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Shifting Winds (part I)

Posted on Mon Nov 2, 2020 @ 2:35am by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Edited on on Mon Nov 2, 2020 @ 2:40am

1,218 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Turbolift towards Promanade
Timeline: Back Post: In Arcadia Ego MD 07 0135
Tags: Trill, Symbionsis Comission, Xelana, Trill Ministry of Defense

He knew that he did not have much time before things became a lot worse for him in ways that he did not want to imagine. He knew that he had to work fast during the brief lull that currently existed.

Lt. Trellis made his way out of the Bar and towards the nearest lift. The clock ticking and Hex knew that he had become a target for the Symbiosis Commission.

"Main Promanade" He spoke to the computer. He had a date with a Bartender.

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis leaned against the wall as his turbolift traveled quickly toward the Main Promande level. He had only a limited amount of time to sort out a plan on how to deal with the missing Symbionts and how to handle explaining the death of a Commission Agent.

He was so wrapped in his thoughts that he never noticed the lift stopping or the arrival of another person within the confined psace. He had continued to review his padd without even looking up.

"I gotta hand it to you Si'Lar, when you screw up, you really go BIG!" The voice said tauntanly.

Lt. Trellis nearly dropped the padd in his hand as he heard the voice and looked up to its owner. "What the hell are you doing here?" He spat out.

"Not only are the Naqiis and the Hex symbionts both missing, and now you have a dead Symbiosis Commission Agent lying on some cold slab in the middle of some back-water farflung station." Xelana Castille said casually. "At some point you have to stop digging deeper into this hole of yours. I'm guessing Zuul--" She began to say as she leaned against the wall.

"Zuul is gone. . ." Lt. Trellis said slowly. The confines of the lift made it so that he would not have to raise his voice to be heard.

Xelana and Si'Lar allowed the silence of the lift to hang in the air for several moments before either one of them spoke.

"Oh you've fucked up bad, you've fucked up really bad!" She said with a jolt down her spine. "Do you know how many lifetimes the Zuul Symbiont possessed!?" She said, shock and anger filling her eyes.

"I know! I know! Damnit, I know!" Lt. Trellis snapped, stopping her rising anger. "You still haven't explained why the hell you are on this station anyways!" He added.

"I was here on a fact-finding missio---" Xelana responded.

"Spying mission, you were here to spy. Stop talking to me like I'm stupid. We're not little kids anymore." The male Trill responded caustically. "You're here to carry out our Father's dirty work that he doesn't want to the Symbiosis Commission to know about." Si'Lar said in an accusatory tone to his sibling.

Their father, Si'Man Trellis, was the Vice Primar of the Trill Home Guard. The man had dedicated his entire life to the defense of not just the Trill Homeworld, but the Trill way of life. He was a traditionalist that believed that while joining the Federation was beneficial to Trill as a planet, it had been detrimental to its culture, more specifically, in the way their cared for and lived their lives as a joined-speciies.

As the leader of Trill Homeworld Defense, he held a very powerful position in all internal matters. While the Symbiosis Commision held complete authority over the safe-keeping and maintenance of the symbionts within the Caves of Mak'ala, Vice Primar Trellis held considerable sway in terms of security throughout the rest of the world and beyond.

From time to time, the Trill Ministry of Defense would dispatch Soverign Agents to go beyond the Homeworld to carry out certain missions or to gain particular knowledge that could prove to be harmful to Trill way of life. It was a broad mandate that many saw as unncessary with the availability of Starfleet and its vast resources. However the Trill Ministry of Defense, under Vice Primar Trellis, believed in being vigilante and not relying upon Starfleet for its security.

"I was sent here for recon on the possible location of the Ovaan symbiont, I thought I had found it inside of your Executive Officer's daughter, Alecandra." Xelana said, composing herself. "But when I transmitted my findings back to Trill that's when the Home Guard and the Symbiosis Commission learned that that half-breed was carying the Naqiis symbiont inside of her." She said with obvious disgust.

"In typical Commission fashion, they had to send one of their own to retrieve the wayward Symbionts instead of letting the Home Guard deal with the situation in our own way." She said with a smirk. "I was given orders by Atris Peral to depart the station while her favorite agent, Nessia Zuul to handle it." She said, shaking her head. "But now. . .this what we're left with." She sighed.

"But clearly, our dear Vice Primar told you to stay behind so you can spy..." Si'Lar stated.

"Well, now it seems like I stuck around to help you clean up this catastrophic fuck-up you've walked into." Xelana said. "Where are you heading to now?" She asked.

"Box of Delights, Q'uit's said that Agent Zuul was last seen talking with one of Yolanthe's workers." Si'Lar said.

"Oh, like a common criminal like Q'uit's is such a paragon of truth and virtuosness!" Xelana replied sarcastically.

"He said he was a skinny, Trill with long blonde hair. Hopefully, Yolanthe will have information on wh--" he partially stated.

"Ahjess." She interrupted.

"What?" Si'Lar said, caught off-guard. " do y--" He stammered.

"His name is Ahjess, he's an Unjoined and worked as a Dabo Boy for the Cherulan." She reported. "Additionally, the Cherulan allegedly confronted the Half-breed regarding the disappearance of the Unjoined." She said in a cold, detached tone.

"Damnit. . ." Si'Lar swore to himself.. "We have to tell Captain Soran and Commander Ryan about this." He said decisively.

"Are you stupid?" Xelana asked. "Soran hates any and everything to do with Symbionts. The woman barely knows what it means to be a Trill and that Executive Officer of yours is a aiding and abetting a fugitive of justice! There's no telling what he would do to save the skin of that half-breed daughter of his." She said.

Si'Lar was loathed to admit it, but she was right about the two senior officers. Neither one was a good source of support for the current predicament. "You can't just cut out the senior leaders of this station in tracking down a psychopath." Si'Lar said

"Oh, don't worry little brother. . ." Xelana said as hte lift came to a halt and the doors opened to the Promanade. "I don't plan to." She said with certainty as she turned and exited the shaft.

"Wait...wait....Xelana! Wait!" Si'Lar said as he tried to race after her, but she was gone from the immediate vicinity as he stepped out the car and looked around the area. Gone. She certainly had a knack for disappearing when she wanted to.

Lt. Trellis knew that he did not have much time to find Hex before anymore lives were taken away.

Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation Officer

Xelana Castille
Trill Ministry of Defense
NPC by Thom


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