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Make It A Double

Posted on Mon Dec 30, 2019 @ 9:18pm by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,563 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box
Timeline: MD 16, 1130


After Commander Soran had dismissed him, Jason wondered around the promenade. He technically had no position to fill right now. Soran had dismissed him from his role of Chief Intelligence Officer and hadn't assigned him to another position. Given that he had orders not to argue with a superior officer, he wasn't going to bring up the lack of position to her. He snickered a little. After a while he went to the Box after it opened and stepped up to the bar.

A few early types were in for coffee and a snack, but it was dead quiet, and whilst Yolanthe wasn't at the bar, he saw her coming down from the holospa, hair damp from the shower. "You're in early," she said as she left the stairs. "Trouble in Paradise?"

"I suppose it all depends on what you define as trouble", Jason said, smiling at Yolanthe. "Let's just say, I had certain expectations and wasn't disappointed."

He looked to the bartender and said, "Something strong, make it a double."

Yolanthe stepped behind the bar. "That doesn't sound good at all." She turned to the wall of bottles, lips pursed thoughtfully. "I think this." She poured a thick rich green liquid from a squat round bottle into one of her tumblers. "This is Brae, from Ktaris. Its a little strong."

Jason took a big draw on the drink. He coughed as he felt his eyes nearly cross.

"Just a little", he replied shaking his head. "Much better than bloodwine."

He then drank the rest of it down.

"So, how is my favorite entrepreneurial queen today?" he asked.

"I'm doing good. Can always be better, but I can't complain either. How's being back from the dead?"

"Being dead was far less stressful", Jason replied. "It has been a bit of a roller coaster the last few days to say the least."

"Sounds tough. Want to tell me all about it over a refill?"

He held up his glass and said, "I would love another hit of the Brae please. Don't make it a double though. I'm already starting to feel like I am floating a bit. It definitely is potent."

"You asked for strong." She poured him a fingers worth. "So what happened?"

"How can I put this without either boring you or sounding like a pity party?", he said, once again, draining the glass, which the contents went down a little smoother.

"So, myself and others are sent on an ill-advised mission to send some portal travelers back to where they belonged", Jason continued. "I broke a rule to do the right thing, because if I hadn't the station would be permanently missing one of its residents. About an hour ago, my collar was lightened a bit for braking said rule. I don't care because it was the right thing to do. I won't go into the hypocrisy of this because apparently he or she who maketh the rules can also breaketh the rules. So, now I am trying to figure out exactly how I want to move forward in life. Debating whether or not I want to lighten my collar a bit more."

Yolanthes violet hues took on tinged if grey. "Well, I am in the market for a new Dabo boy, if you get the urge to ditch Starfleet. Your time us credited, and lots of players leave gifts "

"I don't know", Jason said with a smirk. "With all the sexiness trapped in this bbody, the rest of the staff might not like all the customers coming to my table."

He let out a chuckle.

She laughed, and blue came into her colour. "Pretty as you are, I like to think I keep a wide stable. something for everyone. You may have more of a challenge than you think."

"Well, no accounting for taste", Jason said. "Although I think it is a bit early to decide on another career path. There are a lot of options out there. I need to find out if ruler of the universe is taken."

"Currently I'm single, but I'm open to offers." Yolanthe smirked

"Well, if I become ruler of the universe", Jason said with a smile. "I am sure there is room in the new order for a woman as beautiful and talented as yourself beside the throne. Anyone who didn't see the truth in that would soon find a dagger in their back I am sure."

She snorted. "Why bother with a dagger in the back when I can punch them in the throat?"

"That works as well", Jason replied laughing a bit.

Jason's cheeks were a bit rosy and was definitely feeling the affects of the Brae. Still he was beginning to like it and put his glass forward.

"What the hell, one more please."

She looked at him, deciding he was getting fuzzy around the edges. Then shrugged and poured him another. "You might want a chaser after this. Something with electrolytes."

"What ever the lady wants", he said. "Then again, I am not sure I will be able to walk after this one. This is some good stuff."

Yolanthe laughed. "I can always put you to bed in my back room." She leant forward, elbows on the bar. "And the sun isn't even over the yardarm. It must be bad."

"As long as the bed is fluffy", Jason replied with a chuckle. "Whether it is bad or good is yet to be seen. It just is. I like to believe there is a silver lining for every cloud, even if we can't see it at the time. Either that or one has drank to see the lining."

"Drink enough, and you can see almost anything." Yolanthe topped up his glass a bit more. "And my beds are very fluffy."

Jason looked at the glass as she topped it off and then smiled.

"Woah, woah, woah pretty lady", he said. "Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me? If so, let me know for what purpose. That way I can decide if I should eagerly participate or protest vigorously."

"Just being a good bar tender," She smiled. "Just trying to help you get it out of your system. Because you'll hate yourself even more if you blow up at Alanna."

"Willing participant it is then", Jason said. "but no more. If I have any more, the floor and I will become intimately introduced. And you are not a good bar tender, you are the best. And the most beautiful. If anyone tells you otherwise, then they will have me to deal with, once I get off the floor."

"Flattery will get you everywhere." Yolanthe had turned shades of cornflower blue. "And don't worry about the floor, I have a comfy one in my office if you want."

"It's honest flattery", Jason said, wobbling a little. "So, if I went in and laid down on the floor in your office, would that like make me a pet or something?"

His face was quickly getting a red glow and he was chuckling just a bit more than normal.

Yolanthe shook her head. Starfleet types really couldn't take their drink. Too much used to sythehol. "If you leave a mess on the carpet I'll bar you permanently."

"I suppose I should try to make it back to my quarters then as I can't guarantee I won't make a mess", Jason replied. "Or do anything stupid."

"I'll walk you home. Pel can cope, we're not busy yet." She came out from behind the wave shaped bar. "I can find you a bucket when you get there."

Jason smiled and replied, "You don't have to beautiful. As long as you get me to the door, I can find my lav..lava, my bathroom and clean up later. It will be my lesson for drinking so much before lunch."

He stood up and after a moment was able to slowly start for the door.

"I'll race you", he said chuckling.

He took a step towards the door and then fell flat on his face, the strong alcohol having finally impacted him completely. He did not move.

"Oh dear," She said, putting the stopper back in her bottle of Brae. Then she walked round the bar, bent down, and scooped him up like a small child. "You may wish you'd taken the option to stay here." She warned him as she headed for the open doors. "Where are your quarters?"

Jason didn't hear her quite correctly and replied, "It's the one with doors. They go 'swoosh' when I open them."

He laughed.

Yolanthe rolled her eyes. At least he was a happy drunk. "I'll find it."

Which she did, with the help of the computer, on Deck 29. She found his quarters, and the computer let them in. She set him down on the couch, and then went to the replicator and got a sick bowl and a large glass of water. "Get these down you."

Jason didn't respond at first when she spoke to him. Then Yolanthe could hear a light snore coming from him.

She snorted quietly. He wouldn't enjoy the hangover when he woke up. Maybe it would take his mind off his other troubles. "Sleep tight." She lowered the lights, and let herself out.


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Ensign Jason Haines
Former CIO
Deep Space 5


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