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Posted on Tue May 11, 2021 @ 10:21pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Hydel Turvan

3,209 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, Lakota
Timeline: MD 04 0800


The USS Lakota came out of warp half an AU from Deep Space Five, a couple of hundred kilometers from the Dyson Shipyard's breaking frames. "I'm picking up multiple Cardassian and Xi'cadian vessels.” Lt. Commander Wright, the ship's security chief, couldn't believe it. That wasn't a small skirmish force. "Twenty-six!"

Captain Jessil Makette swallowed. The Intrepid class Lakota would last all of five seconds if it turned into a firefight. She straightened her uniform. "Yellow alert. Start streaming our blackbox back to Starfleet command." Just in case. "Open hailing frequencies."

"Hailing frequencies open," Lieutenant Commander Wright replied.

"Deep Space Five, this is the USS Lakota," Makette announced. "We picked up your emergency beacon. Can we be of assistance?"

Glinn Viktall took a deep breath to steady his nerves as the communication frequency chirped to life. He confirmed the source of the signal as well as its distance.

"Gul Hulceen, Starfleet vessel has just dropped out of warp and is hailing the station," the communications officer reported.

Gul Hulceen stared at the screen for several moments. He enjoyed taking several moments of silence to gather and focus his thoughts. He knew that they could easily destroy the Federation vessel without much trouble. However, they would probably be able to get out an emergency signal to the rest of the fleet and undoubtedly bring reinforcements prepared to engage in a brutal firefight.

On the other side, ignoring them would not cause the vessel to go away. More importantly, their fleet was not at 100% strength after the engagement with the station. They needed time to repair and re-arm themselves. Additionally, they still had not repaired the station's tactical and defensive systems. With the various amounts of sabotage they had discovered, it would not be an easier task to complete.

Their choices were limited; however, the best choice would be to get in front of the problem.

"Surely, Legate Turvan has detected the vessel and communication as well. Open a channel from the planet surface. Legate Turvan will want to be the one to respond to them," Gul Hulceen directed. He shared a glance with Gul Kyren that seemed to say, Let's see where this goes..

Within several minutes, the connection had been established between the Lakota and the Cardassian command compound. Legate Turvan knew that the Federation would come, but he did not expect them to come this soon. He had hoped for more time to gather his forces as well as receive the promised reinforcements on behalf of Councilwoman Jill Ora Madred.

Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing.. It was a saying that he recalled hearing a Human say once during the war. It seemed so fitting for such an important time of his life.

“This is Legate Hydel Turvan to the Federation starship Lakota. We have detected your arrival and picked up your message to the station. At this time, Deep Space 5 has come under the administrative oversight of the Cardassian Union for a very limited security action. We have negotiated a cease-fire with those Starfleet officers garrisoned here. They are free to evacuate and leave the station and planet without any interference. More importantly, we will allow the civilian population to go about their lives freely during this limited engagement. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation,” he stated in a professional and measured tone.

Captain Makette exchanged glances with her XO. "We would like to speak with Captain Soran, please."

Legate Turvan did not appreciate being brushed off so casually as if he was some red-shirted ensign on an away team.

“Captain Soran has surrendered her command and has not been heard nor seen from. As I've stated, we have assumed operational control over the planet of Pangaea and Deep Space Five to the extent necessary to safely carry out this limited security engagement. Might I inquire as to who I am currently talking to?” Legate Turvan replied. He would not allow them to have him at the disadvantage of not knowing whom he was interacting with.

if you haven't seen or heard from the Captain, how could she have surrendered her command. That made no sense. Makette buried her suspicions; diplomacy was the only way through here. "I am Captain Jessil Makette." She paused. There were a lot of Starfleet people on that station, and she would have to do what she could to get them off. "I have no desire to escalate the situation, but I would like to speak to the highest ranking Starfleet officer remaining to coordinate a humanitarian response."

