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Into the Breach

Posted on Fri Nov 15, 2019 @ 8:50pm by Lieutenant Elleese Elloyia & Captain Maritza Soran

862 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD14 1300


As Elleese left the XO's office, a breathless young Bajoran in command red, but with the single chevron of an enlisted crewman came up to her, "Lieutenant Elloyia? Commander Soran is free and you need to go see her now." She winced at how she put it. "That is, she's really busy, and we've carved ten minutes into her schedule for you to meet her, only it has to be right now, because she's got to call Starfleet command at thirteen fifteen sharp. And its been a big scramble, because Claude isn't here and he's better at this stuff than me. So can you come now, please lieutenant?"

The pale-colored Betazoid took in the harried state of the young woman before her. "By all means," she said smoothly, inwardly shoring herself against the radiating "rush" feeling. It was even more necessary, given the depth of thoughts she carried with her after meeting Commander Ryan. "Lead the way."

The young bajoran, radiating anxiety, led her across ops to the office of the CO, a very different affair to the friendly confines of the XO office. By contrast, the large rrom seemed empty. There was a bare glass desk, and the typical high back chair. In front of the desk was a single smaller chair. The whole back wall was transparent aluminium, looking out over deep space, in a dizzying vertigo inducing void.

Commander Soran herself was standing at the replicator, a glass of water in hand, obviously in the act of taking somesort of medication. "Good afternoon, Ms lloyia. I trust Commander Ryan gave you a warm welcome?"

"He did, yes. Thank you, Captain," Elleese said with a small, polite smile. She was still pushing the last of the young enlisted's anxiety out of her mind, but also adapting to the vast difference of this office from the one she had just been in--window included. "I am pleased to be aboard and ready to get settled in, get to work."

"I'm afraid theres going to be rather a lot for you. We've been without an experienced, and security cleared, counsellor for some time, and my senior staff have experiened some terrible things over recent weeks. Dr Wells in particular."

It was part of Elleese's personal and professional ethics to never actively look into a person's mind without permission, despite how hard it could be, but surface thoughts could be loud and yet complicated. In the back of her mind, she worked through what she sensed from her new commander, and knew that yes, she did indeed have her work cut out for her.

As always, it started at the top.

Ell nodded slightly. "Yes, I have heard of some of it," she said. "I did receive a brief briefing, as it were, about things. I would of course appreciate your more in-depth insight before I begin, Commander."

"I'm not sure I can offer insight." Maritza admitted. "What happened to Dr. Wells was hideous beyond imagining. She seems to be holding it together. But there's a big difference between holding it together, and recovering." She thought more about her station, her crew. "Lieutenant Tessaro is an interesting case. She was found on a ship that had travelled through a temporal rift, and Temporal Investigations were unable return her to her own time. Her perspective is invaluable, and she's seems well adjusted to her situation. I'd like that to continue.

"Lieutenants Hartmann and Lovok are also recent arrivals, so I've nothing to offer you there. Commander Telemon has just had a baby, so is probably frazzled. and Mr Haines is... complicated."

"I see," Ell said, considering. "That is all invaluable insight. What is insight is often simpler than many people suspect." She offered a small smile and inclined her head. "Where would you like me to begin, sir?"

"I'll leave that to your judgement. But psych reviews for my senior officers are overdue in several cases. That may be the best way in to the pile of work that has gone undone."

The station's new counselor nodded. "Thank you, sir. That is a very good suggestion and one I will certainly follow up on immediately."

"Excellent. Is there anything you'd like to ask before you crack on?" Between the sheer scale of the task in general, the recent crisis and the briefing file she knew was a lot of reading. Maritza wondered if her new counsellor was feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Not at present," Elleese said after several moments of consideration. "I feel safe in saying that I will have my work cut out for me here."

"An understatement," Maritza agreed. "If you need help settling in, let my yeoman know and we'll get you sorted out."

The Betazoid inclined her head respectfully. She was not oblivious to the fact that her work would include the woman now before her, but all things in their own time. "I will do that. Thank you, Commander."

"Then I wish you the best of luck with your new role. I have high expectations." Martiza said. "Carry on, Ms. Elloyia."


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Elleese Elloyia
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five


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