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El Dorado

Posted on Mon Mar 27, 2023 @ 2:53am by Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III

2,131 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangea

Southern patrol

There had been no Cardassian activity in the area at all, which was surprising. No manned patrols, no areal recon...nothing. The only thing he could think of was that the Cardassians were focusing on the portal complex and picking through the remains of the Marine encampment.

He hoped that was the case. That meant there was a chance that the medical yachts they hoped to find might be intact and unknown to the Cardi's.

When they finally reached the shoreline of the bay, just south of the lake but there was nothing immediately insight. Raising his weapon, he maxed out the scope...scanning the bay's shoreline. Nothing. As he lowered his weapon one the patrol spoke up.

"Nothing LT?"

Lt Granger shook his head. "Not a thing, but you didn't really think we'd strike gold on the first shot, did you?"

The Lance Corporal shrugged. "Not really...just hoping is all."

Huffing humorously as the young Marine voiced what they had all been thinking. "So was was I.

It had already been a long patrol and if they found anything or not there was still the trip back to the lake. They had tried to augment the supplies with what the forest had to offer but they were still running low. By his calculation they could search another 36 hours before they would be forced to head back, and that was stretching their supplies. If they ran into trouble on the way back...

The decision made he knew his people needed rest. "Staff Sergeant Toshas. We need to get off this beach. Have the patrol move over there behind those trees and let's set up camp for the night. And send out 3, 2-man, teams as fishing, hunting, and scrounging parties to see what they can find/catch to augment our supplies."

"Aye Sir."

No other instructions were needed as the group moved off the beach and back into the trees for a welcomed break. Each removed their packs and set about their tasks for the night. Once everything was done it was time for chow.

The hunting parties had come up empty, in the short time they had, but the other team had managed to find some fruits and other edibles, that had been passed around. As they broke out the rations there were a few groans about what meal type they drew, and the usual bartering attempts began. Something that had no doubt had taken place since the earliest field rations.

Several took off their boot allowing their feet to get some fresh air after a long day of humping through the forest and the typical digs and jibes followed quickly. Each followed with chuckles and more ribbing.

..."Seriously!! We're trying to eat here!"

..."Maannn, who needs a grenade. We can just throw your boots at the Cardi's."

..."At least we won't have to worry about animals; the smell will drive everything away for half a kilometer."

"Yeah yeah... Kiss the darkest part of my..."

SSgt Toshas jumped in, "Enough..." Anding with a smirk, "...but you definitely need to go gone to the beach and wash those things."

Those that didn't participate in the jibes, ate in silence and took the opportunity for turn in early. However, after eating Lt. Granger took out his map and planned for the next day. With nothing here, they would head northeast along the shore to check a series of inlets that could possibility serve as an anchorage for what they hoped to find.

After dinner a watch rotation was established and those not on guard duty slept, checked their weapons, wrote letters or relaxed in the night air. Toshas watched as their Lieutenant moved off to towards the beach, took off his boots and socks to then roll his pants and walk the surf. ~Not a bad idea but after my watch.~

*** Dawns Morning Light ***

While the sunrise was hidden by the mountains the sky had brightened and most of the squad was already up and breaking camp. Before they headed out, they had a quick breakfast but as they finished the LT nodded and Toshas acknowledged the gesture and got things moving. "Alright you apes, on your feet! Rhenan you're on point."

They headed out once again while not tactically sound they followed the coast since what they were looking for was in the water. It significantly increased the time it took to reach the first inlet, but they couldn't afford to miss the yacht by taking a short cut cross country.

Once they reached the first inlet it was easy to see that there was nothing there. While disappointing the mood was still good. One inlet down they headed for the second.

Getting to the other side of the inlet was easy enough as the inlet could barely be called one anyway. The squad moved along the coast at a good pace. At least until the jungle decided to come out into the surf. Huge mangrove-like trees created a tangle of roots well out from the beach.

Cpl Rhenan clamored out of the tangled jungle his head shaking, "LT, it just keeps going like this. No telling how far or how far back from the coast it goes."

"Can we move through the growth?"

"We'll lose a lot of time. Things are slick and we'll have to cut our way through the growth."

Glancing to Toshas. "Well, looks like we are getting wet."

Toshas nodded and turned to the rest of the patrol. "Everyone breakup into your fire teams and we will make our way around this mess. Hopefully it doesn't last too long."

The squad secured their gear for their little dip and in groups of 4 they headed into the surf and the chest deep water. The waves were a bitch. What started as a humorous game of jumping with the waves quickly became monotonous, annoying, and tiring. As the tide headed out it made moving easier with only about a meter of water to deal with.

