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Indecent Proposal

Posted on Wed Oct 21, 2020 @ 8:47pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Commander Caleb Ryan

2,936 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Location: Bajor/Capital
Timeline: Timeline: 2376
Tags: Bajor, Intelligence, Natalya, Dorian

Natalya enjoyed the warm sun as she lay out on the beach in a small black bikini, the ocean breeze caressing her skin. Behind her sunglasses, she kept an eye on Minister Nalis Pym. The older woman did enjoy her beach walks, usually arm in arm with some young thing from her staff, a bit too cozy, perhaps.

Natalya, as Pret Natal, and Dorian, Pret Dor, had established themselves as regulars on the beach prominently along the woman’s path over the last week, becoming familiar with her, sometimes together, sometimes taking turns at catching her interest. So far it had merely been lingering looks and flirtatious smiles.

“I think I can get into the staff laundry,” Natalya commented to Dorian. “Could get a housekeeping uniform. We’d need to get a master key somehow,” she said. “Or we could try room service to get in.”

Dorian laid out on the hammick and tried to appear casual and at rest. In reality, he was keeping an open eye for Minister Nalis' security detail. Although she enjoyed the appearance of walking alone, he knew that a decent security team would have plainclothes -- or lack thereof -- team in the surrounding area keeping an eye on things.

He looked up when he heard Natalya speaking. "Room service would draw less attention. I could simply say that I received a call about a malfunctioning replicator," Dorian suggested. "That will allow us to plant the recording device necessary to get an authentic copy of her voice," he said. "However, I'm going to need enough time to install the device properly," he said as he cast his gaze towards her. "Can you keep her distracted out here on the beach for at least fifteen minutes?" he asked. He notably did not ask how she would go about the task.

Natalya smirked. “Oh, honey, I can keep her occupied for hours, if you need it,” she said drolly, stretching out a bit as she saw Nalis Pym turn onto the section of beach. She was alone for once, she noted. That was promising. She might be looking for a little companionship.

"Well, go ahead and work your magic. I'll make my way back to the hotel and towards her suite," he said as he swung his legs over the edge of his hammock and headed back towards the hotel without passing by the Bajoran official.

Nataliya smiled and waved to get Pym’s attention, knowing she looked particularly stunning in her bikini, and noting the way the minister looked at her appreciatively.

It took Dorian several minutes to make his way back to the building. As he made his way towards the level where Nalis Pym's suite was located, he ducked into a maintenance terminal that he had left unlocked earlier in the morning. Despite being in the confined space, he was able to change his clothes into a convincing facsimile of the uniform other maintenance workers wore on the premises.

The floor was sparsely populated. Dorian wasn't surprised, considering the Bajoran official would not want to be bothered by random civilians who might recognize her and bombard her with questions or political issues that she didn't have an answer for. As Dorian walked down the corridor with his repair kit, he made a mental note of the number of security guards. At present count, he noted one at the hallway junction and two more by the door.

"Soraya renga," (good day), Dorian said as he stood before the two guards leading to Nalis Pym's door, in the standard Bajoran dialect for the region.

The guard looked Dorian over. “What do you want?” he asked, noting the uniform.

Dorian's face twitched slightly as he suppressed the sudden urge to fire back a pointed response to the guard. He took a half-beat to compose himself and resume his role as a docile servant.

"I'm here to respond to a maintenance request for this suite. Evidently, there is a malfunction with the replicator process throughout this whole level. I wanted to do a quick update on this unit to make sure there wouldn't be any future disruptions," Dorian said with an artificial smile.

The guard scowled. “Fine,” he said. He turned to unlock the door. The minister was out anyway. What would it hurt? She'd be pissed if she couldn’t get her little iced treats after her walk on the beach anyway, and one didn’t want the Minister pissed, at least not at him. The door slid open.

“Be quick.”

"Joi," (Thank You) Dorian replied as he entered the suite and looked around for the replicator. He put his case down and began to look over the replicator device. Dorian was grateful to be in a civilian setting for once. If this was a Starfleet vessel or installation, various security settings would have activated the second he removed the panel and began to access the sensory matrix.

However, civilians weren't as hyper-paranoid of sabotage. Mostly because this was a vacation-resort. What average vacationer was knowledgeable enough to mess around with a replicator? It required a more-than-basic knowledge of the materialization/dematerialization process just to understand how the machine transported matter into an edible product versus a piece of rubber.

Dorian knew that implanting a device would be too difficult since the device's maintenance routine would recognize any foreign devices. Instead, he decided to use the machine's internal communication system to his advantage. Ordinarily, when a person put in a command for a food item, the device would connect to the facility's storage system for matter and input the command that would allow the machine to beam a certain amount of matter into the replicator and then transport the formed matter onto the replicator's base for the requester to enjoy.

