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Propoganda is key

Posted on Wed May 5, 2021 @ 1:52pm by Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,664 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Commander's Office
Timeline: MD 5 - 1130
Tags: Soran, Symbiosis Commission, Intelligence

Gul Kyren rubbed her temples as she sat behind her desk and listened to Glinn Vakor debrief Gul Hulceen regarding the latest development. She had been in command of this station for less than one day and she was ready to vent the entire Klingon population out of the nearest airlock. The only thing that stopped her were the explicit orders she had received from Legate Turvan to maintain peace for as long as was possible with the rabid babboons.

She looked up from her padd at the two Soldiers, focusing on Gul Hulceen. Gul Hulceen was a patient and experienced commander. He was not one to react to the slightest provocation. His experience had led him to take a more pragmatic and drawn-out approach to addressing situations that others might consider emergenices. This situation was no different.

"According to our initial scans, the remains were in fact Trill." Glinn Vakor stated. "However, we do not know what weapon was used nor do we even know who the remains belong to." He said.

"Wait. . .I thought your men confirmed that it was Captain Soran." Gul Kyren interjected.

"My men confirmed that they found Captain Soran's communicator, but before they could perform any further investigation, the Klingons beamed the remains from the cargo bay to the IKS K'tobHa and undocked from the station." Glinn Vakor said. "They're currently maintaining a distance from the station with raised shields." He said as he played the last transmission from the vessel.

"Cardassian vessels. This is Ambassador Charghwl'IH, Head of the House of Soval, and representative of the Klingon Empire. The Federation has surrendered the be it. That was their decision to make. My ships will continue the evacuation of the station. Any attenpt to retain, board, or if any Klingon ship is fired upon will be considered an act of war against the Empire. An entire Klingon fleet is a short warp from here. Stand down....unless you need reminding of what happened the last time there was war between Cardassia and the Empire!

"We currently have the vessel under guard, so far they have not taken any further provacative actions." Glinn Vakor said as he closed the recording.

Gul Hulceen stared at the screen for a moment before looking back towards Gul Kyren. "Those Klingons never think more than 10 meters ahead of them. They take the remains and claim that we killed a Starfleet Officer, surely to gin up a propoganda campaign. Then they flee to their ships before we have a chance to fully examine the remains." He said, rationally thinking through what had transpired.

"You have to acknowledge the irony of the situation. If it was Soran, the timing couldn't be any worse. Killed just days after her father." Gul Hulceen mentioned.

Gul Kyren's eyebrows shot up as she stared at Gul Hulceen in amazement for several moments. The two shared a glance for severla moments before she turned away and activated the computer console and began to acess the most recent Serious Incident Reports. "According to the SIR, her father was killed by a Trill terrorist known as. . .Hex. Evidently, he's a smuggler with a history of run-ins with Trill authorities." She said. "The Trill Symbiosis Commission were in the process of apprehending him when he escaped, resulting in the death of an Agent as well as the Head of the Commission itself!" Gul Kyren said, her voice briming with what could be excitement by Cardassian standard.

"The bombing on the Cardassian Embassay was determined to be the result of a terrorist attack, right?" She asked.

"Yes, however, we were never able to identify which entity was responsible for the attack. The Federation was of no help because they were equally clueless." Gul Hulceen responded. "All of this took place during the tenure of Therak Getal, I might add." Gul Hulceen stated coldly. He was not a fan of the man and his tone showed as much.

"Then we're going to kill two birds with one stone." The Intelligence Bureua Officer said.

"Notify the Docking Master that no Klingon is to step foot on this station from this moment on." Gul Kyren said to Glinn Vakor as she shot out of her chair.

"What about the evacuation of their flea-infested Embassay?" The Cardassian Security Chief asked, wanting to rid himself of those Klingons as quickly as possible.

"They are to continue packing up their belongins and leave via the use of whatever shuttles they have remaining with the station. No Klingon vessel will dock with this station nor transport any personnel from this moment further." Gul Hulceen dictated. "If those bastards want to flee the station so badly, then so be it. They can sit inside of their floating death trap of a vessel and stare at those stolen remains until Sto'Vo'Kor, but I won't allow them to waltz back onto my station and complicate matters any further." Gul Hulceen said pointedly.

