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Let the dice fall where they may

Posted on Wed Oct 20, 2021 @ 8:52pm by Captain Maritza Soran

543 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Federation Presidents Office/ FNN channels
Timeline: MD 09


"Where are we?" Lorial Trel waved away the woman fussing with her hair. It was as good now as it would ever be, and time was pressing for the Pelian. Time was always pressing. It came with the job.

"Live in fifteen seconds, Madam President," The producer said, as the camera an autocue slid into place in front of her desk.

President Trel, twenty fourth president of the United Federation of the Planets, centered herself and looked to her cabinet, lining the room. She speared the Minister of Defense with a sharp eye. "Last chance to tell me this is a mistake."

Ch'vrehr shook his head. "Not me, Madam President."

The Producer held up a hand, one eye on his watch. "Live in five.. four..." He switched to fingers and then she was live.

"Good evening to all the citizens of our Federation. Last week, forces of the Cardassian Union launched a surprise attack on a Federation outpost. The station Deep Space Five was home to thousands of federation citizens, and stood as protector of our borders, and the planet it orbited. Our attempts to resolve this situation peacefully have failed. The Cardassians have not only attacked our base, our people, but then turned on those bringing humanitarian relief. Overtures to the government on Cardassia Prime have been rebuffed. As of this moment, The Federation is now at war with CArdassia.

"This decision has not be taken lightly, but neither can we stand silent against the increasing interference of Cardassia in Federation matters. The twenty years of peace, and the prosperity we hoped to return to them, have meant nothing. It was a heavy heart that I have made this decision, but appeasement has never led to peace.

"Our people, our territories, our interests face a dangerous enemy that does not desire to be reasoned with. Therefore those things and principles we hold in the highest regards must be defended. We will answer aggression with strength, treachery with stalwartness. We will not ignore. We will not stay silent. We will not surrender.

As President, it is my responsibility to protect all our citizens, from the centre to the very edge, and DS5 is no less a priority for its remoteness. To secure their safety, and the return of our people and property, I will ask the brave crews of Starfleet will once again put aside their missions of exploration and research to become our sword and shield. I know that you will all stand with them and their families as they seek to return what was taken, and defend our borders against this unwarranted aggression. We are not alone. I have received assurances from the Klingon Chancellor that they shall stand with us to avenge the Klingon lives lost in this cowardly attack.

"I pledge to you that we shall seek all avenues to end this conflict with minimal loss of life, but we will answer this cowardly attack with the force nescesary to ensure that no-one will think they can attack the least of us and get away with us. To attack one, is to feel the wrath of all. I know you will stand with us.

"Thank you, and goodnight"


Lorial Trel
President of the UFP
[NPC by Soran]


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