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Posted on Thu Jul 9, 2015 @ 7:10am by Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,792 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: forward alpha base (Classified)
Timeline: 2356 immidately following Prepping

Wayne sat in his small office just off the landing strip. It had taken him a couple hours to calm down to the point where he would not bite someones head off. He had the final meeting with the entire company shortly so that he could outline what the mission would be. It was also at this point in time he would introduce Bill to the unit and decide who the unlucky bastard would be who got the babysitting job.

He walked to the large auditorium and got ready after all they would be wheels up in about 2 hours.

Kelly walked into the auditorum only a moment later, large backpack over one shoulder, making him list to one side a little, and he dropped in down with obvious relish. "Major," he acknowledged.

"Mister Kelly." Said Wayne coolly "Please have a seat when the rest of the company get here I will go over the mission and introduce you to the rest of the men. Though I will warn you right now I doubt your reception will be any warmer here then it was when I met with the Col's. Reporters are just generally not liked but I will give you one piece of advice. If you can prove that you can carry your own weight you will find us your best friends." He added as the rest of the company started coming in.

"I'm just here to tell the story, Major. Can't tell the story if I can't keep up long enough to see it."

After a few minutes of silence the rest of the company had arrived. "Alright everyone first things first, the higherups apparently want to let the rest of the federation know exactly what it is we do out here. To that end we have been assigned a FNN reporter a Mister William Kelly will be accompanying us on this mission." Said Wayne calmly the eruption that followed was almost exactly what he had expected would happen. Wayne put two fingers in his mouth and blew a loud shrill whistle to quite the men down.

"Look you guys I already went over all of this with the Col's they are firm that he will be accompanying us. so sit your asses down and shut up NOW." Said Wayne firmly. "Mister Kelly the floor is yours." He added

Kelly didn't get up, just raised a hand. "I'm Bill, I'm Going to be with you for the next three months. I'm just here to see what you see, tell your stories. I'm not here to get in your face or make you look like pricks."

"alright men now let's get down to business as it were. The mission is a standard force recon op we go in look around and report should not take to long really but we stay in the field for at least a week until the fleet can get some heavy scanners in the area or we manage to take out what is blocking our sensors and preventing us from using phasers. We do this old school that means for you kids rifles and bullets lots of bullets. Head over to the armory and pull your stores. Also this time our HALO jump will have a couple extras, in addition to the reporter here we jump with a new design carrier it will carry most if not all of our supplies while we are in the field. That is all I have to tell you any questions." Asked Wayne calmly

Bill raised his hand. "What sort of resistance are you expecting?"

"We are not really expecting much beyond a few scattered patrols and the like. However and this is the clincher without accurate sensor reading we honestly can not be sure what they will have hence why we are doing HALO drops rather then the normal entry we want surprise on your side." Said Wayne calmly

"Not expecting resistance, but they have something in place to block our main form of ordinance?" Bill asked.

"Yes which is exactly why we are going in. Our primary objective is to observe what the cardies have in place but our secondary objective is to take out their dampening field. The marines can't or won't do it so it fall to us to pick up the slack. After all we are rangers and as much as the brass likes to ignore it we are better then any marine unit in the area. DISMISSED " said Wayne firmly he watched his men file out of the room before turning to the only other person left. "Mister Kelly the shuttles take off in one hour 59 minutes do not be late." He added as he sat down to take care of some last minute items his weapons and gear already packed up and waiting for him.

"Oh, I won't miss this for all the ale on Romulus." He grabbed his pack and headed out after the main body of the recon force. He caught up to the one trailing behind. "Hey there..." he glanced at the man's uniform, "Corporal...?"

"What can I do for you Mr. Kelly." asked Corporal fredrickson he was not feeling talkative but he knew that some reporters reported whatever they liked and if they did not like the facts they made things up. He resolved to tell this man as much of the truth as he was cleared to tell.

"A name is a good start." Bill replied, "I'm Bill. I just want to see what you do. Most people think the Marines are a relic of the past. A hangover from the Dark Ages before Admiral Archer formed the Federation. But there's got to be a reason why men and women chose the way of the warrior over that of Starfleet tactical. I want to tell people what that is, why you're still relevant. You are still relevent, aren't you corporal?"

"Well since you asked so nicely my name is Clive Pitt Fredrickson. As for why there is a marine or a ranger unit that is something I do not know above my paygrade as it were. What I can tell you is that as long as there is a need for boots to be on the ground there will likely be a need for the marines. Do the math and you will see part of the answer. A person can go from being a civilian to being a marine Private in about 8 weeks time. With follow on schools it is a year." Said Clive calmly as they walked toward the barricks. "That same recruit would likely have to go through at least a year of training to get into the fleet. It is simple numbers from where I stand." He added

Bill's natural urge to poke at wounds reared its head. He wanted to ask, 'So Marines are for those who can't make it in fleet?' but he swallowed the impulse. he needed these people on his side. "Hand on, let me record this. this is good stuff." he fumbled with a small padd. "okay, carry on."

"As for being relevent as long as there is a need for a ground force there will be a need for marines. A security or tactical recruit simply can not stay planet side for an extended period of time where as a marine unit can. I was part of a advance unit for a couple years all we did was make sure the colony was safe and the people were protected. It was not an action packed job nor a glamorious assignment but one that needed to be done." Said clive

"You like that, doing what needs to be done?"

"In a time of war marines are called on because we can go into places that few in the fleet would be brave enough to go and we do it without support. The top of the marines are the rangers and well let's just say if the marines would challenge the klingon empire the rangers would challenge the high councils personal defensive force and win or die in the attempt. we do things no one in the federation has the guts to do and we can make it look easy." said clive calmly he hoped the reporter understood what he was trying to say but one could never be sure.

Bill cocked his head on one side, not the answer he expected, but it confirmed there was a rich seam here to mine, even if Fredrickson wanted to toe the party line on why Marines were important. "And your commander, Bradshaw. You trust him not to be your typical dick know nothing officer?"

"Officers are officers no matter if it is the fleet or the corps. There are good one's and bad one's Though I have to say the major is a good one. He listens to the noncoms especially the sargents and will take their advice into his planning. Is he a know nothing officer maybe at one time he was but the man learned his lessions well." Said Clive softly.

"Now that is a story I need to hear."

"You might want to hear that story but I can not tell it. and I doubt that any of the sargent's will tell you either. There is one thing you should know though this unit is a little different then normal. Every senior noncom in the unit and every officer is die hard loyal to the major. The story is that the major brought them with him when he took command of the unit. Not sure if there is any truth to that or if it is just rumor but one thing is sure to a man the unit will stand and fight and even die for the major if he were to ask." Said Clive calmly "Oh and that goes for the rest of us as well." He aded

Bill tried and failed to not grin. Oh there was a defnite story here, something dark and unpleasent if even the slightest probing led to such fanatical declarations of loyalty. He couldn't wait to learn more. "Well, if it comes to that in the next few weeks, I'll bre right there to see it. Assuming...."

"Assuming what mr. Kelly that you live to write the story." said Clive with a chuckle

"Assuming someone will give me a lift down when you all jump out that ship this evening,"

Clive had to chuckle at that "If that is all your worried about I am sure one of the sargent's will be happy to give you a lift. Just hope you know what you are asking for." said clive lightly

Major wayne Bradshaw

Bill Kelly
Intrepid Reporter
NPC by Notty


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