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Posted on Fri Oct 2, 2020 @ 1:45pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

2,108 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Caleb's Quarters
Timeline: MD 07 1800

Opal finished her shift, went back to her quarters to clean up and make herself look nice, then set out to go to see Caleb. Her heart fluttered as she pressed the chime and waited for the man of her dreams to answer. Once invited in, she couldn't resist the chance to throw her arms around his neck and hug him. As she had hoped, she was able to solicit some very nice kisses too. "You're such a good kisser," she murmured as they parted. "Oh, I have a surprise for you!" she remembered, and hopped excitedly over to the side to get something out of her bag. It was some of his favourite coffee, and she was so proud to have run some supplies of it down. She puffed up, waiting for him to enthuse about it, but his expression was a bit too withheld and his eyebrow was raised as if with some suspicion.

"Don't look at me like that," she complained. "I know you like to make your own special coffee, but I've learned how to do it now, and I wanted to show you how well I can. If you don't like it you can recycle it, but at least let me try?" She put on a pouty look and added, "Pleeeeeeeeeeease?" but as soon as he nodded, she changed it for a huge, wide grin of delight and went off into the kitchenette to start.

“Remember ta add the water ta the coffee maker this time,” Caleb told Opal, teasing. “Wanna watch anythin’?” he offered. “What’s Zandy call it? Holoflix an’ chill?” He moved over to the sideboard, grabbing a bottle of Bailey’s for the coffee. He normally preferred his coffee black, but a little Irish in the coffee was good at times.

"Yes! I'd like that!" Opal called back over her shoulder as she started on the coffee preparation, which she undertook with great seriousness and a big desire to get it right and impress him. She eventually returned with two steaming mugs and put them carefully on the countertop beside the sofa. She had made the coffee with such delicacy and care, she was almost convinced it was vulnerable and might spoil for being plonked down too roughly.

Looking up from her concentration, her furrowed brow smoothed and she smiled at him. "You choose. I trust you to pick something we'll both like!" she teased, fully intending to complain about whatever he chose, but looking forward to making up over it afterwards. Then she spotted the Baileys. "Oooooh" she approved, taking her seat beside him and holding out her own coffee in anticipation. "Yes pleeeease!" she said. "I love Baileys."

“Ah know,” Caleb said with a smile. “It’s why Ah had Gino order me some.” He usually preferred straight whiskey in his coffee, but the Bailey’s wasn’t bad. He poured some into Opal’s cup, then his own, and leaned back. “Ever seen Casablanca?” Caleb asked, sipping his coffee.

"I like Gino! We should go to his for dinner, support the local trade sort of thing. What do you think?" Opal suggested, then, before Caleb could answer her, she added the answer to the question he had asked as well.

"No, but I hear it's a bit of a chick-flick!" she teased, knowing how much he liked the classics. He had been known to mention that he thought "they don't make 'em like they used to". She sipped her coffee, her hair shading the side of her face nearest to him, keeping the sparkle in her eyes as undetectable as possible for a few moments longer.

However, it wasn't very long before her grin escaped and she looked up at him and winked. He really was so handsome, and looking away and then back again gave her an unexpected but very pleasurable wave of that good electricity he always sparked in her, especially when their eyes met.

“Ah. But the good kinda chick flick,” Caleb said with a smile. “Where a man’s a man an’ the lady’s a lady.” He couldn’t help himself. He reached over and cupped Opal’s chin in his hand, lifting her face and leaning in to kiss her.

“Ah”ll call Gino an’ see if he can fit us in,” he told Opal when they had parted.

"Is it showing at Gino's?" she asked, a little surprised. "I thought you meant for us to channel it in, so we can sit and snuggle on the sofa while we watch?" she commented initially, but then she just grinned and snuggled up close to him. "On second thoughts, why not go out? We can snuggle up afterwards. Unless you're expecting Zandy home. We could go back to mine, if you are. I just haven't seen her around a lot lately. Does she have a new love interest in her life?"

Caleb’s jaw tightened just a bit, but he gave Opal a squeeze. “Seems to,” he said. “She’s off on a bit of a vacation for a bit,” he told Opal, not elaborating. The less people that knew where his daughter was, the better. “We can go out, or order in, whatever ya like,” he told Opal with a smile. “An’ we can watch the movie here.”

"Let's order in and watch it here," she chose an option, encouraged by the idea that Zandy might not come home suddenly. "We can go to Gino's tomorrow instead. I do like Gino, but not as much as having you all to myself," she added, nestling against him again and getting very comfortable with a happy grin.

Caleb chuckled. “Are you jealous because Charlene flirts with me?” he teased, kissing Opal’s forehead. “Ya know she flirts with everyone,” he reminded. “Even you.”

Caleb picked up his social and flipped open Gino’s menu. “Pick what ya like, we’ll get it delivered,” he told Opal, handing her the social.

