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Rough Landing

Posted on Sat Oct 23, 2021 @ 2:04am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan

1,092 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD 6

Amia hit the ground very hard and after such a rough ride downwards in the escape pod, the final blow knocked her out for several minutes.

Coming round, feeling very woozie but still alert enough to know she was vulnerable in this pod, especially if anyone had seen her "land" if that was a word that described her "free fall" and clumsy crash at the end of the roller-coaster ride down. As soon as she felt her dizziness clear enough, she tried to get out of the capsule. Unfortunately, it had taken such a battering that the door was buckled.... well, it did seem that the whole thing was buckled if the truth was known and it was difficult to get it to open up.

As she struggled with the levers and LCARS none of which seemed interested in functioning, she was aware of a sharp pain in her left shoulder and her left wrist felt distinctly wobbly.

~Damn - broken!~ she thought, no stranger to the diagnosis or the symptoms. Her head felt concussed too and she was bruised from head to toes.

~That really was a stupidly dangerous thing to do, Am~ she scolded herself, frustrated that she was not only injured but stuck at the mercy of whoever might happen along and find her here.

Finally thinking more clearly, she raised her good wrist over to tap her comm badge in the hopes that it wasn't mangled like most of the rest of her and her equipment and vessel. To her delight it crackled.

=^= Telamon to Morgan =^= she sent out, hoping not to catch the attention of the wrong recipients of any signal she was emitting but unable to get out of this predicament any other way. =^= River can you hear me? =^=

Nothing happened for a long time and Amia was about to give up when the channel crackled back. =^= Amia? Where are you? =^= the faint but clear reply came back.

=^= Oh thank the spirits! =^= Amia replied. =^= River, I'm on Pangaea but I've landed badly and I have no clue where. I'm afraid i'm a bit of a liability right now. Please don't get yourself into any danger trying to sort me out? =^=

=^= According to my friend next to me here, you're coincidentally not too far away. Good navigating, Boss. =^= River's voice sounded as is she was happy to confirm this and Amia was relieved and very grateful to hear it.

=^= I'd like to take credit for it but it was more "falling with style" than "flying" =^= she mis-quoted Liana's favourite cartoon characters from the 21st Century archives that her dad had been an enormous fan of and which Amia had felt it was nice for the little one to know something about her dead father, even if it was his sense of humour which to be honest was one of his best qualities, before he became an idiot and went off on a suicide mission to further his career. Amia sighed at the memory and wondered if she was getting delusional or the bump on her head had dislodged her sense of 'now'.

River smiled, not totally sure what that was all about but liking the analogy. =^= Stay put. We're coming. =^= she said as she and her accomplice readied themselves and their hover-pod for a rescue mission. The accomplice that River had taken to working with was a Lt Cmdr like herself. A Federation officer but not in medical teal, he wore Engineering colours and was a complete star with the things that were more practical such as pods that whizzed around the low lying areas of the more populated parts of the planet, where most of the exiles were grouped. He had been wounded early on and River had saved his life. Now he was determined to be whatever and whoever she needed him to be in return and they had become great friends.

Following the direction of the signal from Amia's comm badge, the two person 'rescue' team weren't very long relatively, in reaching the CMO's crushed pod. Mike wasn't too long in dismantling whatever compression hinges he needed to be rid of in order to free his friend River's Boss and Amia was soon installed in the very crowded hover pod, on her way back with her rescuers to a safe place where River could offer repairs to the offending shoulder and wrist that were causing problems for Amia.

"Thank you both" Amia said gratefully when she was finally able to flex her regenerated wrist experimentally and admire the excellent repair. "I knew you were good River, now I can pass your progress exams" she joked gently with a large affectionate grin.

Progress exams were for cadets and Corpsmen/women and clearly a dozen years ago in River's medical progress since the Academy so it was an ironic and fond but crazy excess of a joke.

River took it with the pleasantness it was meant with and laughed out loud. "Oh THANKS" she pretended to be flattered, continuing the irony and the humour.

"You're very welcome" Amia grinned and held out her good arm for a hug. "I've missed you!" she said and River, continuing to laugh replied. "Well I haven't missed you!" It was now Amia's turn to laugh out loud and the two of them continued to banter for a short while until they sat down and began to discuss serious matters with Mike regarding what they could all do to resist/sabotage the Cardassians.

Mike and River knew of a local group with whom they had done a few forays and they agreed that in the morning they would take Amia to meet the team and let them say what they thought would be best for their next project.

Amia slept better that night, knowing that she was safe, her good friend River was too - well as safe as anyone Federation based could be in the circumstances - and that there might be something they could all get involved with to help out somehow. Considering how dark a few of the moments of the day had seemed earlier, these two brave souls had kindly rescued her and here she was, ready to finally get something useful underway.... or so she hoped.

They would see what tomorrow would bring.


Cmdr Amia Telamon
CMO - DS5 - On Pangaea

Lt Cmdr River Morgan
ACMO - DS5 - On Pangaea


Lt Cmdr Mike Mandrake
Engineering Group Supervisor
Hover Mechanics Dept. - DS5
On Pangaea (NPC Jools)


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