyes bright, and put her head back and laughed.

She leapt out of the nest of cushions she had assembled at the back of the bakery. "Rusalka! Rusalka! Brother!" She looked around the back rooms. "Where are you? They've done it. Can we act now?"

She found Orrin standing in the front doorway of the bakery, wearing an apron and rubbing his hands with a towel. He had ignored the evacuation order and had instead gotten started on making the morning round of breakfast pastries. He smiled at Shae, pulled her close, and planted a kiss on her forehead. "The day has come," he declared.

Meanwhile, people were filling the promenade again. Looking for loved ones or returning to their shops to assess damages. They were too caught up in their collective daze to notice the buoyant expressions on Orrin and Shea's faces.

Rusalka's eyes glittered, "its time," she said breathing deeply as if the action drew the atmosphere of the revealed world into her lungs, "their cloak will fail, just as the wall between worlds has."

She reached out her hands to each of them, "Shall we fly, and be upon them when their veil disintegrates?"

"To do that, we need to know where they are." Shea sulked, "Can't we turn some of the natives into bloodhounds?"

Orrin threw the towel over his shoulder and began untying the apron. "Whatever we do let's not stay here." He walked out onto the concourse and entered the exotic fish market next door to Rusalka's bakery. The tall, kindly Antedean who ran the establishment had just started cleaning up. When he saw Orrin walk in he nodded cheerfully. "Mister Orrin, how can I help you?"

Orrin smiled broadly and clamped his hand down on the alien's shoulder. "Mister Kuari, always good to see you! I'd hate to take you away from your shop but I'm in a spot and I need a hand with something." He pulled the loose apron over his head and held it at his side.

The Antedean chuckled. "Of course! What is it?"

Orrin produced a small, phased polaron pistol from the small of his back. He put it in Mister Kuari's hand and looked him dead in the eye. "I require you to kill and die at my command. Can I count on you?"

Kuari eyed him for a moment, seemingly confused, then said, "Yes, I will do it." If the gravity of what he had just pledged had any effect on him, his face didn't show it. He examined the pistol in his hand and added, "I've never held a weapon before."

"It's easy," Orrin said cheerfully. With only his index finger he adjusted the setting on the weapon. Then he wrapped his apron around Kuari's hand, effectively concealing the deadly device. "There. Ready to fire. Just point and shoot, but not until I tell you!" He led the way out. The Antedean followed with a blank expression on his face.

Shea looked at her brother's new aquisition over the her tray of pastries from the bakery. "You're being too nice." She looked along the promenade, and saw what she wanted. Two men in the yellow uniform of the kingdom's soldiers. One was human, the other Andorian. She liked Andorians. Long ago, they had left her offerings of meat and blood and blamed her for fires that died in the night. Happy times. Simpler times.

She swerved towards them, holding up the tray. "Free samples for Starfleet's finest?" She gave them a simpering smile and "Its a very special recipe."

The two men looked at the tray and its assortment of tiny delicate sweets, and then accepted, swallowing them in single bites. ""Do you like?"

The human started to say yes, but nothing came out. He looked panicked, and reached for his partner, who was staring at her wide eyed and antenna flexing and twitching in all directions. Shea gave them a critical examination. Noting the darting eyes with dilated pupils, the sniffing, twitching noses and the clawing and clenching of fingers, the drop in stance. They had succumbed very quickly. She hadn't lost her touch.

"Heel, boys." She sauntered back to Orrin with the two men keeping pace and glaring at everyone that passed. She reached up to kiss him on the nose. "That, my darling, is how you make a blood hound."

Orrin grinned and was about to argue his side, but Shea was already off. He took Rusalka by the hand, squeezing it gently, then followed. "Come, love."






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