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Holonovel, Chapter 6

Posted on Thu Mar 5, 2020 @ 3:18pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD 17 2200

The message had come during breakfast, one of the neighbors riding up with the news that Mr. Sweringa had gotten into it with that new hand of Jarred’s, the argument got heated, and Sweringa drew on the man. But Jarred’s man was faster -- lightning fast! And Sweringa hit the dirt with hole in his heart.

Shane had gone about his day subdued, saying little more than was necessary to Carrie as he worked. He did his chores, got everything done. As the sun started to set, and Carrie was getting dinner set out on the table, she noticed Shane was late.

Wondering if she should go looking for him, Carrie put her head out of the front door of the cabin, leaving the dinner covered but off the direct heat and the coffee percolating quietly.

She looked outside and couldn't see Shane, so she called softly. Nothing happened so she went out, closing the door behind her, an oil lamp in her hand. She held the lamp out in front of her, swinging slightly and gently on it's handle, radiating light around the yard. She went across to the barn and stepped in through the huge doors, but using a small side one to avoid opening the whole front end out and letting in the cold. She peered in and called again softly for Shane.

There was the soft sound of horses hooves, and Shane stepped into the light leading the black stallion that he had rode in on. He was dressed very differently from how Carrie had ever seen him. Gone were the sturdy, functional ranch clothes. Now he wore black, from his boots to his black Stetson, all black with silver accents. At his waist was an elaborate, tooled black gun belt, and low on his hip was a pearl handled Colt Peacemaker she had never seen before.

“Go on back inside, Mrs. White,” Shane’s deep baritone said quietly.

Carrie froze and her heart seemed to stop. She couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful gun at his hip. Firstly, he was so serious and his voice was so calm and soothing whilst delivering a terrifying chill into her soul. Secondly, and in direct contrast, his appearance was so stunning that her chest seemed to have tightened enough to stop her breathing as well. Her legs felt weak at the sight of him, but her heart knew this was make or break time.

Inside, Opal felt the full force of the irresistible drop dead gorgeous hunk in front of her, her knees genuinely weak at the sight and overwhelming testosterone. On the outside, Carrie was gripped with fear, and the two parts of her conflicted with each other's reactions.

"Shane..." Carrie began, her voice shaky and almost unable to utter his name. "Please don't..." She moved towards him, putting the lamp down on a nearby stool near the doorway. She put up her shaking hands to his chest and gazed up helplessly into his dark, deep, hypnotic eyes as her own eyes began to sting.

"I'll go to Jarred. I'll give it all to him. I won't even try to make a deal. I'll just surrender everything to him. I don't care. You're all that matters to me, Shane. I can't let you do this. Nothing means more to me than you. Nothing!" She was pleading with him now, desperate to stop this somehow. It wasn't that she didn't have faith in his ability to outgun Jarred's shooter. It was the dreadful panic rising in her throat at the idea that he might get hurt in the process.

“Ah cain’t let ya do that, Mrs. White,” Shane said. “You’ve worked too hard fer all this. An’ it wouldn’t stop Jarred. There’ll be others like Mr. Sweringa.” Gently he pushed Carrie away, disentangling himself from her arms. He turned back to the stallion and swung easily into the saddle. “Been much obliged to ya fer lettin’ me stay on, Mrs. White,” he said, giving a tug on the brim of his hat toward her. “But sometimes there’s things a man’s gotta do if he’s capable.”

Things like making a lonely widow happy for the rest of her life? Those sorts of things? Carrie bit back from saying out loud, as she knew now that it wouldn't make any difference to object. The one thing that stopped her from throwing herself under the horse to stop Shane was that she had such faith in him that it never occurred to her that he couldn't just do this and be back for lunch. It was the thought of him getting injured in the process that was upsetting her most.

Instead, she went back to the start of what he had said. "You have nothing to thank me for that you haven't repaid in full and double, no doubt. I'll expect you back tonight and have supper ready as always at five. Just don't go getting yourself injured or anything messy like that."

She was not fully in control of her knees as she had watched him swing up onto that magnificent horse, with his own personal attraction made all the more so in his black and silver clothes, boots, and impressive side arm. She just kept telling herself how lucky she was that he had turned up and stayed. She hadn't thought out what might happen if he and the gunslinger got into a gunfight. It would be illegal no doubt but still it never occurred to her that if Shane got onto the wrong side of the law by this, she may never see him again.

It may have been a thought that wandered across the horizon of her besotted mind but it didn't put down roots. Her mind couldn't see that he may not come back afterwards and carry on as normal. She was so certain he was in the right and even more sure he would win any gunfight or contest, there was no expectation that he might ever need to leave.

Shane tipped his hat to Carrie. “It’s been a pleasure, ma’am,” he said, before clicking his tongue and pulling the reins to bring the horse around. He kicked the animal and headed down the road into town.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan/Shane Black
Executive Officer/Gunslinger

Dr. Opal Oliver/Mrs. Carrie White
Civilian Medical Office - DS5/Rancher


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