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A Favor

Posted on Mon Apr 27, 2020 @ 2:45pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Captain Lazanos Torena

1,112 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: MD 03 1100

Laz stood in the Armory with WO2 Kohba, the Marine in charge of the Armory. There were rows of rifles and hand phasers locked up on the wall, maintained and cared for by Kohba. In the short time Laz had known the large Bolian, Kohba had made it clear he’d forgotten more about weaponry than Laz had ever learned. A Marine hand phaser was laid out on a table in front of them, disassembled. “The Special Operations phasers contain a secondary power pack in the grip,” Laz was saying. He held up the grip, where it connected to the frame of the phaser. “You flip that switch, and the phaser emitter takes power from there instead.”

“For faster reload,” Kohba said. The big man nodded. “Sure, I can do that.”

“Faster reload, yeah, but also for a bigger overload, just in case.”

“In case you really need to blow something up?”

“It’s been known to be helpful.”

“So what you’re talking about is a cascading reaction. That’s a little tougher to do, but I think I can manage that. These phasers all have functionally the same guts as ours.”

“ know.”

“Make sure I can get you your phaser back whole? No worries, Cap.”

The Armory doors opened, and Laz glanced up to see a man wearing red and commander pips. “Commander,” Laz said, standing at attention. Kohba snapped to attention as well. “Welcome to Marine Country.”

“At ease, Marines,” Caleb said, waving them down. “Captain, if I could have a word with you about a sensitive concern.” He glanced at the Armory officer.

“Yes, sir,” Laz replied. He nodded once at Kohba and said, “My office’ll do.” He hadn’t formally met the XO of the station yet, and he was curious how he could help. He went out of the Armory, leading Caleb down the hallway towards his office. “Get you a coffee or anything? We’ve been brewing it ourselves since the replicators went crazy, just to be safe.”

“Ah’ll never turn down real, honest ta God, coffee, Captain,” Caleb said with a smile. “Ah brew mah own, too. At least on station ya can get a regular resupply.” He followed Laz to his office and took a seat, letting it be known this would be an informal meeting. Most were with him, unless he was going to chew your backside off, or give you a commendation. “Just ta let ya know, this meeting ain’t technic’ly happenin’,” he informed Laz.

“Had a few of those in my time,” Laz said as he poured them both a coffee. “I warn you, it’s not very good, but it makes up for it by being too strong.” He handed the Commander his cup and sat down. “So what can I do for you here, Commander?”

Caleb took a sip and nodded. “Right fine coffee,” he said, then put the cup down to look to Laz. “Ah’ve got a bit of a favor ta ask,” he said. “Off the books.” He studied the Marine captain, hoping he could trust the man. “Ah’ve got a cabin down on the planet. It ain’t too far from th’eestablish colony, but it’s technically outta bounds,” he said. “Mah daughter’s decided ta take a bit of a holiday there for a while,” Caleb didn’t say just exactly why. “An’ she’s got a boy with her.” He scowled at that “Ah was wonderin’ if it might be possible ta have a couple of yer boys pop over on occasion, just ta look around, maybe put eyes on ‘em, just make sure they’re okay. But on the quiet like, ya know? Don’t want her thinkin’ her old man is paranoid.” Caleb smiled and picked up his coffee again.

“You have a cabin down there?” Laz shook his head. He’d only visited the planet for a little while so far, but it had struck him to be a spare kind of place. And that wasn’t mentioning the possible political landmines, nor the cave system of bizarre time-space phenomena. “You’ve got a more robust sense of adventure than I do, Commander. If you give me the coordinates, I can make sure my people know to scope it out from time to time, make sure everybody looks fat and happy. You have anything special you’re worried about?”

“Mah daughter gettin’ a little too fat an’ happy, if ya know what Ah mean,” Caleb deadpanned. “Just anythin’ unusual. Anyone pokin’ around that ain’t got no business bein’ there,” he said. He couldn’t exactly explain about the visit from the Symbiosis Commission. “Jus’ be a bit careful. Ah left Zandy with enough firepower ta take care of herself, so don’t go gettin’ too close an’ gettin’ yer heads shot off. Ah made sure mah daughter is a good shot,” he said with a smile. “An’ Ah don’t know much ‘bout that fool boy.”

“I’ll make sure everybody knows to keep on a swivel,” Laz said. “I’ll do the first check myself, just so I know what I’m looking at. These...visitors you’re worried about showing up, are they hostile or just unwelcome?”

Caleb looked a bit troubled. “Unwelcome, definitely. Unknown if they will become hostile.” He hoped not, but he knew it would not be good if the Symbiosis Commission discovered his daughter. “But definitely Ah don’t want ‘em around mah daughter. Perhaps kindly escort them off, with as little knowledge of mah daughter as possible, an’ let me know.” Caleb would have to consider what had to be done to anyone who discovered her then.

It was a little irregular, and Laz could tell Caleb knew it, but family matters were usually a little irregular. Whatever it was clearly worried him, and Caleb didn’t strike Laz as a man who worried easily. “Yes, sir. We can do that. I’ll make sure some of my people are aware of the cabin and the basics of the situation. If anything goes on down there, we’ll be on top of it.”

“Thank you, Captain,” Caleb said. “Ah don’t expect any trouble. Ah’ve got her down there for a reason. Ah’m just an old father worryin’ too much.” He smiled and stood up, offering Laz his hand. “Thank ya.”

“Not a problem, Commander,” Laz said, shaking Caleb’s hand. “Happy to help. Let me know if there’s anything else we can do.”


Marine Captain Lazanos Torena
Commanding Officer
21st Marine Expeditionary Unit

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer


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