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With Tail Between Their Legs (Part I of III)

Posted on Sun Oct 17, 2021 @ 3:36pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Civilian Hydel Turvan

2,005 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5/ USS Titan
Timeline: MD 07 1500


The USS Titan emerged from warp leading two smaller Renaissance class ships, Timoclea & Anacaona. The two smaller ships immediately peeled off and headed to the shipyards. The Titan itself drew level, but did not dock, keeping its nose facing the station.

Admiral T'Vael had three children and two -- so far -- grandchildren. She'd chosen Starfleet over the Academy because her boundless curiosity had wanted to be out amongst the stars, not trapped in a lab. She'd fought in seven wars, and was perfectly prepared to fight in an eighth.

Just not today.

"Yellow alert. Open hailing frequencies," she told the tactical officer, as the Titan's captain slipped into the XO's seat. Sitting down, she glanced at the sensor data streaming to the captain's chair console.

Glinn Saro had detected the arrival of the starship shortly before it had dropped out of warp. He had used the subsequent time to get as much data on the vessel as he was able to muster from his station. Despite having effective control over the station, there was a significant amount of information that the Cardassians had been locked out of and unable to access for the moment.

"Sir, the USS Titan, a Luna class vessel, has dropped out of warp and is proceeding toward the station," the operations officer announced as Gul Hulceen stepped from his office and onto Ops. "Two other vessels have dropped out of warp as well, but they are assisting in evacuating from the Dyson Shipyard," he added.

Gul Hulceen studied the screen for a few moments as he contemplated the Federation's actions. "What does the Titan want to discuss? We've already allowed them to collect their refugees," the Executive Administrator thought aloud. "Status of weapons?" he asked.

Glinn Saro knew that question was coming, so he had spent a good part of the afternoon running system analysis and communicating with the engineering technicians that had come on board. He had to give credit to the Starfleet officers. Even in the face of certain defeat, they had found a way to win a small consolation prize in sabotaging various systems.

"Phasers are operating at twenty-one percent efficiency, torpedo launchers are still offline; however, Tactical Engineering says they should have at least six launchers back online within the next twelve hours," Glinn Saro reported. "The advanced holographic decoy array is completely non-responsive and is at the bottom of the repair list due to its complexity," the Glinn stated.

"Damnit! Then what the hell do we have!?" Gul Hulceen gruffed. "More and more Federation vessels continue to enter our space. I want to be prepared the moment they decide to make a move against us. At the very least, I want them to know that we have lethal capabilities," he said as he thought about what was available at the moment.

"Fine. We'll have to go with something rather than just our good looks. Activate the Point Defense Batteries and perform initial scans of the Titan. Do not target, but let them know what we are capable of," he ordered.

"Yes, Gul," Glinn Saro responded.

"Onscreen," Gul Hulceen said as he stood tall before the view screen.

The bridge of the Titan appeared. In the centre seat was a Vulcan in late middle age, her hair the colour of weathered gravestones, and four boxed pips on her collar. She was flanked by a sour looking Terran and a bulky Efrosian. When Gul Hulceen appeared on screen, the Vulcan got to her feet. "I am Admiral T'Vael, commander of the Tenth Fleet. Who are you?"

"I am Gul Dusad Hulceen, Commanding Gul of the warship Beldon and Executive Administrator for Deep Space Five," he announced clearly and directly. He wanted to leave no doubt in this Vulcan's mind as to who he was and where he stood.

"Do you have authority to negotiate on behalf of the forces occupying our sovereign territory?"

Gul Hulceen ground his teeth to keep from immediately replying with the first thought that came to his mind. He took a deep breath to regain his composure and waited several moments before responding. He knew that the Vulcan had precisely chosen those words in an attempt to gather intelligence and to get him to lose his cool in front of others. He knew better than to take the bait so easily.

"As you are aware, the Federation relinquished its administrative control to the Cardassian Union just several days prior. As such, it is a part of the Cardassian Pangaea Administrative Zone and is overseen by Legate Hydel Turvan. I am a part of the senior leadership for Deep Space Five. However, If you wish to speak with the Administrator Turvan, then proper meeting arrangements can be made," Gul Hulceen responded. The Federation was going to have to learn that they no longer had the power in this situation.

"So you don't have the authority. You're just the switchboard." T'vael dismissed him. "Get me Hydel Turvan. No one wants to drag this out longer than necessary."

Gul Hulceen narrowed his eyes and stared defiantly at the Vulcan. The sheer arrogance of this green-blooded bastard to talk to him as if he was some junior deckmate. It would be easy for him to order the fleet to simply obliterate the underwhelming vessel and just write it off as an "accident based upon miscommunication". However, he knew that Turvan had plans, and for the moment they needed to keep the Federation pacified until his plans were ready to be carried out.

"This...switchboard was able to seize a Celestial Class starbase in under four hours, or did you forget why your people are huddled in a shipyard awaiting evacuation?" he asked rhetorically.

"But you're right, I am not Administrator Turvan, and I'm certain that he is eager to discuss terms with the Federation as it pertains to our sovereign territory,." he said as he turned his gaze towards Glinn Saro.

