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Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?

Posted on Tue Apr 28, 2020 @ 9:19am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,868 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: DS5, Guest Quarters
Timeline: MD 3, 1000

Jason had spent yesterday alone, after dealing with Soran and Ryan and getting an alias setup. He had showered, had plenty to eat and drink and then slept a fitful sleep for a good portion of the night, including having nightmares about his mother. His mind finally settled down and he got a good ten hours of sleep. After waking, having breakfast, and getting dressed in civilian clothing, which he would be wearing for quite some time now, Jason sat at the terminal in the room and composed a quick note to Alanna.

Lt. Wells,

I would really like to speak with you. Guest quarters, 249.

John O'Flaherty

P.S. I heard that the tribbles are really active this time of year.

Alanna was surprised by the message. She had no idea who this person was, except that he arrived the day before. The comment about tribbles got her thinking. She looked at the light blue and dark blue tribble plushies sitting on the bookshelf in her office. Both had tiny fangs that made her smile. She sent one to Jason shortly after he left, but it was returned. By then there was no sign of him or his ship. And then he was pronounced dead.

She had several experiments to check today, and more work on the crystals after the past two days, but she couldn't help wondering why this John mentioned tribbles.

After trying to concentrate for nearly half an hour, she told Calaban she'd be back and headed for the guest quarters.

She paused outside his door, telling herself once again it was just a coincidence, and rang the chime.

"Enter", Jason said. He didn't stay right in front of the door, as he wanted as few people to see him for the time being. Eventually the cat would come out of the bag that he was here, but he still wanted to be cautious.

She hesitated for a moment. The voice was familiar, but it was just one word. She could have been mistaken. Was probably mistaken.

There was only one way to find out for sure. She took a deep breath and walked in. "You asked to..." her voice trailed off when she saw him and she stopped. The door closed behind her and still she couldn't move. She continued to stare at him, tears running down her cheeks.

Jason smiled and started to walk over to her.

"You know, if you hunt tribbles with tears in your eyes, they'll nibble on your ankles", Jason said. "or so I've been told."

He extended his hand to her. He didn't know how she would take this all in and he didn't want to make this moment harder for her.

"Are you really here?" she asked, hesitantly reaching out to take his hand. She wanted it to be him, but after watching him die once, and being told that he was missing, then presumed dead, she had to be sure. She couldn't trust her telepathy at the moment. It didn't always work well when her emotions were involved.

"In the flesh", he replied, gently squeezing her hand. "and no, you aren't dreaming."

He chuckled a little bit.

"It took me a while it seems, but I told you I would be back. "

"Eight months," she said, slowly moving closer. "At first, they said you were doing classified exercises and couldn't receive messages.Then...nothing. The ship was gone. Captain Soran said you were pronounced dead." She gently caressed his cheek with her free hand. "I wouldn't believe it."

"Well", Jason said. "Daniels was going to kill me and I almost blew myself up getting away, but I was sort of set against dying."

He put his hand on the one she was stroking his cheek with. He then took and kissed it gently.

"But, I am back and life now is a bit more complicated", Jason said. "however, the universe waits for no-one."

She didn't care how complicated life or the universe was right now. Jason was back. She looked at him, sifting through what he said. "Why did he want to kill you? Is that why you have an alias?"

"Ok, just for reference sake in case you've heard this before", Jason said. "I didn't get away from Daniels recently. It was 8 months ago due to a math error I made. So, I only have memories from 5 days after I went with Daniels. So, please be patient."

Five days? "No, I didn't hear. Nobody said anything about you being back," she said. She was finally accepting that he was back, that this was real. She wrappedher arms around his waist and put her head on his shoulder to get closer while she listened.

"So as to Daniels, first thing you have to realize is that he is a criminal", Jason continued. "Mob boss sort of criminal. We got a taste of that when I left with him."

"Oh, Jason, I'm so sorry." She was listening, but she was also enjoying having him close again.

"Now, as to why he wanted to kill me was my dad", Jason said. "Before I was even born, dad and Daniels had some sort of tussle. Apparently Daniels wife got killed in it and he blamed my dad. He had planned to kill my mom in revenge, but mom died before he could kill her. Somehow he didn't know about me then. The events that made me leave temporal caught his attention, so he planned to kill me for that revenge."

