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Vengeance is Mine...

Posted on Mon Apr 15, 2024 @ 9:23pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas
Edited on on Thu Jan 9, 2025 @ 5:59am

1,769 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: In orbit over Pangaea


IKV Vishk' ek

Upon intercepting Turvan's transmission. the Vor’cha class vessel had disabled the runabout and moved in above it, locking onto it with a tractor beam. They moved off the lines with their prize and they pulled it into a shuttle bay. Entering the shuttle bay General Dojak watched as several unconscious Cardassians were dropped to the deck. His first officer looked up grinning at his Captain’s approach. "Lord Charghwl'IH will be please when he hears what we have for him."

The General knelt gripping the back of Turvan's head and lifting it to see his face. His free hand drew his blade, but he was interrupted by a call. "GENERAL! Our orders were to..."

Dropping Turvan he spun on his first office driving his blade deep into his guts. "I watched both my sons die by Cardassian treachery. Charghwl'IH will get his prize...eventually, but I will not be denied my portion of that revenge! Not by him. And not by you." Looking to the warriors standing behind the collection of Cardassian. "Take this one to a cell."

"And the others?"

There is an old saying, "Klingons don't take prisoners. They do not deserve an honorable death. Decompress the bay and let them choke on vacuum."

Leading the others out of the bay as they dragged the Cardassian, Dojak stepped to the side and watched from the doorway as the remaining Cardassians slowly begin to regain consciousness. Whiles they were still groggy and unsure of what was going on he shouted, "CARDASSIAN!" pointing to the forcefield behind them.

They looked and their heads spun back in the Generals direction. As they began to run towards the hatch the doors slammed shut and the field deactivated. The Cardassians were immediately blown out into space and their smoldering shuttle followed not long after.

Turning down the corridor to he knew he could not hold Turvan here for long. His first had been right, he had his orders. The Ambassador wanted Turvan for his own revenge... surely, he would not deny a father his own. There was still a battle to wage and duty required his ship to help secure the planet. There had to be someone that could see to his prize for the time being.

:: Currently ::

Hydel took several moments to gather himself mentally before opening his eyes. He rolled onto his back and felt the cold hard surface beneath him. He could immediately smell his surroundings around him. It was the unforgettable smell of rotting meat, rust and leather. It was the distinguishable smell of a Klingon containment cell. He slowly opened his eyes as his memories came back to him of how he found himself in such a particular element of hell.

It pained him to think that his friend, colleague, and trusty comrade Gul Hulceen had received such an ignoble death. As the elder Cardassian slowly rolled over to his side he began to hope that he would at least be given the dignity of dying with some semblance of honor as opposed to being blown out of an open hatch like some kind of waste facility.

General Dojak sat in his office near the bridge of his cruiser staring at the monitor. The screen displayed the cell holding this prisoner and he set his blood wine aside as he watched his prisoner slowly move.

While he sat there he had been mulling over his options...

He could inform the ambassador. Doing so would gain him honor and the ambassador's gratitude. Surely the Ambassador would allow him to share in his revenge.

He could keep the Cardassian and take his own revenge. It was war...the destruction of the Cardassians shuttle could simply be attributed to the conflict. But would he be able to keep such a secret from getting out. Could he accept the dishonor of lying to the man who gave him his command and the honor of the battle?

He could hand over his prisoner to someone else. Someone that had just as much hate for the Cardassian. Someone who could ensure his existence was kept secret until he was able to take him back.

Taking another drink from his wine he returned to the bridge, his decision made. "Scan for civilian craft. Find any belonging to Lasuma Enterprises." He only hoped the Bajoran had survived, if not he would have to take another route.

Turvan slowly climbed into a sitting position against the far wall within the cell. As his vision returned he slowly began to focus on the last few minutes after their runabout was captured.

Whose ship am I on? The Cardassian leader thought to himself. He remembered one of the other sulking beasts had tried to stop the lead animal from killing him. In return, he stabbed him and began crying about revenge. Who had the dagger. . .?

Quickly, he remembered the name of the individual in charge.

"G----g---GENERAL!" Turvan shouted in an audible, but still hoarse voice. " GENERAL, if-if you're done lapping at the boots of Charghwl'IH, perhaps you'd have enough of a backbone to face me yourself." The Cardassian said as he leaned back against the wall.

