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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Posted on Mon Mar 23, 2020 @ 4:10pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan

1,829 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Soran's office
Timeline: MD02 1500


When the request came in, the first thing Maritza did was think about rejecting it out of hand. Then she reminded herself she had responsibilities that transcended her personal desires, and called for her XO. It would probably be wise that he heard whatever it was that had to be said.

Now, with Caleb walking across Ops to her office, she had to face facts. She was going to have a horrible conversation, best to have a witness, as well as being able to provide a discreet warning without tipping her hand.

"Sorry to pull you off clean up," Maritza said as he entered her office. "But I think I want some moral support on this one. I've just a communique from the head of The Symbiosis Commission asking to speak to the Station Commander."

Caleb scowled as he sat down in the chair across from Maritza. “An’ what does he want?” he asked darkly.

"No idea." It was certainly an unusual request. "Much as I want to, I'm not in a position to say no." And you may want to hear it too, she added to herself. "He's on hold. Shall we find out?"

Caleb just nodded silently.

Maritza steeled herself then activated the call. The large screen on the wall came to life. A Trill man in his fifties, with iron grey hair and a wide band of pale spots, appeared. His expression was worse than dour, like he could smell something unpleasant.

"Chairman Rell. I’m Captain Soran." She indicated Caleb. "This is Commander Ryan, my XO. How may we be of assistance?"

"Captain?" He sounded surprised, but then rallied. "I am hoping you can provide the Symbiosis Commission. with a ...delicate...matter. A symbiont we believed lost, we have found out is alive. Their last known location was your station."

Caleb maintained his poker face. Were they talking about Naquis? “A symbiont? On its own?” he asked. “How is that even possible?”

"No, this symbiont is in a host. The problem is we are not sure who the host is."

Maritza raised an eyebrow. "Really? You normally watch your hosts like hawks in case they go bad on your precious symbionts."

Rell bristled. "Captain, your contempt for our culture is well known. You don't have to go for cheap point scoring. I assure you, it is possible for symbionts to be rehoused without our knowledge or consent."

"Rehoused?" Maritza couldn't believe her ears. "Those are people you are shoving those symbionts in."

"Well, yes." It was clear in his tone that that was an afterthought. "But the important matter is this, and I say this in the strictest confidence, this symbiont is dangerous. It has the memories of a dozen lives, including a killer. It has the skills it needs to manipulate and deceive, and disappear."

Caleb frowned. That didn’t sound like Naqiis. A slight feeling of relief went through him, but he remained wary.

“An’ how do ya’ll want us ta help?” Caleb asked. “Are we ta round up all Trill on the station an’ start an inquisition?” he asked. “Who are we talkin’ here? Ah seem ta recall when Ah first arrived on station, we caught an’ shipped off some war criminal for ya’ll.”

Rell looked uncomfortable. "That's the thing. This symbiont would have had to change host several times since we were last in contact. We don't know who their host is. So yes, rounding up and examining all the Trill, and any half Trill, is exactly what we'd like."

Caleb froze, his heart nearly stopping. “Half Trills?” he said. “It’s mah understandin’ that they wouldn’t be suitable hosts,” he said, reciting the standard Symbiosis Council propaganda. “After all, most full blooded Trill ain’t even able ta host a symbiote.”

Rell's face went carefully neutral. "This symbiote has been out of our orbit for a long time. Long enough that it would have had to change hosts at least once. And hosts take the survival of their symbiont very seriously. They may attempt things that are ultimately extending death, rather than preserving life. I am prepared to entertain that such a thing has happened."

“How’d ya lose a symbiote like that?” Caleb asked. He knew the care the Council took, the battery of questions he’d had to go through to confirm the death of Naqiis. It had made him so angry at how little they seemed to care about Mika, the host, his wife. If he hadn’t been on painkillers for his leg at the time, he might just have killed that God damned Trill inquisitor.

Rell pretended he hadn't heard the question. "I am hoping that rather than make a public spectacle, station resources could be used to make discreet scans?"

"Absolutely not. I will not invade the privacy of my population because you've lost a slug," Maritza said hotly. "And you're mad if you thought for a moment I'd even consider it."

"Then you leave me no choice but to send a task force of investigators to directly question the Trill living on Deep Space Five."

"Again, no," Maritza said flatly. "This is my command, not yours."

"And you are still a Starfleet officer. They are Federation citizens. They are entitled to board. This is a law enforcement matter, Mish. Refusal to cooperate with legally valid investigations is not a good look for you."

