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Holonovel, Chapter 4 (Part 4, Conclusion)

Posted on Fri Jul 12, 2019 @ 8:41am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

2,113 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD07 2045

Carrie was shivering and dripping so hard that even her hair was falling around her shoulders, dislodged from its fixings by its own weight and the water density that made it triple the weight it had started out, a bedraggled ribbon fell along with the luxuriant hair as it all began to drip and turn into tangles. She was finding the weight the rain was adding to her dress pretty hard to tug along as well, and the two of them struggled their way to the little building she had sighted. "It's getting cold," she said, her voice seeming to tremble with her shivering. She kept up with Shane in their attempts to get safely inside and he went round behind to a lean to that would shelter the horses. She went in through the front door and put the picnic basket onto the rickety table inside with the hopes of drying it out and eventually returning it to the cart when it was all over.

She looked around for a fireplace or a stove and especially some wood to fuel whichever one it was possible to light.

Shane finished putting up the horses beneath the lean to, which also had stacks of firewood. He brought some inside, and there was some inside as well, and started a fire in the fireplace. “Looks like there’s some blankets in the cabinet,” Shane observed. “You’ll catch yer death in those wet things, Mrs. White,” he said. “Best get them hung up ta dry.” He indicated a clothes line that stretched across the cabin.

Carrie looked at him with a quizzical expression. "Are you going to call me Mrs. White forever?" she asked as she hung her shawl over the line and began to unbutton her boots. She had to put her boots onto the raised hearth iron in order to reach and untie the wet resistance of the fastenings that were much more difficult to undo with the effect of being soaked restricting their movement. She chuckled as she suddenly realised that she knew how they felt. Peeling each one off, she had to keep her skirt lifted, showing elegant and shapely ankles. From there she reached up deeper under her wet, heavy skirt to unfasten the stocking tops and roll them down, adding them to the line, one by one. She blushed as she then got to the fixings on her bodice and turned away from Shane, releasing the garment and quickly wrapping the blanket he had found around her to cover her modesty. With the bodice on the line with the rest of her clothes so far, she set about removing the skirt and allowing it to fall to the floor with a sodden slop. She tried to pick it up to hang it, but it weighed too much and was dripping too much water, which was running across the floor of the hut.

"Oh no! It's making such a mess," she lamented, struggling to pick it up without losing the blanket that was around her. She failed at one point and dropped the corner of the blanket, revealing a quick sight of her soaked underwear, but she snatched it back up and struggled on.

Shane struggled not to stare, pointedly looking away as Carrie got out of her clothes. “Ah’ll take care of it, Mrs. White,” he said. “An’ yes. What else would Ah call ya?” He didn’t want to be too familiar with her, or something like that kiss might happen again.

With the fire going merrily in the hearth, Shane stood up again. He undid the buttons on his shirt and shrugged out of it, revealing his broad, muscled shoulders and back to her before he hung the shirt on the line and then picked up her skirt to hang dry as well. He kicked off his boots and socks, then paused, his hand at his belt. He undid his jeans and wrapped one of the blankets around his waist before removing his soaking wet jeans and boxers and hanging them on the line, now wearing nothing but the blanket.

"Carrie," she said, breathless with awe and desire as he stood before her in nothing but a blanket. "I keep asking you to call me Carrie, that's what else you would call me," she explained the link back to what he had asked a few minutes before. "When you keep calling me Mrs. White it feels like a reprimand, or you warning me away. If that's how you feel, Mister Black, then I think we need to know -- well, at least I need to know -- before I do something you would be angry with me for." She took a step towards him and reached up the hand that wasn't holding tightly to the blanket around her own self and softly touched his strong jawline, caressing his bottom lip with the top of her forefinger.

"If you want me to start behaving like a stuffy old widow, I need to know that you feel that way. Otherwise I might keep making a fool of myself and embarrass us both even more." The tip of her tongue wetted her lips and she raised her eyes slowly to meet his.

Shane’s eyes grew heavy and dark, staring at her full lips.. “Mrs. White…Carrie…” he said. “It wouldn’t be appropriate. Your reputation… You already live alone with a strange man on your farm...”

He tried to fight it, but he couldn’t blame whiskey and pain this time. He reached up and grabbed Carrie’s face, pulling her roughly to him and kissing her fiercely.

Taken aback by the intensity of something she had wanted for so long but had begun to think she could never have, Carrie only hesitated for a moment, but it didn't take her long to return his roughness with passion of her own, finally released. She closed her eyes and lost herself as she pushed herself closer to him, soaking up the power of his need and matching as much of it with her own as she could.

One of the things that had set her loins on fire over him had been his strength and power, and for a while she was crushed against him, her lips giving to the hardness of his kiss and the force of his physical strength finally released. It was so intense she couldn't help but wince internally just a little, but she revelled in the passion and pushed her fingers into his hair, dishevelling it and trying to climb inside his skin if the physical reality could have met the feeling inside her as she burned in response.

