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Meeting Daddy

Posted on Sat Jan 11, 2020 @ 11:51pm by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

619 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 63


Alanna was walking across the promenade, a box of fresh croissants in her hand, when she saw a man that looked like Jason, only older. His father? It had to be, but she wasn't sure why he was on DS5. What was his name...Rob.

She hurried after him. "Excuse me. Are you Robert Haines?"

Rob had ditched the uniform while he was on the station after he had met with the Commander. He liked to be a little more anonymous in new environments. He has learned much about the promenade and its shops. This was quite the impressive station. As he was continuing his exploration, he heard a woman call his name. He turned to her and looked her over briefly. He wondered if his presence had been announced to staff by Commander Soran.

"I think it is possible you have mistaken me for someone else", he replied, wanting to stay anonymous as much as possible. "That said, I am always up for meeting new people. Who are you and what do you do on the station?"

"I'm Alanna Wells. I'm Jason's girlfriend." She paused. "Or rather, I was."

"Well, Alanna Wells", Rob said. "I am Leonard Getz. My friends call me Leo. I've got a bit of a layover until my transport arrives."

Rob had numerous aliases and they each had backgrounds that he easily slipped into, making it very difficult for people to detect the ruse.

"This Jason fellow must have not been thinking straight if he let you go", Rob answered.

"Jason died." It still hurt to think about, and more to say out loud.

Rob's face grew solemn and he said, "I am very sorry. I apologize for dragging up the memory. I can sympathize completely. When my wife passed away,\ it was the hardest thing I had ever faced."

"Thank you," she said, now wondering why she stopped the man. He was clearly not going to admit he was any relation to Jason. "I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry I bothered you."

"Oh, that was quite some time ago, so it is ok", Rob replied. "And you haven't bothered me. Like I said, I enjoy meeting new people. I'm a bit of an extrovert. In another life, in my academy days, my extroversion almost got me kicked out a few times."

Alanna flashed him a brief smile. "So, I heard."

"I didn't realize that the adventures of Leo Getz had made it out this far into the galaxy", Rob said.

Leo Getz? That was an interesting name to use. "You'd be surprised." This was definitely a bad idea. It brought up too many painful memories, and he did look a lot like his son. She didn't know why she'd stopped him to begin with. "Well, I guess I'll let you go about your business. Sorry to have stopped you." She gave him a brief half-bow and turned to head for the shuttle bay. She needed to get lost for a few hours.

"A pleasure talking to you, Ms. Wells", Rob said watching her go. He smiled knowing that Jason had, had someone here to spend time with. Now the question was whether or not he was truly dead. No body, no wreckage meant there was a chance he was still alive. He himself had been prematurely declared dead a number of times only to be 'resurrected'.

Alanna turned and smiled, then headed to the turbolift. She was grateful she had a shuttle at her disposal. She told Brianthe she'd be out for the day and headed down to Pangaea.


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Commander (retired 'mostly') Robert Haines
NPC by Ensign Jason Haines


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