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Promise of Coffee

Posted on Sat Apr 25, 2020 @ 4:18am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross

975 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Prior to Mission Start


Several days since her arrival Natalie found herself on a walk towards sickbay. There was nothing wrong with her physically; but over the past few nights she had been having dreams. Nightmares that would wake her up in the middle of evening and she'd struggled to find sleep again. It wasn't anything that overlay concerned her. This had been an on going trend since her rescue. But nonetheless she kept the topic in her side pocket in case the conversation with Amia lead in some direction.

This visit to sickbay was of personal nature, a visit to the doctor to say hello, and have a sip of coffee that was discussed on her initial stop. Natalie stepped inside, looking around for Amia.

By coincidence, Amia just happened to be in the main hallway, just a few yards down from where Natalie was first spotted. Amia beamed and raised her hand to attract Natalie's attention. "Hi Natalie" she mouthed as the chatter was to full on to allow much to be said and understood unless people were very close.

Amia *excuse me'd* her way forward until she and Natalie were close enough to be heard. Amia offered up a hug and began talking at once, as was her way. "It's good to see you!" she beamed and scooped her in the direction of her fortunately close office. "So, at last that coffee I promised! - or would you prefer any kind of team or perhaps something cool? If the replicator can make it, suddenly I'm a Master Chef!" she admitted without chagrin or embarrassment. "What would you like?"

"Busy." Natalie said right before Amia had scooped her up and manoeuvred her towards the closed office. She offered no resistance as the two women stepped inside the office. "Coffee is fine with me, doctor." She replied. "What's going on out there?" She nodded towards the hallway that was much busier than the first time she came around.

"I really don't know!" Amia said, lifting her head to took outside and accidentally slopping some hot water onto her hand, the scald diverting her back as she got replicated ice-cubes to try to cool it. "Damn clumsy" she muttered, breathing hard against the pain. "I always have been, oddly enough I have a very steady hand when operating. Perhaps it's a concentration issue. I've never looked into it further." She was talking to keep her mind off the pain which had shifted to that of the intense cold of the ice now.

As Amia spilled hot water on her hand Natalie quickly jumped to action. She rushed over and in an attempt to help and dry off the hot water she took her gently by the hand and used the bottom of her uniform tunic to dry the hot water off her hand. She was careful not to rub it into her hand or put too much pressure. Gently dabbed the bottom of her tunic on her hand until it was dry. "Are you okay?" She asked looking over the hand before Amia applied ice to it.

"Yes thanks, and thank you for your help too. It's just minor and if I regenerate it in the morning it'll be fine." Amia reassured Natalie and began again to try to get their drinks from the replicator. Finally successful at last she returned to the sofa in the corner of her office, away from the desk or the door and sat down, patting the other end beside her in an invitation to join her.

"Of course. I'm glad you are ok." Natalie gave a brief smile as she straightened out her uniform. She followed Amia over to the sofa graciously accepting the invite to join her on it. She sat down taking a moment to get a bit comfortable. "I think I need to request one of these in my office." Her office still being kind of empty. No personal items, but also nothing much outside of a desk and a chair with a wall of monitors.

"Great, then we can swap coffee locations each week!" Amia enthused and rather over extended her welcome not only by inviting herself to Natalie's office without letting her making that invitation if she wanted to (or not if she didn't, more to the point!) but also making the cheeky invitation into an on-going weekly one. She grinned.

In an attempt not to come across as too eager for such friendship or a weekly routine Natalie picked up the cup of coffee, and sipped on it momentarily. She grinned on the inside and after another sip she looked over at Amia. "I might be able to squeeze you into my schedule." Natalie smiled. "I honestly think that is a wonderful idea, and when I get back I will put in a request with Facilities for some additional furniture."

Amia's grin widened. "Great! and I can have an attack of sofa envy if yours is nicer than mine!" she laughed. "See you a in a fortnight then." she took up the dirty coffee mugs and looking at them in her hand felt she needed to justify them. "I hate those disposable cups from the replicator. I know we have to reuse as much as we can but I reuse my mugs - after washing them of course!" she chuckled. "Then I refill them from the replicator so nothing extra is generated. If you really prefer the hygiene of the styral ones I can just serve your drink normally and no problem"

"I can't promise that you won't have couch envy." Natalie said with a gentle grin. She rose up from the couch. "Thank you for the coffee, and mostly the company. I'll see you next week."

A JP between:

Cmdr Amia Telamon


Lt JG. Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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