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Background Check

Posted on Sat May 2, 2020 @ 3:34am by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross

618 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: MD 04 0800


Maritza decided to do this first, or she'd never get a decent nights sleep tonight, and she really needed one. Non prescription stimulants just were not cutting it and she'd be asleep on her feet by tomorrow if she didn't take some sort of action.

So she walked into Natalies office briskly, "Ms Cross, do you have a minute?"

"Captain..." Natalie quickly got up from chair. "Of course, for you, I do more than a moment." She motioned towards one of the empty chairs. "Please, have a seat. Would you like a drink?" Looking in the direction of the replicator for a moment.

"No, thank you. I'm hoping this won't take long. I need you to run a background check on someone for me?"

"Ok, who is it?" Natalie asked. It wasn't out of the ordinary for them to complete background checks; but it was for the Captain to stop by and ask for one. Something was going on.

"Lasuma Geral. He's a trader on the promenade." Maritza pursed her lips. "I want to know his history, and contacts. If his business is as legitmate as it looks?"

Natalie reached for a PADD making a note of the name. "I'll put someone on this right away. If you don't mind me asking Captain, why exactly are we looking into him? Do you have any particular suspicions about this individual? Besides their business of course."

"Just an instinct. He's been seen in the company of someone who is known to have some dubious links. Nothing we've been able to prove, but I'm now concerned that Lasuma may have some less than savoury practices."

Natalie nodded. "Understood. I will make sure that you get a full report as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Maritza didn't want to appear to eager, but couldn't help asking "how long do you think that will be?"

"We can have a basic background complete within a few hours, but a more in depth look will defiantly take longer. We will focus on the business side of course, but you never know what you will find." Natalie hated giving an estimate on such items but since it was the Captain. "24 hours."

"Very good. I realise you have you hands full after the Prom incident." Maritza stood. "He has a background in the Bajoran resistance. I don't know much more than that."

Natalie quickly made a note about the Bajoran resistance background. Seeing that Captain stood up, Natalie followed suit. "i'll update you as soon as we have something ma'am. And please, stop by anytime you need anything."

"Thank you. I'd also like you to make these enquiries... entirely discrete. There's been too many leaks lately." Which was true, though she didn't think it was Natalies department. It seemed to be security and the ever chaotic operations.

"Of course, we'll keep the circle very small." Natalie replied.

"Good. Well. I won't keep you. I'm sure recent events are keeping you busy." With everything that happened on the Prom and the moves she was going to have to take with the Cardassisans, everyone was running around like crazy.

"Yes, this station." She said looking around with a bit of a grin. "Has kept me on my toes and rather busy it seems since I've stepped foot on it. Don't take that as a complaint. I've enjoyed the challenge."

"Glad to hear you're settling in. I've also got other news. In 2 hours there will be a breifing on the Haines/Daniels situaiton. Bring everything you've managed to find so far."

"I'll be there." She replied.

"Thank you, Natalie. We'll see you soon."


Captain Maritza Soran
Commanding Officers

Lt. JG. Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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