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Economic Diplomacy

Posted on Tue May 4, 2021 @ 7:58pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Eris Tah & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,616 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Station Commander's Office
Timeline: MD 04 - 1030
Tags: PMA, Cardassians, Economy


=/\= An Eris Tah and Yolanthe Ibalin are here to speak with you. =/\= The Commander's assistant said through the comm unit.

=/\=Very well, allow them to proceed.=/\= Gul Natomi Kyren responded to the Trooper. She looked across her desk and the unenthused facial expression of Gul Dusad Hulceen, the station's Executive Administrator. The senior Gul had fought in more than his fair share of combat engagements; however, his years of experience was seen as an invaluable tool to Gul Kalena Vashur, but now to Gul Kyren.

However, his face spoke volumes as to how much he disapproved of the Gul's current course of action. "We have cascading system failures throughout the station and numerous vessels within the combine fleet that need repairs. We need to strengthen and fortify, that should be our priority, not wasting time with Merchants and pedlers." The elder Gul stated.

"This is not merely a . . .Meet & Greet with the civilians." Gul Kyren responded. "This is a matter of being proactive. IF there is to be any kind of insurgency onboard this station, it will undoubtedly begin within their Promanade. These two are leaders within the commerce community on board the station." The Cardassian Intelligence Bureau Officer replied.

Gul Hulceen was less than sold; however, he chose to keep his mouth shut and merely stand as the two women arrived just outside of the doors.

"Come in!" He announced.

When Yolanthe had stepped into her Turbolift, Eris Tah had been irked. When she had requested OPS, Tah's antenna twitched. "You're going to OPS?"

"Yes." The bokkai had turned dark yellow on seeing the andorian. "I've been invited to talk to Gul Hulceen."

"Invited?" Tah repeated

"Well, ordered summarily. You?"

"Likewise. I wonder what they want."

"Well, you're the secretary of the PMA, I run the biggest entertainment venue on the station. If its not about the fate of civilians now Starfleet have been pushed out, then I'm the son of a argrellian chimp."

"This is going to be unpleasant. We have no bargaining chips, and we are occupied by a hostile force." Tah frowned.

"Speak for yourself, I sell twelve different types of Kanar, all of them older than twenty five." Yolanthe replied. "I like Cardassians."

"Well you wouldn't have spent a year fucking one if you didn't," Tah gave her an unpleasant smile, her tone full of false sweetness.

The turbo lift came to a halt, and The bokkai indicated for Eris to leave first. "I suspect the next ten minutes will be nowhere near as much fun, and somewhat less satisfying. Shall we?"

The two women entered the office. It didn't seem much different, but then the captain had never been one for personal touches. If anything, Hulceen seemed to make the whole place warmer. Truly, Yolanthe thought, the world turned upside down.

"Gul Halceen," Tah said, the smile she reserved for the most important Association members firmly in place. "You wanted to see us?"

Gul Kyren stood from behind the Captain's desk and beamed with a large smile. "Eris Tah, what a pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for taking time from your business schedule to come meet with us." Gul Kyren said as she stepped from around the desk and extended her hand to the woman.

"I am Natomi Kyren, I have been appointed as the Administrator for the station. This is my Executive, Gul Dusat Hulceen." The Intelligence Officer said warmly as she introduced herself and her #2. Gul Hulceen merely forced a polite smile onto his face and merely nodded at the two women.

Tah shook the other woman's hand. "The pleasure's all mine. Have you met Ms Ibalin?"

Yolanthe held out her own hand. "Well, we've arrived. How can we help you?"

Gul Kyren noticed the rather short response from the Bar tender. "Ms. Ibalin, I must say I have never met any person with your. . .capabilities before. Where are your people from?" The Intelligence Officer asked with her most sincere voice. She had studied the background of the Bokkai extensive prior to assuming control of the station. However, he wanted to begin to develop a rapport with the woman. The best way to do that was through asking about her background.

Yolanthe wished the woman changed colours. It would be easier to guess what she was dealing with, a normal Cardassian, or someone who shared Turvan's dislike of her. "The back end of nowhere, a gazillion lightyears from here." Yolanthe replied. "My home is here now. And all my family."

Gul Kyren noted the shortened reply and lack of substantive detail. The Bokkai did not fully trust her and was being guarded in her replies.