“That will not be possible,” Legate Turvan replied. This was now Cardassian territory. He was not going to cede his control to some lacky officer just to satisfy their curiosity. “You are talking with me now,” he said flatly and directly.

“If it is proof-of-life that you are seeking, then you can rest assured that we are not torturing or mutilating your comrades. Former Executive Officer Commander Caleb Ryan has directed his subordinates to stand-down and if they choose to do so, then they are free to leave on their own accord,” he added.

Makette made a small gesture, and Wright muted the line. "Terry," she asked her XO, "see if you can raise Ryan, or any of the listed DH. Unmute." She looked back at the Cardassian on screen. "Permission to dock at DS5 in order to collect personnel wishing to depart."

“Request denied,” Legate Hydel said firmly. He was not going to allow Starfleet to smuggle some strike force, or virus, or some other form of sabotage under the guise of evacuating the other officers.

“I have already instructed Commander Ryan that he is to coordinate evacuation of personnel to the Dyson Shipyard. From there, you may dock and coordinate retrieval as you see fit. We do not wish for this to escalate as well. Therefore, we believe the Dyson Shipyard will serve as an appropriate buffer for offloading unnecessary personnel without risking any type of. . .misunderstandings,” Turvan said with a smile.

Makette didn't smile in return. Out of the corner of her eye, Walters shook his head and mouthed jammed. "We will head to the dockyard as directed, but we're having difficulty raising Commander Ryan. For the sake of making this as peaceful as possible, please can you drop the communications block on DS5. We need to ascertain the status of our personnel directly."

Legate Turvan was not one for repeating himself unnecessarily. More important, he saw this conversation as setting the foundation for future interactions with the Federation as this situation continued to expand. If he did not take a firm position and draw a line in the proverbial sand, then the Federation would think that they still had control over the situation.

“Captain Makette, I share your genuine desire to keep this situation as peaceful as possible,” he replied. “However, due to the fluid nature of this event, I cannot agree to that request. However, I will direct my staff to arrange for Commander Ryan to communicate with you from a convenient location so that you may ascertain his health and well-being,” Legate Turvan offered. He figured that it would at least give him the ability to control what and when communication was made.

“We will reach out to you once Commander Ryan has made himself available. Please stand by,” he said, cutting the signal abruptly. Once the line to the Lakota had deactivated he turned to Gul Hulceen, who was still observing the conversation from the station.

"Find Commander Ryan and take him to the nearest civilian communications center. I want them to see that he is alive and well, but do not give him any access to sensitive communication equipment," the senior Cardassian urged. "I want him to be under surveillance during his contact with the Lakota. I'm certain that he will try to do something foolish if we turn our backs on him," he said.

"Understood, Legate Turvan." The older Cardassian nodded and turned to dispatch a team to go retrieve the Human.

"Thank you, Legate," Captain Makette replied. "We look forward to hearing from you both." Her security officer, long used to picking up her cues, cut the transmission.

She turned to her bridge crew, hands on her hips, and swore. "Helm, set course for their breaking yard, maximum impulse. Lloyd, notify Lieutenant Morgan there's a change of plans for his disembarkation, and to head to the shuttle bay when he's ready. Wright, inform Starfleet command that the station has been seized, but the Cardassians are indicating they want a peaceful return of personnel, rather than take prisoners, but we could still be facing a hostage situation with the senior staff." The Hekeran pinched her nose in frustration. "Tell Command to scramble every available ship. We'll need them to move all those people. Ask for a hotline to an admiral until one is out here. This has just gone way above our paygrade. And call OPM. We will need a full list of assigned personnel."

She sat back in her seat to wait for the call from the station.

Gil Tesaan and two other Xi'Cadian Guardsmen made their way through the Command-level suite of quarters and found the door belonging to Commander Caleb Ryan. Gil Tesaan posted the troopers on either side of the door, with their weapons in the low-ready position, but still visible. He pressed the chime button and waited for the Human to respond.