Opal blushed. She wanted to admit she was a bit jealous, not so much of Charlene who was, like Gino, a hologram, but she did get some insecure feelings that could probably be explained that way when other sentient women flirted with him. He was a very attractive man, so it was perfectly normal for it to happen quite a lot, but also perfectly normal for her as the one who might have so much to lose if a rival were to be successful in attracting him away, to be disturbed by it. She decided not to bring it up right now, as they were having a lovely evening, and she didn't want to spoil it in any way, small or large.

She took the Social he offered her and browsed. "Ooooh! Gino must have known we were going to order this week. His Theme is American Wild West, your favourite. Huge steaks! I'd like a rib-eye with salad and corn on the cob sides please," she picked out and passed it back to Caleb, grinning as she knew he was going to love that theme.

Caleb grinned. “Definitely a good choice,” he said. He punched in both their orders -- a porterhouse for him, with baked potato all the fixings and some rosemary roasted vegetables. He added on some peach cobbler for dessert and a couple bottles of merlot. “Be about an hour,” Caleb said, tossing the Social aside and slipping back onto the couch with Opal.

Opal nestled closer, and as the movie began she was in her favourite man's arms and life was good. The hour before their food arrived seemed to go by quickly, and they were well into the story and just about ready for a food break. They both went into the kitchenette, and Opal let Caleb open the food parcels and containers while she fetched crockery and cutlery and napkins in case they got...for when they got messy!

Caleb opened the bottle of wine that came with the meal and poured out two glasses as Opal set the table. He forked the steaks onto the plates, As usual, Gino’s food was excellent. “It’s gettin’ late,” he noted.

"True," Opal replied, finishing her meal and putting the cutlery straight across it. She had already talked about Zandy not being around, and wasn't sure she should push him with more hints about staying over. She held her breath waiting for the next few minutes to unfold themselves and lead to heaven, or a lonely walk back?

Caleb started to clear the table. “Ah was thinkin’,” he said, putting the dishes in the reclamator, “seems a shame for us ta walk all the way back ta yer quarters if Zandy ain’t here,” he said. “Would ya like ta stay over?” he offered. “Ah can sleep on the couch.”

"Oh no, I couldn't put you to so much trouble," Opal began, a small smile lifting the corners of her mouth almost imperceptibly. "I couldn't make you sleep on the couch. Well, not alone, at least. Maybe we could share it?" Her small smile crept upwards into a rather wicked grin. "Unless you'd like to share the bedroom with me instead? There might be more room for two in there?" She snuggled up against him and gazed up into his gorgeous eyes in rapture. "Or maybe four, if Shayne and Carrie were around to join us?" she teased, then returned to a little more serious tone. "We should start up a new novel. It's been ages." She let her fingertip gently caress his lower lip as she began to think what they should do for their next adventure. Well the one after tonight anyway."

“Ah suppose Ah could share the bed with ya,” Caleb said with a smile. “Ah didn’t wanna presume. An’ Ah’m happy ta start a new holo-novel with you. Ya got anythin’ in mind?” Gently he captured her finger on his lips and sucked on it lightly, staring into Opal’s eyes, his dark eyes even darker with desire for the beautiful doctor as his hands ran lightly along her sides.

Opal sighed and then shivered with delight and desire. There was predictably no more talk of the holonovel as passion overcame them both.


Caleb rolled over in his bed, pressing against the warm body beside him. It was the first time he hadn’t sent Opal home, the first time he’d really awakened next to someone in years.

Opal murmured and opened her eyes sleepily. Realising where she was and who was right beside her, she was so happy she sighed and rolled into his arms. "Good morning, Handsome Person!" She beamed up at him and planted a kiss onto her index fingertip, transferring it softly to his lips.

Caleb smiled against the fingers and kissed them. “Mornin’,” he said, putting his arm around Opal and staring into her eyes. “This is different.”

"Different indeed. But a new template I'd be very happy to get accustomed to!" she replied, nestling blissfully against his chest and intertwining her legs with his mischievously.

Caleb smiled. “At least until Zandy gets back,” he said, caressing Opal’s bare back and kissing her. “Do ya want breakfast, or am Ah captured here for the foreseeable?” he asked. Not that he would mind a morning romp.

"You're captured, and I would strongly advise you forget any ideas of escape." Opal grinned and kissed him back, shivering with delight as his fingers touched gently against her skin. “I might let you make us breakfast afterwards, if you're good!" she teased, and grinned at him before pulling up the sheet over them both and attempting to initiate another round of bliss. It was just so amazing to have him all to herself, and she couldn't believe her luck. Suddenly struck by a thought, she stopped and popped her head out of the rim of the sheet and looked at him very seriously. "Zandy... when you said...only til she gets that likely to be this morning?" she asked, looking concerned.

Caleb shook his head. “No, darlin’,” he told Opal with a smile, caressing her face. “She’s away for a bit of time. We got all the time ya want,” he told her, kissing her fiercely again, rolling her atop him, his hands caressing her naked body as he devoured her.

Unable but equally unwilling to break their kisses to reply, Opal gave herself to the joy and bliss that this amazing man always brought her.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Dr Opal Oliver
Civilian GP


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