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Filling in the Blanks

Posted on Tue Jun 30, 2015 @ 2:37am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Mikaela Locke

691 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Chief Intelligence Officer's Office / Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3: 1623 hours



Mikaela Locke groaned as she came to. The first thing she was aware of was that her head was throbbing. She blinked a couple of times, making her aware of the second thing... She was on the floor.

She sat up, groggily, her eyes continuing to adjust to the lights in her office.

"What the hell was that?" she asked herself outlaid.

She reached up, grabbed the corner of her desk and attempted to haul herself up. Her head pulsated, distracting her from her task and she lost her balance, falling backwards into the wall.


She steadied herself, blinked again and righted her chair. Collapsing into it, she tapped her comm-badge. The last time she had attempted to contact anyone, comms were down, but by now... whatever the hell had been going on seemed to have stopped - the station was steady again and the red alert klaxons had been turned off.

At was at that point she realised she had no idea how long she'd been out.

"Lieutenant Locke to operations?"

=^=Overide" Isha snapped, "bring her to my Ready Room." Seconds later Locke was transported there. Aldrex caught her and helped her into a reclining position on the couch.

"Captain?" Mikaela asked, not entirely sure who was answering, "Captain, what's going on?"

"Do you require medical attention?" Isha asked. Her hand hesitated over her comm badge - she couldn't take aid away from anyone who needed it more.

"Umm..." Mikaela hesitated, knowing both that she had been knocked out for an undetermined amount of time, but also that when a station was undergoing a crisis, the medical team were already going to be stretched.

"Umm, no, I'm fine," she finally lied, "I think I was out for a few minutes, but it's not a problem."

"We'll see," Isha said, "do you remember where you were?"

She was making her way to find the kit that would include a basic med scanner - not that Isha knew how to use it.

"Aldrex, can you check Locke out please." she said.

Aldrex took the emergency medkit from Isha's hands and opened it to see what he had to work with. The first thing he pulled out was a medical tricorder. He knelt next to Locke and began scanning her cranium.

"I was in my office," Mikaela replied, nodding in the direction of the XO, to indicate she was happy for him to give her the med scan. "I was in a meeting, when the station started lurching... I think I was thrown over my desk."

Aldrex nodded as he swept the small, cylindrical scanner around her head and studied the readouts with the tricorder in his other hand. "Well, I'm no expert but it doesn't look like anything is cracked or hemorrhaging. My official diagnosis is you got your bell rung." He winked and gave her a clap on the shoulder. Then he started searching the medkit again. "You can wander down to sickbay when they're not so busy. In the meantime I'll give you a cold compress to put on your head."

"Thank you," Mikaela responded slightly vaguely. As she pressed the compress to her head, something - or rather someone - caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.

"I'm sorry..." she apologised, slightly weakly - and, as she began thought about it, unnecessarily, given that she had been beamed directly there - "I didn't realise that you had..." her voice trailed off. She recognised the captain's daughter from her file but there was someone... something else in the room. "," she finally managed to finish, not sure whether she'd hit her head harder than she'd thought.

"That seems to be the root of our problem," Isha said quietly. She quickly related what the creature had said earlier and how they were treating it as one of the Fae of legend throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. "Once everyone is assembled we need to formulate a plan to find her allies, and their enemies."


Captain Isha t'Vaurek

Lieutenant Mikaela Locke
Senior Intelligence Officer, DS5

Lt. Cmdr. Caden Aldrex


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