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On Approach to DS5

Posted on Mon Jan 6, 2020 @ 7:04pm by Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Edited on on Mon Jan 6, 2020 @ 7:05pm

917 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Runabout
Timeline: MD61


There was a gentle nudge on her shoulder. Natalie mumbled something in her sleep. A second nudge. This time slightly harder. It was almost a shake. Her eyes snapped open. She looked upon the Ensign standing in front of her with wide eyes. Surprised.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Ensign asked. "You were talking in your sleep." She added walking over to the replicator.

Natalie took a moment or two to answered. "Yeah..." A brief paused. "I'm fine." She added collecting her thoughts and regaining composure.

The dreams, or rather the nightmares came and went. At times they were very intense to the point where she felt immobilized but it had been a while since she had one of those. These days they were mild. She would talk in her sleep. Sometimes wake up with cold sweats but nothing more. Tended to happen when she was in an unfamiliar environment.

"Here." Ensign handed Natalie a warm cup. "My mother used to give me warm milk whenever I had nightmares, but I found that it didn't help." Ensign smiled walking over to the pilot seat. "Now coffee on the other hand. Always helped."

Natalie looked at the liquid inside the cup, and true enough it was coffee. There was an amazing aroma to it. Not like a Raktajino which had become a popular drink of choice for most Starfleet officers but instead it was a cup of coffee like they server back on Earth. At a cafe. Natalie smiled taking in the wonderful aroma of the coffee.

"Replicator does a decent job of replicating the smell and taste of real coffee, but what I wouldn't give for an actual coffee." Ensign stated noticing the reaction Natalie had to the smell. "You know the kind. Grind the coffee beans. Boil the water, and then pour it over the coffee beans. Mmm."

Natalie took a sip of the replicated coffee. It was bitter and hot. Almost burning her, but she enjoy the sensation and more than anything she enjoyed the true nature of the coffee. There was no sugar or creamer added. Just a black hot coffee. After another sip, she said. "Thank you. I needed this."

"No problem." Ensign replied. "I'm just glad you enjoy it. Not many people still drink coffee like that."

"Lucky for you then you found one that does." Natalie took another sip then offered a smile even though the Ensign couldn't see her.

"Definitely lucky." Ensign replied just as quickly as Natalie had finished her sentence then asked. "First time going to Deep Space 5?"

Natalie nodded. "Yes, new assignment." She took another sip of coffee her eyes shifting over to the PADD that laid across the computer console. She was assigned to Deep Space 5 as the Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer, but now it seems that she might have to take on a role of the Chief Intelligence Officer. She had received an update to her orders. No explanation came from it just that everything would become more clear once she got there.

"How about yourself?" Natalie asked.

"I am somewhat of a regular visitor here." Ensign laughed. "I have a privilege of transporting officers from and to their new assignments when there is no ship available. I make it here about five to six times a year."

"Always by yourself?" Natalie wondered. It was only the Ensign and herself on the runabout. She found it hard to believe that there wouldn't be a second person for number of reasons.

Ensign shook her head. "No, not always. My partner is out sick, and the request to get you to DS5 was a high priority. So, here we are."

Natalie frowned. "Yes, here we are." She finished her coffee and pondered what the big rush was to get her to DS5.

"We'll be there in less then five minutes." Ensign announced.

Natalie nodded. She got up and disposed of the now empty cup of coffee then took the next few minutes to clean up and pack up anything she had removed from her luggage. As she took her seat again the runabout exited warp speed entering the system. They cruised at impulse for a few moments then the rather large space station came into view. It was a sight to behold.

"There she is." The Ensign announced as she looked over her shoulder in direction of Natalie.

Natalie nodded. She was leaning back in her seat looking out towards the space station. It was a floating city in space, and she was going to be working there. It was her new home. She looked forward to the new assignment and challenges that it would bring. It took about ten minutes for their approach to the space station. Normally, the runabout would dock but the Ensign needed to head back so Natalie was to beam over to the station.

"It's been a pleasure ma'am." Ensign said from her seat.

"Indeed, it has been. Thank you for the coffee." Natalie replied as she picked up her bag and headed over to the transporter.

"Just glad you enjoyed it."

"Maybe next time you are in the area we can get a real coffee." Natalie said stepping onto the transporter pad.

"I'll take you up on that, ma'am. Ensign Rowe, by the way."

"Lieutenant Cross. Energize."

Ensign Rowe energized the transporter. Natalie disappeared from the transporter pad on the runabout, and appeared on a transporter pad aboard the Deep Space 5.

Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five


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