"Well, I wanted us to take this opportunty to open the lines of communication." Gul Kyren said as she took a seat and gestured for the two women to sit as well. "I understand that these are very difficult and uncertain times. However, I do not believe that it needs to disrupt to slow down the flow of commerce onboard this station." Gul Kyren mentioned calmly.

"What exactly can we do to assist you in your efforts to keep things running smoothly?" She asked.

"Its a pleasure to here that," Tah took the proffered seat. "Out here we are reliant on imports and deliveries just as much as on replicators, so minimizing any barriers to trade will be the quickest way back to normal."

Yolanthe also sat. "And given that half our market has just been ejected, I'm hoping you have some plans to bolster demand."

"We believe in the value of open commerce." Gul Kyren responded. "We want you to view us as an ally in whatever way necessary. We fully intend to allow your traditional suppliers and contractors to continue to provide merchants like yourself whatever necessary goods you require." Gul Kyren said.

"Subject to certain security requirements." Gul Hulceen interjected. There was no way he was going to allow random vessels come and go into the station without rigorus screening taking place. There was no telling how the Federation could attempt to exploit such a hole in security.

"Right. . .certain, appropriate, security requirements" Gul Kyren added, trying to smooth over the idea. "But still free and open trade, nonetheless." She added.

"You'll find the Cardassian government to be very accommodating, in fact much more so than the Federation with all of their stringent job-killing regulations!" Gul Kyren said. "As a show of good faith, we are going to decrease station tariffs by 15% on all goods sold within your establishments." Gul Kyren said to the women.

Tah's antenna twitched, and Ibalin's body went turquoise, and the two exchanged glances. "That's very welcome," Tah said cautiously. "Several of my members have contracts to import items from the Romulan and Klingon empires. Will their business be impacted?"

"We hope to maintain a thriving economic relationship with both governments as well. We see no need in shutting off any opportunities. We believe that his period of uncertainity can still lead to the development of stronger bonds between our people." Gul Kyren said. "Especially the civilians that have been caught in the middle of this predicament." She added.

"I wanted to hold this meeting with you all to extend our hand of friendship." Gul Kyren said as she leaned forward. "Can I count on you all to support our endeavours of peace and cooperation throughout the station?" She asked earnestly.

"Of course," Tah said smoothly. "The PMA's purpose is to keep business smooth for the stations' citizens, regardless of who is in charge."

Ibalin's turquoise flickered to a lime green. "That will depend on the endeavour. I can't imagine that DS5 is Turvan's favourite place. Does he hold a grudge?"

Gul Hulceen's jaw clenched tight at the Bokkai's mention of the Legate. Evidently, the two did not see eye to eye, otherwise she would not have mentioned him. He shared a glance with Gul Kyren before she responded.

"I speak for Administrator Turvan when I say that Cardassia recognizes this as a great opportunity to strengthen our bonds and to further develop our partners and their goals." The Intelligence Officer responded.

The chime to the Commander's office rang, interupting the obvious tension still in the air. Gul Hulceen stood and address the Glinn that had rushed to the door. They spoke in hushed tones for several moments before Gul Hulceen went to Gul Kyren and addressed her with immediacy in his voice.

"I'm sorry to cut this meeting short, but we have a situation that has developed." Gul Hulceen said, moreso to Gul Kyren, than to the two outsiders. "There's been an altercation involving the Klingons and Captain Soran." He said, not wanting to go into further detail. He turned to the two outsiders and looked at them calmly, but obviously with a desire for them to leave.

Gul Kyren stood and gave her warmest smile as she gestured them towards the door. "Thank you for your time and attention, I trust that we will be in contact very soon." She said.

Tah smiled in return. "I look forward to enabling a smooth relationship." she said and departed.

Yolanthe held back for a moment. "I note that, regarding Turvan, you didn't say 'no'." She pointed out, her colours seeping back to her usual shades of violet. "Stop by for some kanar some time." She added. "Talk woman to woman, as it were."

Gul Kyren smiled warmly to the Bokkai in response. "I look forward to it, I hope you have a bottle of 2048 in reserve." She said.

Natomi Kyren
Administrator Deep Space 5

Dusad Hulceen
Executive Administrator Deep Space 5


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