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Be Prepared

Posted on Fri Mar 18, 2022 @ 7:47am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

638 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: 'Bag End'
Timeline: 0500 Morning after, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

Jason had gotten up about five. He hadn't truly been able to get back to sleep. He had got up and ate and now he was preparing for his little adventure. If it worked, the Cardassians would be in a bit of disarray and he would have bought Starfleet and Soran some time. If it didn't, he'd either be dead or a hostage, both of those options didn't appeal to him, so he knew he had to be prepared.

He sat down and popped the heels of the boots his dad had given him open. He took the disassembled phaser and communicator out of the heels. If the Cardassians found these, it would blow his cover. Plus, he didn't need them. He needed nutrient pills and something to make it so their drugs had less of a chance of working on him should they decide to interrogate. He yawned a little as he then pressed the toe of the boot to make sure the blade still worked.

Alanna sat down next to him. "Remember that I can reach you anywhere on the planet and I'll be paying attention." Ever since their adventure on the alternate Risa, she'd been telepathically aware of him. She could reach him anywhere on the planet or station. It was unusual, but they'd been through a lot together. "Just...don't die." She was only half joking. Jason had incredible luck, and she didn't want it to run out now.

"Now, why would I go and do something stupid like that?", Jason asked with a smirk, retracting the blade on his boots back in. "We have a vacation to go."

He then put some packets into the heels of each of his boots and closed them. He then picked up the two tricorders that were on the table.

"I am going to secure one of these in the woods near the portal site", Jason said. "The other one, I am going to place about a kilometer away up in the trees. I'll have the one near the portal relay information it picks up to the one in the trees. That way you have some intel coming in. I am going to have to set it up so it isn't constantly broadcasting. It will do a data dump once or twice a day. I'll leave one of my special pips near it so you can find it."

Alanna listened carefully. "I'll program the shuttle to pick up the signal, and the data, if it can do so covertly. If not, I'll set up something in the woods. More as a storage device than anything." She was still worried, but she couldn't fault his logic, or his plans.

She hugged him again, fearing it might be a while until they were back together. "Just be careful."

They heard someone stirring below. "Let's go program the shuttle. I'd rather do it with you here so we can be sure it'll pick up anything you send."

They slipped out the underground passage to the shuttle before whoever was waking up came to ask them what they were doing. Alanna was nervous enough. Not because she didn't trust Jason. She did. She trusted him with her life. It was his own she was concerned about. He did tend to get into trouble.

A half hour later, they were done. The shuttle was set to get her get more intel on the Cardassians and as long as Jason was on Pangaea or the station, her telepathy would pick him up.

She kissed Jason again before they entered Bag End, then they went inside so he could grab his gear and slip out before it got much later.


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer and rabble Rouser
Deep Space 5 and Pangaea

Jason Haines
Beach Bum and Troublemaker


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