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A friend in need (part I)

Posted on Wed Sep 11, 2019 @ 8:17pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Hydel Turvan

833 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Guest quarters in secured location
Timeline: MD09 2200


Qu'trell sighed to herself as she stepped off of the turbolift and made her way down the hallway towards the two security officers who were standing guard. She could feel the full weight of her toolkit as she carried it in one hand and a secured padd in her other. As she got closer she kept her eyes down to her feet for as long as she could, not wanting to make eye-contact with either of the officers. She wasn't exactly aware as to what she was supposed to do; however, her contact had made it very clear that she was to make a particular modification to the replicator's materializations matrix.

Regardless of the why behind the task, she wanted this over as quickly as possible.

The security guard nodded at her. "Can I help you?"

"Crewman Qu'Trell" The Caitian said somewhat impatiently. She handed him the padd in her hand. "I'm here to work on the replicator. This entire level had been scheduled to be overhauled before we were informed that certain quarters would be used for. . .some kind of secured purposes" She said as the guard studied her orders.

"Yeah, well. Now's the best time. Half of them are in sick bay, or the brig." He gave the work order a cursory glance. "Go on in." He stood aside to let her into the room. It was a level one suite, several bedrooms, around a central living area. In one room a dark haired woman was asleep on a bed, and a stocky Andorian man was half dozing on the sofa in the communal area.

Qu'Trell proceeded past the guard and made her way through the quarters. She saw the Andorian male sound asleep and made her best effort to walk past him without causing him to wake. The less eyes on her the better she thought.

She accessed the panel and opened it with her code. She studied the terminal briefly and saw that it had not been updated yet like the other units on this deck. That made her job easier since she would be able to make the alterations without having to undo some hapless Engineer's work. She took out the modified isolinear chip from her case and inserted it into the terminal.

She took out her padd and inputted a algorithm she had developed that would make the replicator view the new isolinear chip as a mere replacement for a chip that had burned out previously. The computer would not recognize the change until the planned upgrades had been made to the quarters, which she believed would be days from now.

What is cho...col...ate and why is it so important? she asked herself as she read the studied the chip as it began to access the root kernel within the secondary drive. Evidently, someone thought the Andorian or his guest loved the substance enough to have the replicator alter the re-materialization matrix process for it. If her estimate was right, then the materialization matrix would alter the chemical substance of most items to have significant traces of the substance. She had never tried the substance herself so she figured it was someone's idea of a practical joke, similar to when she had observed Humans putting a concoction known as "hot sauce" in each other's meals.

To be honest, she did not care what the intent was. She had been instructed to make a small change to the machine. As long as it did not result in an explosion, she really didn't see what danger it posed tot he station. She closed up her case and packed up her belongings and began to make her way back towards the door. Even simple security guard would start to become suspicious if she took too long.

"Is someone there?" Standing at the bedroom door was the dark haired woman. She was moving her head, but she wasn't quite looking at Qu'Trell, but at the spaces either side of her, her gaze slipping straight over the Caitian.

Qu'Trell did not want to engage the woman in any type of conversation. The sooner she could get out, the sooner she could be done with this job she found herself stuck in. How did she find herself in this situation in the first place? She continued to walk past the woman towards the entrance to the suite.

But the Betazoid woman speaking had woken the Andorian, who looked at her blurrily, confused. "Whats going on?" he asked the Caitian.

. . .I did not come here for a conversation. . . Qu'Trell thought to herself.

If she stayed, then either one of the individuals would start asking questions, questions that she did not wish to answer or even understand herself. So she decided to make a quick bee-line for the door before the Andorian was out of the bed.


Crewman Qu'Trell
Operations Officer
[NPC by Gabriel]

Andorian Rebels
[NPCs by SOran]


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