Dorian had added an additional subroutine that would send a signal to Dorian and Natalya's quarters whenever a voice sequence matching the Minister's spoke either to the machine or within several feet of it. It would allow the intel team to pick up the Minister's voice and record it without the need to return back to her suite.

Dorian heard the guard opening the suite and coming back down the hall. He closed the panel and looked over his shoulder towards the man. "Hanyu, Jul aka’no?" (Hello, how are you?) he said, trying to keep conversation going.

“You done?” the guard asked. He paused and tapped his ear piece, listening. “She what?” he spoke to the person on the other end. Then he sighed and looked back to Dorian. “You need to go. The Minister is returning with a...friend, and she is going to need her privacy,” he told Dorian.

Dorian suppressed the strong urge to roll his eyes. It seemed as if Natalya was taking her duties too seriously. However, he had finished his task and knew that the longer he stayed, the more he risked blowing his cover.

"Alright by me!" Dorian said with an artificial tone to his voice. He put his tools back into his case and closed it shut before turning to face the guard again. "Lead the way," he said with a smile. "I'm all done here, and you shouldn't have any more troubles," he added.

“Good.” The guard escorted Dorian out. He passed Minister Nalis as she exited the lift with Pret Natal -- Natalya -- in her bikini on the minister’s arm, giggling and caressing her. She caught Dorian’s eye as she kissed the minister.

Dorian withhed the urge to roll his eyes, lest he reveal that he and Natalya were in on this operation together. Dorian quickly glanced at her, but kept his head down as he continued to exit the suite. He turned and made his way down the corridor towards the turbolift. As the turbolift doors shut behind him he pressed the button, activating the wide-band signal. It would take several moments to connect, but it would give him enough time to get back to his quarters and finish setting up his receiver equipment.

The lift came to his level and he made his way back to his quarters. Knowing Natalya, she was probably busy keeping the Minister "distracted". Hopefully, the Minister had requested drinks or some kind of refreshment from the replicator. It would have provided the necessary voice sample that the team needed.

That was indeed the case. The bug in the replicator recorded plenty of the intimate conversation between Natalya and Minister Nalis. After some serious foreplay, Minister Nalis requested her bodyguards to leave them some privacy, and there was the sound of the doors opening and closing as they left.

Natalya suggested more drinks, and there was some more intimacy, before Minister Nalis’ words started to slur.

“You got what you need for the voice match?” Natalya called Dorian on their comms. “We need to find the exact location of the black site now. I have her ...pliable and alone.”

"Yes, I have what I need to simulate a viable voice of the Minister," Dorian said as the computer processed the template he had provided. Within several minutes, the system indicated that his program was ready to be used. Dorian retrieved the electronic device that Natayla had given him and activated it.

"I'm going to be further. . .occupied for the immediate future. You all are excused for the remainder of your shift," he said through the duplicated voice into the respective comm units of the guards. "I can do without audience," he/she added.

“Yes, Minister,” came the replies from outside the suite. There was a moment, and then Natalya’s voice came on line again. “I heard them leave. They’re heading down to the bar,” she said.

Dorian was somewhat surprised by the lack of pushback from either of the guards. It appeared that they did not seem too concerned about leaving the Minister without some form of cover. Maybe it spoke volumes about her lack of professionalism more so than that of the guards.

Dorian made his way back to the Minister's suite without attracting any attention and pressed the chime button.

Natalya opened the door. She was wearing only a filmy, nearly transparent peignoir that clung to her curves and left little to the imagination. She hurried Dorian inside and then sealed the door. Minister Nalis Pym lay on the bed naked, seemingly in a kind of delirium.

Natalya saw the makeup case from her luggage she had asked Dorian to bring and took it. “She’s compliant for now,” she said, popping open a hidden compartment in the bottom of the makeup case to reveal a hypospray and some ampules. “Get whatever other biometrics we might need,” she told Dorian. “We won’t have a chance to come back.”

Dorian walked into the room and approached the Minister. He couldn't say that he felt too sorry for the woman. This is what happened when you took strange people home with you after only meeting them on the beach. Psychos and sociopaths are everywhere in this universe. However, a part of him did wonder just how much Natalya enjoyed the part of her job that required the deception and toying with other people's emotions.

He injected the Minister in her neck and withdrew the necessary amount of blood before lifting her palm and placing it on a flat device that hummed for several moments as it scanned her hand and print.

"I've got what we need. Are you going to interrogate her here or elsewhere?" Dorian asked.

“Too conspicuous to drag her around the hotel,” Natalya said, loading the hypospray with one of the ampules. “Don’t forget the retina, just in case,” she told Dorian, pressing the hypospray to Minister Nalis’s neck with a hiss. “Okay. That should take effect in a moment,” she said, stepping back. “She’ll be susceptible to leading questions, and it should scramble her short term memory. Once we leave, we’ll give her another dose and let her sleep off the hangover like a night of too much drinking and sex.”