"And that's why you're using the alias." She leaned back and looked at him. "How did you get away? And why has it only been a few days for you?"

"Yes, that's why the alias", Jason said, hugging her. "I got away because there are two or three who want out, so they unlocked my cage. It has only been a few days because I stole a runabout and was trying to open a sub-space conduit. As you can imagine trying to fly a runabout with one hand and doing complex math equations with the other is a touch difficult. One or two of my variables must have been off and well here I am 8 months later. With what I was doing, I am lucky I am not dead, so I guess losing 8 months of my life is a better option."

Slowly, as he spoke, Alanna began to feel him in the back of her mind like before, and it helped reassure her. "Definitely." She leaned forward and kissed him. So many things could have gone so much worse. But he was here now, and they'd figure out the rest later. "I love you."

He kissed her back and said, "I love you too."

As her mind connected more with him, she could tell that there were many things going on in his head as he was a jumble of emotions much like he was when he left, but even more intense now.

And that concerned her. The anger, resentment, and frustration were clear. So were other, darker emotions. He was planning something and she knew she wasn't going to like it. "I can tell Calaban something came up and spend the day here.

"I am not sure if that would be good for you", Jason said with genuine concern. When you are stuck in a cell for five days, all you have is time to think and I thought about what happened with the Vulcans. When I get back here, Soran's when I am standing in her office in my underwear, wasn't 'Are you ok?', it was ,"Out with it and Ryan barely acknowledged me. So, I agreed to play bait to flush Daniels, but I resigned also. So now I have to evaluate what to do now. So all you are going to get off me are bad vibes. You don't need that."

"I need you," she said simply. Soran and Ryan both knew Jason was back and said nothing to her yesterday? And then more of what he said jumped out at her. He'd been imprisoned, was in his underwear, and they didn't even ask him how he was? Then it struck her that neither had she. She'd been overwhelmed, then overjoyed, but she still hadn't asked him how he was doing. "I guess I'm no better than they are."

"Hey, I got a hug and a kiss from you", Jason replied with a chuckle. "Plus, I spent most of yesterday sleeping and eating. Brig cots suck and Daniels turned the replicator off as he didn't want me to be able to fight back I guess. Replicator food never tasted so good."

"I hope you didn't get a hug and kiss from Soran," she teased. "What were your plans for today?" She didn't want him to stay here alone and brood. And, after eight months, she didn't want to leave just yet. Or today, if she were honest.

"I think the universe would explode if she gave her crew a hug", Jason said with a laugh. "Beyond planning, not doing much. I'm trying to keep a low profile in case Daniels has someone on his side here."

"I can see the wisdom of that. Did they tell you I have your stuff?" she asked. "Your guitar and everything."

"No, they didn't", Jason replied. "That's ok. If we start shuffling stuff here, it might attract attention. I'll get it once the cat is out of the bag."

"They're full of non-information," she replied, growing more upset at the lack of information being shared. "When you were declared dead, I asked if I could clean out your quarters. Captain Soran said yes. So, I packed up everything. Some is in my place on Pangaea, some is on my shuttle, and the rest is in my quarters."

"They are full of a lot of something", Jason remarked. "Which is why I resigned."

He'd mentioned that, but there were other things that took precedence at the time. "What are you going to do next?" She hoped he wasn't leaving DS5, but if he was, she hoped he'd take her with him.

"I am not 100 percent sure, except some meeting with Soran today to start planning on how to nail Daniels' ass to the wall", Jason said. "I have some ideas. I just need to clarify them."

"You could always work on Pangaea for Federation Sciences," Alanna suggested. "You won't have to work on the station, and you won't work for Soran. It's another option." She knew she could talk them into hiring him as a civilian, and it would mean she didn't have to leave, but that was a discussion for later. "I'm still willing to stay here today. I don't care if we play jacks or you sleep and I read, I've missed you, and I want to be with you."

"You are more than welcome to stay", Jason said. "Don't say I didn't warn you though."

She kissed him again. "I've been properly warned. I'm still staying."

A Joint Post By
John O'Flaherty, a.k.a. Jason Haines
Royal Pain In Captain Soran's...

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Rabble rouse-in-training


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