"Have the warships Beldon and Survell escort this ship to the Dyson Shipyard while I...get the proper authority," he said with a smile as he turned back towards the viewscreen.

"We will stay where we are," T'vael stated. "We will not advance, but we will not move until our business here is concluded. Any attempt to change that will be considered a declaration of war."

Gul Hulceen stood for several moments and maintained eye-contact with the Vulcan.

He knew what he had to do.

He walked over to Glinn Saro's console and pressed several buttons before looking at the glinn with significant intent in his eyes. "On my command, you will execute this action," he said. Without waiting for any further response he walked back to the viewscreen and stood for several seconds as Glinn Saro inputted the information and looked back towards the gul, signaling that he was ready.

He took a deep breath before looking at the glinn. "Ousighukum!" (Execute) he said firmly. Glinn Saro nodded and executed the activation command. Within minutes, numerous point defense batteries along the station's structure came to life and calibrated as they received instructions from Ops to target the Titan. Ordinarily, the weapons system would have prohibited any command that ordered it to fire on a Federation vessel. However, the Xi'Cadian and Cardassian fleet had effectively studied the friend or foe system taken from the destroyed USS Ascension. They had determined a method of deactivating the protocol which allowed them to use Starfleet's own weapons system freely against any target.

Here, the target was the obstinate Luna vessel. The autocannons acknowledged receipt of the firing solution and fired four tightly-controlled clusters with each cluster containing a salvo of three. The shots went towards the Titan; however, the target coordinates placed the salvo just off the dorsal section of the hull, missing the superstructure by three hundred meters, a relatively razor-sharp distance in space.

"Federation vessel Titan, consider that initial disbursement a warning use of force. You have entered Cardassian territory. You have been directed to stand down and proceed to the Dyson Shipyards where you will receive further guidance. Failure to comply will be interpreted as a hostile action and we will take necessary action," Gul Hulceen said in a direct and flat tone. He chose not to go with any colorful euphemisms or braggart comments.

The use of the point defense batteries would let the Titan know that Cardassians had found a way to access at least some of the station's tactical capabilities. More importantly, he wanted the Vulcan to recognize that he was willing to take deadly action against her and her entire ship. If Cardassia faltered in this stage of negotiation, then the Federation could wave the threat of war in their face for any number of concessions. They would lose any and all credibility. He had to be willing to take any and all necessary action in order for the Federation to realize the gravity of the situation before them.

"If you value the life of every soldier on your vessel," he said, adding a hint of concern to his voice, "you will make the appropriate decision."

Whilst the salvo burst around them, making the Luna class vessel shake, T'vael stood impassive. When the last torpedo had exploded, she spoke to Gul Hulceen. "Intimidation relies on an emotional reaction. As I am Vulcan, such acts do not succeed. Now if I could speak to Legate Turvan."

The Titan's tactical officer muted the call. "Ma'am, we should bring phaser banks online. Shields are down to seventy-five percent."

"Not yet, Commander," T'Vael said. "They're sabre rattling. When those ships get close to tractor range, let me know. Helm, hold position." She folded her arms over her chest. "Let's see what Turvan has to say."

Gul Hulceen saw that a simple warning shot would have no effect on the cold and otherwise emotionless Vulcan.

"Bring Batteries 12 through 46 online," Gul Hulceen commanded Glinn Saro, not breaking eye contact with the viewscreen.

The glin complied and moved fast to bring the weapons online and to acquire an appropriate targeting solution on the Federation vessel. However, as he did so, he noticed that the comm channel was coming alive with a signal from the surface.

"Sir, it’s Legate Turvan. He is hailing us from the surface," the younger Cardassian said in a tone low enough for only the gul to hear. However, Gul Hulceen did not acknowledge the glinn. Instead, he remained focused on the Starfleet vessel before the station. There was no way that he was going to allow the Vulcan to openly defy his command to disengage and wait for further instructions. To do so would simply invite further defiance and outright uprising from the already defeated Federation within the station and on the planet surface.

He had to make an example out of the Vulcan and her crew for others to understand just how strong Cardassia's hand was in this matter.

"Target Titan's primary systems and on my mark open fire," the gul said, fully understanding that he was giving the command that would undoubtedly strike the vessel critically.

"Sir, the glinn again tried to implore, still seeing that the comm unit was continuing to indicate the hail from the Cardassian Command Center on the planet's surface.

"Glinn Saro," Gul Hulceen said in a measured tone, "fire all targeted batteries," he ordered.

To be Continued…

Legate Hydel Turvan
Prefect of the Cardassian Administrative Zone Deep Space 5
Cardassian Empire

Gul Meran Denat
Operational Commander Pangaea
Cardassian Empire

Gul Kalena Vashur
127th Tactical Wing

Gul Natomi Kyren
Deep Space 5 Administrator
Cardassian Empire

Gul Remul Hulceen
Executive Officer
Cardassian Empire

Admiral T'Vael
Starfleet Security


Cmdr Amia Telamon
CMO - DS5 - Returning From Leave


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