"The answer is still no," she replied through gritted teeth. "And that's Captain Soran to you, Chairman Rell"

Caleb shifted forward in his seat. “The Trill on this station still have rights,” he said. “They have no obligations ta talk ta yer investigators, an’ yer investigators have no authority ta make them,” he pointed out. “An’ mah security officers will be all over ya’ll if anyone steps outta line,” he warned.

"And he'd have my unequivocal support," Maritza added. "You can send your... inquisition. But I won't hesitate to ship them back to you the first complaint I get. In shackles, if it comes to it."

"I knew you'd see sense," Rell said. "Which is why they're already on their way. I’d expect them tomorrow, and if I don't get glowing reports of cooperation, I'll submit a formal complaint to Starfleet Command."

“An’ we’ll do the same,” Ryan replied bitterly, staring Rell down. The bastard.

"Your concerns are noted," Martiza replied acidly. "Do you have any information about this symbiote you'd be willing to share? Last known host? Name? What you think it's doing on DS5?"

"Nothing that would be still valid. Especially as we believe it’s changed hosts several times. Though we believe it goes by the name of Hex."

Maritza's inside curdled. She had only met Hex once, when she'd first come aboard, and had wandered into Qu’it’s looking for a supplier of pharmacological performance enhancers. But she'd had plenty of practise keeping her opinions and emotions shielded from members of the Symbiosis Committee. Nothing showed. "I'll consult with Security to see if they are aware of anyone by that name. That's all the cooperation you're getting from me."

"It's all I expected from you," Chairman Rell said. "Goodbye. Captain."

The screen went black, the transmission cut.

"Fucking, button-pushing smug bastard," she muttered to herself, and then looked at Caleb.

Caleb slowly, visibly, unclenched, not even realizing he had been. He let out a slow breath of air. That was the first contact with the Commission he’d had since the death of his wife.

“Well, that wasn’t what Ah expected,” he said quietly. He actually looked...shaken, not something usually seen in the Executive Officer.

She could guess what he was expecting. After a moment of debate, she decided to take a risk. "I've met this Hex," she said. “The first night I came on board, I was exploring and ended up in Q'uits." So not the complete truth, but never mind that. "She was there. She knew who I was. We're looking for a woman of about thirty-five Human years. Pale skin, blonde hair, long. Or it was at the time. She may have changed it."

Caleb nodded. “Easy enough to do. Mah Zandy’s hair ain’t naturally rainbow,” he said with wry amusement. “Think ya could get somethin’ from the security cameras back then ta go on?” he asked Soran. “This is the second time Ah’ve heard of this Hex person.”

When Soren gave him an inquisitive look, he continued, “Ibalin at The Box brought her up,” he said. “She said some Trill woman from the Commerce Bureau was askin’ her about someone named Hex, an’ pokin’ around Zandy, too,” he said. “Ah’ve been keepin’ an eye on her, but her cover seems ta line up,” he admitted. “She was stayin’ at The Starlight, where most of those bureaucrats stay when they visit.”

"They put a spy on my ship," Maritza realised. "Bastards. Exclusionary, power hungry, elitist bastards." She took a breath and pulled herself together. "Alright. I'll get pictures from security and run interference on their investigators. What do you want to do?" She wouldn't blame him if he suddenly decided to take some leave days.

Caleb paused. “Ah won’t abandon ya. An’ this Hexx character sounds dangerous. Ah never heard of a symbiote jumpin’ bodies an’ remainin’ in control. But might be a good idea fer Zandy ta be takin’ a trip somewhere,” he mused.

Maritza nodded. She agreed. "It could be a while though."

“How long, ya think?” Caleb said with a frown. “Ah’m doubtin’ Ah could keep her locked in her room an’ outta sight. Ah’m not even sure she’d agree ta leave.”

"I couldn't say. And she'll leave if you beam her to a runabout fitted with a brig."

Caleb gave a wry smile. “Yes, but then what poor soul would have ta deal with gettin’ her there?” he said with a chuckle. He paused, then, thinking.

“What about that cabin Ah was buildin’ on Pangea?” he asked. “It’s basically complete, an’ it’s just been sittin’ there empty. It’s unregistered yet, an’ not on the official maps. No reason for the Commission’s nosiness ta know about it.”

"Literally grounded. I'm sure shell love it." Maritza just hoped the girl would stay there and not try and blag a lift back up.

“Ah’ll set it up,” Caleb said. “We don’t know how long this Nosy Nettie will be here?” he asked with a frown.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Maritza shook her head. "He cares about symbionts above and beyond the hosts, sees it as making you a superior person. He'll carry on until he gets what he wants. Plan for a long haul."

Caleb nodded. “Zandy’s gonna shoot me,” he said wryly.


Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Captain Maritza Soran


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