Shane gave the blanket around Carrie a violent tug, tossing it aside and baring her naked body to his calloused hands as his tongue danced with hers. His hands slid over her soft skin, exploring, touching, turning her and pressing her against the rough wall of the cabin, the course blanket around his waist rubbing against her thighs and stomach.

Carrie had never known passion like this. Her beloved late husband had been a good man, kind and gentle, but their love-making had been a little like two teenagers with little experience between them, finding their way slowly. This was real grown up stuff, she realised, and her loins burned all the hotter for it. She wasn't used to the roughness of the walls or the coarseness of the blanket that was between them, and yet, despite her mind's objection to what she imagined was going to be a problem, the physical change from what she was used to was in itself a further incitement to the flowering of her newly opening sexuality as its metaphoric petals spread like a rosebud changing into a full bloom under the warmth of sunlight.

This "sunlight" that was Shane Black, the magnificent, soul searing, god like temptation, seemed to burn her. Her skin was afire with the aggravation and abrasion of the wall and the blanket, yet his melting kisses and caressing hands, exploring her in ways she had never felt the power of before, all melted her from the inside, and she found herself responding like someone she didn't know. She almost fought him to be more forceful with the tongue battle and passionate kisses. She pushed back against his body to lift herself away from the wall and into him, her whole body on fire with naked lust. It was almost overwhelming as she pulled to release the coarse blanket and hurl it away, forcing her own bare skin up against his, her hips grinding into his in a way she couldn't understand logically, but which she just did out of instinct and need.

Shane groaned as he felt the heated throbbing of his arousal press against silky, warm skin rather than coarse wool. His hands slid down Carrie’s body, cupping her firm posterior, lifting her, feeling her legs wrap around his trim waist as he buried his face in the valley between her full breasts.

“Carrie…” he whispered against her skin as he claimed the taut, hard bud of her nipple with his mouth, sitting on the bed with her on his lap, his need for her trapped between their bodies.

"You called me Carrie...." she breathed, and it came out like a sigh. The sigh of a dream finally realised; the sigh of a prayer answered, a sigh from so deep within her that it sounded to her own ears like it came from another dimension. She had never in her life felt this swept away. She pushed against him as if she wanted to merge with him and become part of the same body. She was in such rapture she completely forgot who she was, where she was, and everything but the man, the scent of him, the touch of his skin against hers, the fire inside her, the clouds in her consciousness, the heat in her blood, in her loins, in her breast, and in the deepest part of her. A kaleidoscope of colors, scents, feelings, sensations and an overwhelming need for this man all sent her senses into a swirl of passion that bypassed everything else.

She tore at him in a way that she never had done before. She wanted him, she had to have him, she burned for him. "Shane," she said, her voice deep and hoarse with lust and arousal. She wound herself free and spiralled up on top of him, his strength holding her weight as if she were made of paper. She was on him, her lips around his hot, hard erection, her fingers raked his abdomen and somehow she managed to hold back enough not to break any skin with her nails, but she was like a creature on fire, a vixen in heat, a woman with a passion that could not be doused easily.

Shane gasped in surprise as the beautiful Mrs. White -- Carrie -- inverted her position, his arms going around her to support her, her legs resting on his shoulders as her mouth swallowed his arousal. “Oh, God!” Shane gasped as she sucked. Her position presented her own arousal to him, so he eagerly licked her wet center, his tongue sliding between her intimate folds, exploring, pleasuring.

* * * * * * * *

It was about an hour later, lying with her head on Shane's chest, her arm around across his abdomen, her body, mind, and soul all at peace, that Carrie sleepily noticed the thunder had stopped outside. She didn't care. She wasn't going to move...hopefully ever!

“End Chapter 4,” came the computer’s voice as the holodeck froze around Caleb and Opal, lying naked and entangled on the bed in the cabin.

Damn! Opal thought. "Just as I was getting comfortable," she commented, gently shaking Caleb awake, kissing his cheek as he lay sleeping. "I always hate it when a chapter ends," she muttered, nestling back in closer to him rather than getting up.

Caleb stirred and chuckled. “At least we got ta the good stuff an’ weren’t left hangin’ ‘till we got back ta yer quarters,” he teased, kissing Opal. “‘Sides, we only got a certain amount a time.” He sat up and stretched. God, he hadn’t ever done one of these since Mika… He trailed off at the thought of his dead wife and shook his head. “Not sayin’ the night needs ta end,” he assured Opal with a kiss. “We’ll just have ta continue elsewhere.”


Commander Caleb Ryan/Shane Black
Executive Officer/Ranch hand

Dr Opal Oliver/Carrie White
Civilian Doctor/Ranch owner


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