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I's dotted, T's crossed

Posted on Wed Nov 20, 2019 @ 12:31am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Jason Haines

778 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Deep Space 5 Ops
Timeline: MD 21, 1100hrs


A large space dock class station needed to run like a well oiled machine. Deep Space Five's flight control operations section did indeed run like a well oiled machine. Given that, when an Akira class vessel, with a scheduled, but brief stop dropped into system, not an eyebrow was raised. It didn't need a full berth, so a small landing pad for a runabout was all that had been assigned. The runabout from the Akira class followed docking orders to the letter, so not an eyebrow was raised.

When the turbolift to the operations deck opened up and a Captain stepped out, then some eyebrows rose.

"I am Captain Daniels", he said before anyone could react to him. "I am looking for Commander Soran's Yeoman."

Crewman Zita, a stack of padds in hand, dashed over. "Thats me, Zita Tarine, sir. How can I help you, sir?"

"A pleasure to meet you crewman", he replied, handing her another padd. "I am afraid I am going to have to add to your stack. I didn't want to interrupt any meeting Commander Soran was in, but that is time sensitive. Apparently personnel management had a system glitch and transfer orders didn't go out until yesterday. Both she and an Ensign Jason Haines need to know that I need him on my ship at 1300 hours today."

"Er. Yes, just a moment." Zita put her pads down on the nearest surface, and turned to the nearest free terminal. "I'm not sure she's free. She's got a meeting with a Lissepian trade delegation, right now, and then a call with Starfleet logistics, and then, oh prophets who scheduled that? No, I can't move that. I'm really sorry, sir but I just don't know when would be best, she's really busy."

"Oh, I understand crewman", the Captain said. "Like my yeoman, you have a CO that is difficult to schedule. She just needs to know and I am sure the message will come into her mail, like it did to me. I just want to make sure that she knows the paperwork is all in order."

He paused a moment and then continued, "If I might impose on you to do me one favor before I leave you to keep things here in order, would you please inform Ensign Haines that he does have new orders. I wouldn't want him to be late on his first day on the new job."

He gave the crewman a wink and he left the ops center smiling.

Zita looked the padd he'd given her. It looked all in order. "Uh, Yes sir," she said to his back. She looked to Soran's office. The Lissepians were still in there. =^="Crewman Zita to Ensign Haines? Please could you come to OPS"=^=

Jason looked up from his desk and suppressed a growl. He had just managed to concentrate enough to get a handle on his work.

"Acknowledged", Jason replied.

Ten minutes later the turbolift opened and he stepped out onto the OPS deck. Seeing Zita he went over to her.

"What do you need?" Jason asked, wringing his hands. He was trying to stay calm, which was becoming harder for him every day."

"Uh, there was a Captain here, Ensign. And they had orders. Commander Soran was in with the Lissepian chambers of commerce and isn't to be disturbed. So here they are. I'm sorry."

Jason took the padd and read it over. He muttered "what?" and then read them over again.

"What the hell? That's in like two hours", Jason said sharply. "You know what, I'm going to go disturb her. Where are they?"

He thought momentarily as he scowled and stared at the crewman.

"You know what? Never mind.", he said. "I'm just a junior officer who doesn't know his place. She'll be happy to get rid of me. Thank you Tarine, I am acknowledging the receipt of the orders. I tell you what, I hope you have better luck with her than I have. Just a word of advice. Don't fart sideways where she can hear you. I imagine that will some how be an issue."

He nodded and left Ops.

Zita looked after him, shocked. "But she doesn't even know about this," she said to herself. "What do I tell her now?" She looked up at the closed door and frosted windows of the mezzanine office. She could see gesticulating shadows on the wall. It was probably best not to interrupt right now. "It can wait."


Crewman Zita Tarine
Yeoman to the CO
Deep Space Five

Ensign Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Captain Daniels
Commanding Officer
USS Marseille
NPC, APB Ensign Jason Haines


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