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Get off my Boat

Posted on Fri Nov 22, 2019 @ 9:36am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,119 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Brig
Timeline: MD14 0800


The camorite guard was just departing with breakfast when Commander Soran arrived. She did not look happy. "Good morning, Mr Turvan. I trust your stay has been intolerably dull."

Hydel was sitting at the desk connected to his cell wall finishing his daily entry. He became aware of Commander Soran's arrival by the delay of the doors hissing shut behind the Guard. Hydel had grown accustomed to the various sounds that his confinement area made. It was a habit he had developed as a Soldier in various confinement situations. It allowed him to become intimately familiar with his surrounds and to remain focused. He turned and looked towards the Trill as she stood before his cell.

"Good morning, Madam Soran" He responded, returning the lack of formal addressing. "I take it you are here to lead me to my public execution?" He said as he stood and walked towards the field. "I'd at least like ot be dressed in my formal attire before I meet the firing squad." He said casually.

"oh grow up, Turvan." Soran wasn't in the mood. "You're not a martyr. You're not even Ambassador anymore. Be grateful that your superiors didn't back date revoking your diplomatic status and hang you out to dry. You don't have to be such an arsehole all the time."

Hydel feigned a look of concern. "My, what vigor! What anger! What forcefulness!" He shouted. "I, too, remember how excited I was during my first Command." He said in a flat, but patronizing tone.

"That jolt of power and control! The way your subordinates supplicate to your every whim!" He said as he reminisced on his first days as a Platoon Commander during the first Federation War.

"But then there was always the sense of fear. . .self-doubt. . .the small, but still ever-constant reminder in that small. . .quiet corner of your mind. . ." He said, casting his gaze at the wall beyond her. "That small corner that you go to when you want to have an honest conversation with yourself. And in that small corner, you realize that the power you try so hard to balance and control over others. . .is only an illusion." He said as he returned his eyes back to the Trill. "An illusion that only survives as long as others allowed it to. . ." He said.

"Is that what you feel right now, Madam Soran, do you feel power over me?" He asked her directly. "Militarily, intellectually, perhaps even morally superior over me as I sit here in your prison cell?" He asked in a lower, but still just as serious tone. While he wasn't a telepath, the Cardassian could feel the animosity rising off of the Starfleet Officer, as it was an corporal entity itself.

Maritza squashed down the traitorous voice inside her that pointed out he was right about the nature of power. Instead she looked at him, impassive, "The only thing I feel about you, is bored."

She indicated for the forcefield on the cell to be dropped. "So, for the second time. I'm throwing you off my starbase. If you come back, Security has orders to shoot you on sight, and once you've been patched up, to prosecute you with everything they have. I hope that was simple enough for you?"

Hydel watched as the field ionized and discharged, leaving a darken shadow within his cell. Part of the Cardassian would miss his time spent in his small area. It was the first time he had received a sense of solitude in a long period of time. He looked around one final time before looking back towards the Trill.

"Tell me. . .just how are the alternate Vulcan and Andorian doing?" He asked as he stepped over the threshold. "I'm afraid I've been out of the loop as far as station gossip is concerned during my oh-so-pleasant stay here." He said.

"Back on home soil," She said, "Unfortunately, Sovok kept his word and buried the portal. Whatever he was cooking up with you looks like its over."

...even in an alternate universe, a Vulcan will always put its own interest first. . . Hydel thought to himself. He looked down briefly before painting a forced grin upon his face. "Ms. Soran, I'm hurt that you'd think so little of me." He replied.

"Cooking is most certainly not my expertise, I'd rely more on a. . .replicator. . .to do the dirty work, if you will." He said with a jovial smirk as he walked past her towards the exit. "From my experience, they're quite effective." He added over his shoulder.

Maritza narrowed her eyes at his back. There had been a mysterious and convenient replicator accident the night before all their visitors had returned, that had targeted the evil Vulcans' enemies. Was that his responsibility. No evidence of course. But she would make inquiries. "That's far enough." She said as he reached the door. "I'm not letting you loose. What I said about being banned from this station stands. We're beaming you direct to the CUV Traxell. They're standing by."

Hydel smirked. He knew that his little comment aroused her suspicion, but with all parties gone back to their side of the multi-verse, there were not witnesses that could prove otherwise. All she simply had was her general distrust for him.

He slowly turned back around to face her. He squared his shoulders and sighed contently. "Trust me, Maritza, you will be seeing much much more of me. And I can assure you, that whatever you think I was cooking up with the Sovok, will be minuscule compared to what I actually have planned for the future of every Cardassian . . . and even your little station." He said as he crossed his arms and awaited the de-materialization process to engage.

The man was so full of posturing. Even for a cardassian. Maybe it was pathological. "Bored now." She tapped at her comm badge. "DS5 to CUV Traxell. You can take out your trash."

[CUV Traxell]

Moments later, Hydel felt the familiar sensation of the re-materilaization process as he stood on the transport platform of the CUV Traxell. As he took his first steps off of them platform he began to utter a request to the nearby Glinn to see to his immediate belongings being beamed onboard, but he was stopped by the arrival of the ship's recently-installed Commander, Gul Tam Seturk.

"Sir, we've just received word for Gul Kyren, there has been an incident and the Xi'Cadians have destroyed a Starfleet vessel." He said.

". . .take me to the bridge, get me Wing Commander Gul Veshur." Hydel dictated.


Commander Maritza Soran

Hydel Turvan


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