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Posted on Thu Jun 18, 2015 @ 4:46am by Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III

567 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: forward alpha base (Classified)
Timeline: 2356 immidately following Briefing Sho

Wayne could not believe what he was hearing infact he was sure he was sure he had heard wrong. He had just come from a meeting with his CO as well as the Regimental XO and could not believe what they had ordered him to do. Sure the recon in force was par for the course they needed information after all, No that was not what had pissed him off infact it was a welcomed assignment. No what had pissed him off was that they were being saddled with some civilian reporter who wanted to see the front line. Putting a reporter with a regular marine unit was one thing but rangers were faster moving and typically got the more dangerious missions. This one while easier would be far from a cake walk like the reporter was expecting.

He arrived back at the staging area for his company. "XO assemble the troops we have a mission." Said Wayne as he walked into his small office/ briefing room to wait for the platoon commanders he would personally brief. It took all of about 5 minutes before the last man was in the room and the briefing could get started.

"Alright we have a mission to prep for kickoff is in 5 hours and the entire company will be going in. We are to do a force recon of this valley supposidly there is a cardy base someplace down there but do to energy supperessors and some kind of sensor blind over the entire area we have no real idea what we could be up against. Command wants to know as much about the area as possible and suspects that there could be as little as a heavy company or as high as a regiment hiding down there. Our job is to get in get the info and get out nothing fancy and it should not take more then a couple days at most." Said Wayne firmly he looked around the room to see if anyone had any questions.

"Sir how are we supposed to get in with the suppression fields in place transporters woudl be out and so for that matter would be our phasers." asked a young Lt.

"I am glad you asked that. We will be going in with TR 116 assult rifles as well as heavy machine guns and the like. no energy weapons of any kind for this mission. As for the insertion we will be doing a HALO drop from the upper atmosphere. There is one other thing I should inform you of our unit is going to play host to a civilian reporter who somehow managed to get command to approve his being part of the operation. I know you feel the same way I do about this and I tried my damedest to get out of if but what command wants command gets so we will have a couple men assigned to be his babysitters for this mission." said wayne flattly he heard some grumbling and more then a few curse words being thrown about as he officers came to terms with their orders and this unpleasent twist they had been thrown.

"Alright people it is wheels up in 4 and a half hours brief your platoons and get your men ready we are going to ride straight into hell and kick the mouth. DISMISSED." said wayne firmly

Posted By

Wayne Bradshaw


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