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A Damsel in Distress (Part 4)

Posted on Sat Oct 5, 2019 @ 9:22am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,639 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa - but not as you know it
Timeline: MD11 2130 hours

Previously in A Damsel in Distress (Part 3)

The pain in her shoulder made it hard to think clearly, but she had to stay focused, to stay conscious, for Jason. Both their lives might depend on it. She grabbed the disruptor and fired at Tarik, missing his torso. She did manage to shoot him in the knee. Alanna hoped it would be good enough.

She rested her hand with the disruptor on the wall to help her aim at anyone who shot from the windows. "Okay, Jason, kill him now," she muttered. She didn't dare aim the weapon in their direction.

And now, the continuation

Jason knew his hand phaser wouldn't do any good against Sovok's armor and he would probably get shot just trying to draw it, so he did the only thing he could.

Loudly he said, "Come on Sovok, what do you want your men to see, a coward, using a naked woman as a shield shooting a wounded ape or do you want them to see a soldier not afraid to get his hands bloody."

He spun the combat knife in his hand once and slowly, but boldly stepped towards him.

"And I will tell you this, there is only one option that lets you truly beat me. So which is it."

Alanna saw where the phaser fell. It was not within Tarik's reach at the moment, but she couldn't risk him dragging himself to it. She also wanted to have it close as it was easier to wield than the disruptor. There was no way she was going to sit by and watch Sovok kill the man she loved. She took a deep breath and ran for the phaser, almost missing it in her haste. A disruptor blast barely missed her. She squealed as she ran back to the wall, doing a barrel roll over the top as another blast hit the wall beside her.

She landed hard, dizzy and nauseous from the pain. That was an incredibly stupid move, but she'd made it. When she could move again, she found where she'd dropped the phaser and waited for her vision to clear enough to use it.


Sovok held his hand up, a scowl on his face. The men nearby lowered their weapons.

“Very well, ape”, Sovok snarled arrogantly. “If you really want me to cut out your throat in front of my slave, I will.”

Sovok put his phasers down to the side. Jason did the same with his and the grenades he had. Jason did notice that Sovok didn’t take his armor off. That was both a blessing and a curse for Jason. It would leave Sovok less vulnerable to attacks, but it would also slow him down.

Sovok drew a combat knife of his own. His looked a bit more vicious than Jason’s. Sovok sneered.

“Shall we? I am a busy man”, Sovok said walking to Jason. “I have your friends to kill and need to teach my slave how to use her mouth properly.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to be rude and mess your schedule up”, Jason said, starting to circle Sovok as he ignored the taunt.

As he did, he favored his wounded side. He was weaker there, so any hit there would hurt. That said, he knew Sovok would pick up on it and try to take advantage of it. Jason would be able to use that.

The two made a few probing stabs and slashes. Sovok then went hard on offense. Jason managed to deflect, avoid, and spin out of the way of several strikes before Sovok managed to connect with a back-hand fist to Jason’s jaw. Jason heard a crack as he felt himself being thrown back to the ground.

Groaning and spitting out blood and another tooth from the side he had already lost three from, Jason forced himself up. That was going to leave a mark. He shook his head and forcing the pain down, he attacked. He moved slower, but still it was not enough so that Sovok could slack off.

After a few strikes and counterstrikes, Jason managed to connect a sweep on the knee of Sovok that he had hit earlier and sent the man to the ground. He tried to stomp on Sovok’s face, but the Vulcan rolled out of the way and to his feet too fast. Sovok wasted no time in going on offense and after a minute, both were sporting several cuts. Jason looked like he was coming out on the losing end as Sovok’s armor was protecting him from a lot of Jason’s strikes.

Jason staggered a moment and Sovok took advantage of the weakness and stabbed his knife into Jason’s left shoulder deep, where he was already wound. Jason let out a loud growl of pain, dropping the knife in his hand. Letting go of the knife stuck in Jason's shoulder, Sovok grabbed Jason by the throat and lifted him off his feet.

“Don’t worry ape”, Sovok said. “I am sure it won’t take too long in my bed for her to forget about seeing you die.”

“Her name is Alanna and I lied”, Jason managed to gasp as he flipped his right wrist and his other knife came to hand. Without hesitation, Jason stabbed the knife into the opening in Sovok’s armor that exposed his arm pit, which led into the top of his chest cavity. “She's not my woman, I'm her man!”

Alanna listened to the fight, willing Jason to win. By the time she had enough control to look over the wall, he had the upper hand.

As Sovok let him go, Jason pulled the knife out of the arm pit and with a quick slash, he drew the blade deep across Sovok’s neck. Jason was splashed in blood as Sovok fell holding his neck. Anger and aggression fueling his weakened body, Jason didn’t hold back and he dropped to a knee and slammed his knife into Sovok’s eye and pressed down, not letting go until he knew it had been driven all the way through and into his skull.

Breathing hard, it took a few moments for Jason to get to his feet. He turned and saw the other Vulcans approaching. He didn’t know what he could do now. The only positive thing that he could see is that their weapons weren’t raised, yet. One cast a glance to where Alanna had Tarik covered.

Jason staggered to Alanna and handed his uniform tunic to her. By then the Vulcan's were on top of them, now their weapons raised.

'Come on Ryan', Jason thought, barely enough energy to stand, let alone fight more Vulcans.

Alanna needed help slipping the jacket on over her wounded shoulder. The blood made her hesitate, but it was better than being naked. With a wary eye on the Vulcans, she slipped her three weapons into the pockets and stood beside Jason. They'd come through so much, she didn't want them to die here; but unless the escort team showed up in the next minute, that was the likely outcome. She couldn't help feeling this was all her fault.

Everything seemed too tense. Tarik was at Alanna's feet, barely conscious. He seemed to be all there was between them and the approaching solders getting very trigger happy. But there was no where to run, they'd be cut down instantly.

One pointed his long arm at Jason. "Drop you're weapons and hand over the sergeant!"

Jason nodded affirmatively given his rapidly swelling jaw made it very difficult to speak. Taking a slow step away from Tarik, he put his knife, then his phaser, then the grenades. He briefly thought about setting the grenades off, but it wouldn't do them any good. Now the best course of action was to wait.

Alanna held her hands out to show they were empty. "You can have Tarik. I just want to get my boots and leave with Jason."

"Step back! slowly!"

Jason did as asked, slowly, no need to get shot.

Alanna stepped back, but she stumbled and stepped on Tarik's hand as she did so. It was sort of an accident.

A couple of Vulcans let their weapons drop and they rushed forward to pick up their fallen comrade, who was starting to come back to life. Dragging Tarik back to their line, the Vulcan gave her a look of pure hate. "You're going to regret that."

Jason saw the look the Vulcan gave Alanna and despite the pain forced himself into a posture that indicated he would take the man on if he pushed it. He made no threatening moves as he stared at the Vulcan. He had brought three down already. He could probably get one more down before being shot. It was the getting shot part he wanted to avoid though.

Alanna still had Jason's phaser, and Sovok's disruptor. His knife was nearby, but if either she or Jason went for it, they'd be shot. None of them were viable options.

She found herself mentally reaching out for any signs of support. They could only bluff for so long and right now, the Vulcans had all the cards. As a show of defiance, she smiled at their adversaries.

Flushed and covered in sweat, and weaker than a half drowned kitten, Tarik couldn't have done anything to Jason personally. But he didn't need to. He gave them one last glare and said, "Kill them."

To be continued...

Chief Inspector Sovok
Detective Seargent Tarik
Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPCs by Soran]

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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