Caleb looked up from the video letter he was drafting for Aleczandra. With no way to reach her at the cabin, he could only hope that if she returned to the station, she might be able to return to her quarters, or that his and her things would be given to her. He hid the papers inside a hidden pocket in one of her stuffed animals.

On the way to the door, he grabbed up his jacket and pulled it on, fastening it up. The rank pips still sat on his collar, but his Starfleet combadge had been taken. Caleb expected this to be one of the regular reports he was being given about the status of the Starfleet evacuation, as Starfleet crew were moved into the larger open areas of the Dyson Shipyard and held under guard.

“Gil Tesaan,” Caleb greeted when the doors opened. “Come by for breakfast? Ah was just about to start up some bacon an’ eggs. Want some coffee?” he offered.

The Cardassian gil immediately focused on the pips on the Human's collar. It was obvious that he was choosing to be defiant and still hold himself out as if he was still in charge. Gil Tessan wanted to rip them off of his collar and smash them under his boot; however, he had received orders to deliver the man without delay.

"A Starfleet vessel has made contact with the station. Gul Hulceen has chosen for you to communicate with the vessel and inform them that you and your other officers are still alive," the gil stated in short and clipped words. He directed the two Xi'Cadians into the Human's quarters and directly to his comm unit.

"You'll contact the vessel from your quarters; however, we're securing your system to ensure that you are unable to transmit any coded messages or receive any such," the gil said as he stepped into the quarters and cast an accusatory glance around the suite. He suspected that the Human was up to something; however, he had no actionable intel at the moment. The sooner all of these Federation soldiers were removed from the station, the better.

“Be mah guest,” Caleb said, stepping aside and letting the Xi’Cadians into the quarters. “When can Ah visit mah people in the shipyards?” he asked. “Ah need ta make sure they’re okay if Ah’m gonna reassure Starfleet that ya’ll’re treatin’ ‘em right.”

"Your people are alive and well and are proceeding accordingly to the designated evacuation routes," Gil Tesaan replied. "They will remain that way as long as you comply with our instructions, Mr. Ryan," the Cardassian officer said purposely, choosing to not acknowledge the Human's rank.

"The console is secure. We're ready to hail the Lakota," the Xi'Cadian technician said as they activated the console and signaled to Ops to hail the Starfleet vessel.

On the bridge of the Lakota, Wright picked up the ping from the station. "Captain, DS5 is hailing us."

Captain Makette settled into the centre chair. "On screen."

Gul Hulceen's image appeared on the screen. "As we previously stated, Commander Ryan is alive and well. He is currently in his quarters gathering his belongings as he prepares to disembark from the station along with the other Federation combatants," the gul responded. He turned towards the communications officer and nodded for him to connect Commander Ryan's quarters to the current open line.

The junior officer had served with Gul Hulceen long enough to know just from his glance that he wanted the line to be monitored for any attempts to transmit data through any passive methods. He nodded to the gul once the connection had been properly established.

Commander Caleb Ryan appeared on the screen in his Starfleet uniform, though minus his Starfleet communicator. “Captain,” he acknowledged the Lakota’s commanding officer. “Nice to see a friendly face.”

"I wish circumstances were better, Commander. I am Captain Makette of the USS Lakota. I have to ask, where is Captain Soran?" She left the unspoken question, Have the Cardassians killed her? hanging in the air.

“Captain Soran was on bereavement leave when the Cardassians arrived,” Caleb said. “She recently lost her father. She was somewhere on the station, but we were unable ta get in contact with her durin’ the crisis because communications were down. Ah have not heard from her in a couple days,” he admitted. “Nor do Ah know if the Cardassians got her. She was not carrying her communicator, an’ may not have been in uniform.” Left unsaid, because the Cardassians were surely listening, was the hope that Captain Soran was still among the civilian population on the station.

