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Of Trills and Symbionts: Part 1

Posted on Thu Jan 22, 2015 @ 4:04am by Lieutenant Saria Rex & Captain Maritza Soran
Edited on on Sat Jan 24, 2015 @ 7:31pm

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: The Promenade, Deep Space 5
Timeline: MD0

"So... this is a Kurlan naiskos, you say?" Saria asked the shopkeeper of Unique Antiques. The shopkeeper nodded, and Saria prompted to inspect the ceramic figurine a little closer.

"This is what the ancient joined Trill colonists on Kurl made...? Wonderful! ...but also terrible! Even Melanne dug up aesthetically prettier ceramics!" Saria thought, referring to her 4th host, an archeologist.

"What will it be, Lieutenant? I could show you some other Trill-related artifacts you might like..." The shopkeeper interrupted.

Saria stretched her arms in front of her, holding the figurine. She inspecte=d it closely, manipulating it on all planes, when she ultimately made her decision.
"I'll take it!" she confidently said. "It'll do great as a candle holder, I bet!"

The shopkeeper gave a worried glance to her artifact, but immediately ruled it couldn't be helped. "Shall I put it on your account, Lieutenant? Or do you wish to pay here?"

"Yes, that'll be fine. Thank you." Saria turned around, toward the counter, and held the ceramic under her arm. She walked to the counter where the shopkeeper was casually tapping her PADD to add the artifact to Saria's account. Saria stopped in front of the counter and leaned with her other arm on it.
"Please let me know when you get anything new. I'm always looking to fill up free spots in my quarters."

"Will do", she shopkeeper replied shortly and continued on the PADD.

Saria walked toward the door, which slid open about six feet in front of her. She stepped through, and entered the promenade once again. Life was buzzing, as usual, in most of the restaurants and bars at evening. All kinds of species, ranks, couples, wares were to be seen. Most shopkeepers were moving their stalled wares inside their own shops, preparing to close in a few minutes.
She blended in with the crowd moving in and around the shops, and aimed to return to her own quarters.

A few minutes in, she was about to head left into one of the hallways connected to the promenade rotunda. On the same corner, she saw something new... but familiar too. She looked around and set course for the familiar object. As she came closer, she noticed it was located at a fairly new shop. But this was not a shop. It was a bar. The familiar object was now to see at full. It was a billboard of the Trill Senate Tower in Leran Manev, placed above the entrance and covered in warmly colored neon lights. "The Tower of Leran Manev - A Trill's Bar & Grill" she read.
"Catchy" she said to herself.

She proceeded toward the entrance, but was greeted with a broad sidewalk cafe with some tables occupied by groups and couples of Trills. Some
Something caught her eye. In the far left of the sidewalk cafe, between two biolumniscent trees, she saw a red-collared Trill sitting in solitude. She was unable to see the face due to the bright aura of the lumniscent trees. Saria proceeded to walk toward the Trill instead. The closer she came, the more details she could see. The Trill bore the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and drunk from a half-full glass.

"Lieutenant Soran?" She asked, when she reached the table. "I'm sorry if I interrupt... but I don't think I have introduced myself properly yet. I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief of Science..."

Maritza looked up, surprised to be interrupted. She turned the padd she was reading over. Confidential reports that should not be casually accessed by being red upside down. "What can I do for you Lieutenant?"

"Not much, actually..." she sighed. "I spotted you sitting here at this -fairly- new restaurant, if I'm not mistaken. I was actually walking back to my quarters from the antiquarian as I bought this... uhm, piece of ceramic!" Saria joyfully took the stump and primitive ceramic figuring from under her arm and almost shoved it in her face. "It's a Kurlan naiskos from Kurl... you know, the planet that the Trill once colonized but was never heard of again?" She slowly retracted it back to her abdomen.

There was a long deliberate silence. "How is the science division, Lieutenant?"


Lt Cmdr Martiza Soran
Chief of Strategic Ops
NPC by Notty


Saria Rex
Chief of Science


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