A moment later, Nalis Pym’s eyes opened blearily, and Natalya slipped onto the bed next to her, caressing her cheek. She leaned in and kissed the MInister. “Back with us, Pym?” she asked, her voice sweet and loving.

“Mmm…” Pym returned the kiss, sliding her hand up to Natalya’s breast.

Natalya didn’t protest. “I wanted to ask you some questions, Pym. Do you remember Minister Myra Jeru?”

Pym chuckled. “That bitch?” she scoffed. “What do you want with her when you have me, Natal?” Her head lolled around, looking at Dorian. “Oh, you brought your husband! Delicious!” She reached out and grabbed Dorian’s belt, tugging on it, fumbling to get it open.

"Whoa, there, beautiful, we can’t just skip right to the fun just yet," he said with a jovial chuckle. In reality, he was questioning whether Natalya knew the difference between undercover work and reality. "So what's the deal with Minister Myra?" Dorian said, as he battered her hand away deftly. He could see that Natayla preferred the more subtle approach. Dorian would have preferred to get straight to the questioning by any means necessary.

“She...She’s not what she seems…” Pym said, as Natalya redirected her attention back to her and away from Dorian.

“Where is she?” Natalya asked.

Pym laughed. “Locked...away. Down a deep, dark hole. Never...never get out!” She kissed Natalya, who allowed it for a moment before pushing the drugged minister back again.

"So you kept her alive, huh?" Dorian said, trying to coax more information out of the Minister. "I bet she's got some great stories to tell us. So just how where is that hole you put her in? Imagine how fun it'd be to bring her into our fun!" he said.

Pym grinned wickedly. “Serve the lying bitch right,” she said. “She’s buried under the constabulary.”

“How do we get down there?” Natalya asked, her caresses keeping Pym calm. “Where is the entrance?

“Basement. The morgue,” Pym said compliantly. “No one goes down there.”

"Hmmm...a smart woman like you probably has a lot of traps set, huh?" Dorian asked.

Pym shook her head. “Not traps,” she said. “That’s too likely to draw attention if someone goes down. Just well hidden.”

"So, why don't you tell us how to get past all of that?" he suggested.

“You’ll need a constabulary passcard to get into the morgue,” Pym said. “Then open the last cooler door on the left. There is a switch just inside that will slide back the wall. The door has a retinal scan and an alpha-numeric voice code.”

“What’s the code?” Natalya asked.

“Umbrella-Whiskey-Bravo-Six-Nine-One,” Pym rattled off.

Natalya looked to Dorian, hoping he’d gotten that recorded. “Say it again?” she prompted the Minister.


Dorian nodded and stepped back from the duo. He had enough information to synthesize a voice template. He began to search around the suite for the passcard that he was certain the Minister would keep on her. There was no way that she would trust such a necessary tool in the hands of one of her security guards.

"Ask her where she stored her constabulary passcard," Dorian said as he rummaged through the Minister's loose clothing.

“Where is your passcard, Pym?” Natalya asked, caressing the Minister’s hair back, letting the woman capture a few kisses.

“Handbag…” Pym murmured.

Natalya tossed the bag to Dorian. He found a small hidden pocket in the lining holding a black passcard with no lettering on it, no insignia or indication of what it was for.

"Got it. Get rid of her and let's go," he said, wanting to leave before the replacement security staff arrive on duty. Although Dorian was certain that Natalya could have handled herself, he also did not want to have to deal with the fallout of leaving behind the bodies of Bajorans. He looked out of the window and saw a transportation unit arriving on the side of the building. Within a few moments, three well-built individuals stepped out and began to make their way into the side entrance of the resort.

"Tell your friend it's time to go," he said.

Natalya turned to Pym. “You know I love you, right?” she said with a smile. “It’s time to sleep. You won’t remember any of this.” She kissed the minister to distract her as she pressed the hypospray to her neck, easing her back onto the bed. Then she quickly packed up and threw on her clothes.

“Let’s go,” she told Dorian, pulling open the door and heading for the lift.

As the two made their way out of the suite, Dorian made sure to program the computer to lock the door several seconds after the left. As they both entered the lift, he shook his head and sighed.

".I love you?" he repeated in disbelief as he looked at the fellow officer. "You really know how to push the limits of your assignments, don't you?" he asked, as the lift hummed as it began its descension away from the Minister's floor.

“You have to sell it,” Natalya said, no longer the young ingenue, but the serious intelligence officer. “We go tonight. She’ll sleep that off until morning. We need to get into the constabulary.”


Lt. Natalya Ivanova
Starfleet Intelligence (Section 31)/Bajoran newlywed
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt. Dorian Gabriel
Starfleet Intelligence/Bajoran newlywed
NPC Thom


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