Dojak huffed as he watched his monitor shaking his head dispassionately. His guest could try to antagonize him all he wanted. He had his prize, and for the time being he could do whatever he wanted. Picking up the controller from next to the bottle he contemplated his next move.

There was one irrefutable thing Klingon and Cardassians had in common; they both loved heat. Adjusting the environmental for the containment cell he began by reducing the temperature by 30 degrees C. As he watched the scale fall, with a smirk he dropped the oxygen as well.

Tossing the padd aside he picked up his goblet to watch the show.

Hydel felt the almost immediate drop in the containment cell's temperature and the difficulty in his own breathing.

Clearly he had gotten the mongrel's attention.

"Torture through a remote control. . .?" Turvan asked rhetorically. "I---it---it's okay. . .I...I don't blame you." He said slowly. "The number of Klingons I've killed? I'd be afraid of me, too." He said through a forced laugh. ". . .and that's not even counting the worthless ones I picked off during your worthless attempt at taking DS5." He said as he slid his body closer to keep himself warm.

"They say that you Klingons can look another man in the eye and know that they're going to kill you? I guess that's why you're so comfortable hiding behind a screen?" He continued as he felt a sharp shiver run through his body.

"I gue.....I guess the worst par--part of this is....knowing that I died at the hands of an underling, and not even a good one at that." He added.

Holding the oxygen level there; enough to keep him alive but still gasping for breath. He wasn't going to rise to him baitings, the Cardassian was under his thumb and he knew. Activating the comm he spoke while Turvan struggled to get enough oxygen to breath.

"Ohh you are mistaken. You aren't going to die at least not here and not today...but you will wish you had though. Oxygen deprivation may be an old technique, even crude, but I would have thought you would be proud that we learned from Cardassian "Torture by remote" techniques."

After closing the channel he watched the screen as he thought about what to do next as he rotated an old school agonizer in his hand. If they found the Bajoran he wouldn't have much time, but his thoughts were interrupted by one of his officers.

"Excuse me General, but we were just informed that the Ambassador and the Bajoran you were looking for have gone to the planets surface. Command of our forces was handed over to his wife...once she arrives."

General Dojak acknowledge the report with a nod and as the door closed a grin spread over his face. Turvan was his.

Turvan slowly rose to his feet and placed his hand along the wall as he took several breathes. The decrease in oxygen caused Turvan to become lightheaded for several moments as h e tried to regain his balance. As his vision became more fixed he looked around the containment cell with a purpose.

This was not Turvan's first time being held prisoner. This certainly was not his first time being held prisoner in a Klingon facility. While the Klingons were well-known for their overt brutality, they certainly were not known for originality in the field of Engineering. Years ago, during the Klingon invasion of Cardassia, Turvan found himself as an unwanted guess onboard a Klingon Battlecruiser. The IKS Q'UV-shit or some ridiculous name the beasts had given to the ship.

Turvan made his way over to the panel that showed the oxygen levels and temperature within the containment cell. What he had learned was that the Klingons ship design relied upon system delivery-redundancy to save space and energy. By using the same delivery-systems for various life-support controls, it allowed the ship to divert more power and other resources to tactical and propulsion. Great idea for making things go BOOM easier, but also a bad idea because it tends to make it easier for things to go BOOM.

Turvan may have been stripped of his weapons upon being thrown in this cell, but they did leave him his uniform. Turvan was able to quickly disassemble his tunic and retrieve a long enough metallic sliver and used it to pry open the panel and access the ODN power-relay. As Turvan expected, the oxygen-control system that the "General" was using to deprive him of air was also tied to a power sub-relay.

Within a few moments the monitor that General Dojak had been utilizing to casually observe Turvan went blank. Within the containment cell, Turvan winced in pain as the feedback caused a minor electrical explosion in the panel. Turvan ignored the pain for several moments as he went back into the panel and managed to trigger the release mechanism for the cell.

Turvan knew that if Dojak wasn't watching him, then he undoubtedly would be alerted as to the mechanical failure within the unit. Turvan shook his head as he tried to ignore the light-headedness and made his way out of the containment cell and into the adjoining hallway.

"If I'm going to die on this garbage scow. . .I'm taking one of these bastards with me..." Turvan said as he slipped out of his cell.



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