The Hekaran nodded. "And the rest of your staff, Commander? Are they being treated well? Have you got a plan of action for evacuation?"

“Ah have been given assurances that all Starfleet personnel are bein’ treated well, but Ah am confined ta quarters an’ have no independent verification of that fact,” he said, casting a look at the two Xi’Cadians and the Cardassian watching him. “They are apparently bein’ moved into the larger facilities aboard the Dyson Shipyards into a makeshift POW camp until Starfleet can get evacuation ships here.”

"They are on their way." She wanted to reassure him, but not show too much of their hand to whoever might be listening. "We are just the first on the scene. We have the OPR listings for DS5 as of yesterday at 10 AM your time. We'll account for everyone, I promise. When will you be disembarked? Do you know?"

“Not yet,” Caleb said. “They are keeping a pretty tight lock on information. Ah think the Cardassians are overextended an’ know it. They’re scared.” He glanced at his minders with a smile. “They’ve only got one fleet out here, an’ it ain’t even a main battle fleet. The Sixth is an R&D fleet.” The Cardassians might not like him saying so, but it wasn’t information that couldn’t be easily gotten by basic intelligence work. “Backed by the Xi’Cadians, an’ we know what they’re worth,” he pointed out, giving the two Xi’Cadian guards a level look.

"Enough of this!" Gil Tesaan said angrily. The closest Xi'Cadian moved over to the console and deactivated it, cutting off the link to the Lakota. At the same time, Gil Tesaan grabbed his disruptor and hit Caleb in the face with it, knocking him to the ground.

"Do you think this is a game, Human!" the Cardassian said, choosing to designate him only by his species and not by his rank or even name. "The only reason you are still alive and not dangling from a pole on the Promenade is because Legate Turvan believes that you are still useful to us. The moment you stop being useful is the exact moment you stop breathing," he said through clenched teeth as he stood over him, hoping that the Human would try to fight him. He would love the opportunity to take him down a peg or two.

“Is that so?” Caleb said, keeping his cool, his fingers touching his face and coming away with blood from a cut on his cheek. “Or perhaps Turvan is smart enough ta know how far out on a limb he’s climbed an’ ain’t eager ta saw off the branch he’s sittin’ on.” He stared levelly at Gill Tesaan. “If that is all, Ah’d like ta see mah people so that next time Ah can give Starfleet a proper report.”

Gil Tessan stepped closer into Ryan's personal space and stared into his eyes. When face to face, the Cardassian's chin came to the Human's nose, but he was still close enough stare into the center of the Human's black pupils.

"Hold him." He said tot he two Xi'Cadians standing nearby. They quickly moved to each grab one of Ryan's arm, applying pressure at the shoulder joint, keeping him from being able to jerk free.

Gil Tesaan took off his gloves as he slowly began to speak. "My name is Gil Elru Tesaan, my brother's name was Relon Cetan Tesaan.' He said as he swung with his left hand directly into the bridge of Ryan's nose.

"He died 20 years ago when your people!"


"Invaded us!"


"Through those Pangaea portals!" (**)


The Cardassian swung one more fist into Ryan's solarplex before he staggered back. His chest heaved with exercition as he tried to catch his breathe.

"I want you to remember my face, Human, because. . .either here. . .or in a different time, I promise're going to see it again." He said, waving away the two Xi'Cadians.

"Clean him up and get him over to Sick Bay, they can give him a casualty report." The Glinn said as he put his gloves back on and began to leave.

On the bridge of the Lakota, Captain Makette looked at the blank screen, pensive. "Helm, get us to the shipyard and park us where we can get out easily if the Cardassians do anything we need to worry about. Terry, get a precis and the recording of that call off to Starfleet Command ASAP," she told her XO. "Tell them we're going to need an admiral on this."


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Former Executive Officer

Glinn Elru Tesaan
Security Officer
Cardassian Empire

Captain Jessil Makette
USS Lakota

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