After fighting the surf for nearly 3 hours, dealing with several curious sea animals, they finally reached the end of the mangroves and saw the opening for the next inlet in the distance. Eventually all 4 fire teams hit the beach and their pace quickened in anticipation. That anticipation turned to frustration as it quickly became apparent to the all that this was no place to shelter a watercraft, of any kind.

A "This sucks!" sounded from the middle of the squad and both the Granger and Toshas' head turned quickly towards the disgruntled Marine. Sgt Toshas ripped into the Marine. "You secure that shit right now! We all knew we might not find anything at all but so far the areas searched have been wide open to wind, tide! We've all heard the rumors about Lasuma, and even if they are all bullshit, do you really think he would have set them up out in the open?!"

Nodding approvingly Lt. Granger added to the dressing down. "Take point. Everyone else take a few minutes and remove your boots and socks; they won't be dry by the time we get to the other side of this inlet, but the sand will at least help dry your feet."

It took a few minutes, but they were soon underway once again with boots and socks hanging from their packs. After fighting the surf for so long a slower pace was appreciated allowing the midday sun to warm them up and dry them out. All the while they were able to see the point man about 15 minutes ahead of them. As the day progressed and they made their way along the shoreline of the inlet eventually he disappeared from view as he rounded a curve in the coastline that would lead to the next and final inlet they were assigned to recon. If nothing was there they would have a long, disappointed, walk back to the lake.

Cpl Rider kept moving for a time to make sure he was out of view before looking back. Once he was sure no one he could be seen he stopped, dropped his pack, and leaned against a tree as he pulled food and water from his pack. Chewing on a huge bite of a chocolate covered bar he had kept stashed he let his head fall back against the tree closing his eyes as he breathed a sigh of relief through his nose. Swallowing he downed several swallows of his "water". He had never really cared for plain water so he always kept several flavor/energy tabs that he could add to his water supply. Screwing the cap back on his water he closed his back and loaded back up. He could rest too long, or the rest of the patrol would close the gap between them.

Rider moved off at a semi-brisk pace to make up for the break he had taken. While he kept an eye out for his safety, he was looking more into the tree line near him than the water where their quarry might be anchored. Without noticing he had rounded the opening of the final inlet that cut back significantly to his right. Something moved in the trees near him and his rifle came up to the ready as he scanned the area ahead of him.

Not seeing anything in the immediate vicinity he set his scope to thermal and raised his rifle and scanned the area again. Scanning from right to left he saw nothing but a few birds or a small animal of some kind. However, as he lowered the rifle the thermal scan picked up a heat signature of an object that could not be an animal. His heart began to pound and keeping his weapon at the ready he hugged the tree line he moved forward.

After about moving 200 meters the edge of a watercraft came into view and Rider dropped to the ground crawling forward.

There they were!!

Both of the yachts bob gently in the middle of the inlet. Laying there he used his scope to look over the target. Everything was buttoned up and the surrounding area showed no signs of activity; immediate or otherwise. Jumping up he tossed his pack into the trees and broke into full speed run back to the rest of the patrol.

The patrol saw Rider flying around the bend and the signal went up and they dropped into a defensive position in the event Rider was running from something. Running right up to the LT Rider dropped to his knees and start talking faster than his legs had been moving; but nothing came out as his body forced him to catch his breath.

"Easy now! Where's the fire?"

Breathing heavily Rider point to trees and the ridge between them and their salvation. " over... The...ya..chts!"

"The yachts are in the inlet?!"

Rider only nodded as his chest heaved.

Lt. Granger turned to the others to stifle any celebratory shouting. "Rhenan, take care of Rider. Everyone else with me. We will head up over the ridge and come at the inlet from the east. I want a 5-meter spread and no sound. We are going to assume these are being used as bait until proven otherwise. Move out."

The approach had been easy enough. Their unit swept through the jungle trees easily enough, and their pace was faster just from the eagerness to see their target for themselves. They moved down the slope and enveloped the area. Signals moved from the flanks that there was no sign of any activity and Sgt Toshas relayed that information to Granger as he lowered his scope from observing the yachts himself.

"The yachts are all buttoned up as well."


"Unlikely. If the Cardassians knew about these things, they'd have either taken possession of or destroyed them. They also probably think we're all still trapped inside that mountain anyway."

Standing, he looked down at Toshas. "You take the right flank and board the far yacht. I will take the left and secure the closer. I want a full inventory and assessment. Hopefully they're functional."

"Roger that."

[2 hours later]

Toshas and half the patrol was moving northwest along the coast to meet up with the other patrols while Granger and the rest headed back to the bay, to get word to the Colonel and get much needed supplies to the rest of the Marines.

After picking up Rhenan and Rider, Granger and the rest of the patrol had replicated dry clothes and a real meal as they cruised towards the bay and a trip back to the lake with good news for the Colonel. Granger just hoped they made it back in time for the more serious of their wounded.


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