"See to it that the docking bay is quarentined. No one is to go anywhere near that area until we actually find out what happened in there." Gul Hulceen said to the younger Cardassian through clinched teeth. It was apparent that although Glinn Vakor had been placed in charge of the security on the station, he was obviously intimidated by the elder Cardassian. The Senior Officer continued to stare somewhat menacinginly into Glinn Vakor's eyes until Gul Kyren walked by them both heading towards the door.

"Follow me." She said simply. She did not give any further explanation as she made her way through the opening doors.

"Begin recording, afterwards I want it transmitted throughout the station's public announcement systems." She ordered to Gil Rojat at the Communications console.

"Citizens of Deep Space 5. My name is Gul Kyren, Administrator for Deep Space Five." She said, introducing herself to those who were not aware of who controlled the station. "

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that we have received reports that Captain Maritza Soran has been killed. We take these reports very serious and have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding this event. As of now, we have reason to believe that a known terrorist by the name of Hex may have been involved in her death. It is also our understanding that this same terrorist was responsible for the murder of the Head of the Symbiosis Commission, Dagan Rell and Commission Agent Nessia Zuu." Gul Kyren announced.

"We have also learned that these attacks were not isolated. Evidence has led us to conclude that Hex played a significant part in the bombing of the Cardassian Embassay that took the lives of over a dozen Cardassian citizens." She said.

"While we mourn the loss of Captain Soran, we also recognize that this lawlessness behavior and activity has been allowed to fester within this facility for far too long. We trust that Captain Soran had noble intentions; however, the evidence has shown that she was unable to properly respond to this growing threat. As a result, it cost her life and the lives of others." Gul Kyren said, drawing as much sympathy and remorse into her voice as she could.

Gul Kyren pasued for a brief moment. "We wish to only exist in peace and prosperity with others. To that extent we have taken this necessary action because it has become painfully obvious that others are either unwilling or unable to accomplish that goal. As the Administrators of this station, we vow to protect the lives of each and every one of you that call this facility home." She said.

"To that extent, we ask for your vigilance in assisting our forces in locating and apprehending this terrorist. He is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous." Gul Kyren said as a picture of Hex's last known host, Ahjess Denn, was transposed onto the screen beside her. "If he is observed, you are to notify station security forces immediately. Your cooperation in this matter is truly appreciated." She concluded. After a few moments, Gil Rojat nodded that the recording had ended.

"Intringuing, but what if the Klingons decide to respond?" Gul Hulceen asked.

"Let them, the simple-minded animals have no more evidence than we do. The way they fled the station and accused us of killing her will just make it seem as if they are just being spiteful." Gul Kyren said with a smile. "In war, propoganda is key." She said, quoting a Cardassian mantra.

"That was excellent, ma'am! I will immediately dispatch my men to begin looking for Hex and securing the cargo bay." Glinn Vakor said with relief in his voice. He no longer had the sense of dread now that Gul Hulceen appeared to be somewhat molified by Gul Kyren's presentation. He nodded and excused himself to depart form OPS.

"Glinn Vakor, just a moment. . ." Gul Kyren said as she reached for her side-holster and drew her disruptor. As the Security Chief turned around to respond she aimed her weapon and fired one shot directly into his left hand. Although the weapon was placed on a lower setting, the seering pain was extruciating and immediate enough to drop the man to his knees.

"AAGGGGGGHHHH.........UGGGHHH....." Glinn Vakor shouted, cradiling his wounded flesh.

"Let this be a warning to everybody." Gul Kyren said as she holstered her weapon. "I will not tolerate incompotence of any kind while I am in Command of this station. This mission is of vital importance to the strength and stability of Cardassia." She said with finality as she let the silence fill the room as she turned and walked back towards her office with Gul Hulceen in tow.

"Get him some treatment." She said as the doors hissed shut.

Natomi Kyren
Administrator Deep Space 5

Dusad Hulceen
Executive Administrator Deep Space 5

Tavin Vakor
Head of Station Security Deep Space 5


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