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Lines of Communication

Posted on Mon Jul 15, 2019 @ 1:30am by Civilian Jason Haines

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lieutenant Haines' Room
Timeline: MD 10, 0845 hours


Jason knew there was a lot to do, so he was trying to shower quickly. That said, he stank. It had been two days since he had, had a shower. Last night in the cell he could really tell, so it was definitely time. That said, he needed to know some stuff, so he called out, "Lieutenant Haines to Lieutenant Gazan."

"Go ahead", came the response.

"First, check the duty roster that I am re-instated", Jason said.

"Is that water I hear sir?", the Andorian asked.

"Never mind that, check my status", Jason said.

"Welcome back from the dead sir", Gazan said. "Are you in the shower? Never mind, I don't want to know."

"Give me a run down of the station since 9 pm last night", Jason replied.

"The big thing is that the Andorian rebels and the Vulcan visitors got into bit of a scuffle last night", Gazan remarked. "Luckily no one but our guests got hurt."

"Ok", Jason said. "I'll be checking in with security on this. In the mean time, even though I am sure security has them pretty well covered, I want you to have Chief Zavan tail the Andorian rebels and their security detail. I want you to tail the Vulcans and their detail. Zavan can just observe the rebels casually, but I want you to make sure you are seen by the Vulcans. I know the rebel group are the poster children for galactic peace, the Vulcans are the ones to worry about."

"I don't know sir", Gazan replied. "The rebel group started the fracas last night."

"Yeah", Jason said. "because they are scared of the Vulcans and wanted to try and get the drop on them I bet. I helped interview them. They are a tough crowd, but they truly are worried about the Vulcans."

"Very well", Gazan said. "Anything else."

"No, that is it", Jason answered.

"Ok", Gazan said. "Don't forget to wash behind your ears. Gazan out."

Jason snickered and quickly finished his shower.

Drying off, Jason pondered about the fracas, Alanna having entertained the Vulcan leader, and what to do next. Security was the lead on this, but he really didn't care about the two visiting groups as a whole. He was primarily worried about Alanna. His pondering was interrupted by his terminal letting out a certain ‘ring tone’.

He had only been on the station a little over a week and he was beginning to hate the calls that came through when that tone rang.

“Computer”, Jason said. “Enact security protocol TI99.”

The computer beeped as it locked the door and enabled a white noise generator.

“Protocol enacted”, the computer said, and Jason went and tapped the button on his terminal.

“Access code”, the computer prompted him.

“Haines Alpha 1973”, Jason replied.

The screen came to light and he was looking at split screen showing two directors of the DTI, one a female human, the other a male Vulcan.

“Agent”, the two said almost in unison.

“Directors”, Jason replied with a nod. “How may I be of assistance?”

“The event horizon we have been monitoring has shifted significantly in the past few days”, the Vulcan said.

“I am not surprised”, Jason replied. “you read my report on the Andorians that I sent you and as expected, I found out last night, the Vulcans that they had mentioned made their way into this reality. And I am still investigating the situation that led to the incident surrounding my so called death, which may or may not have had an impact."

The two directors nodded and then the female spoke, "If the story the Andorians told is true, do make sure to lock any systems with information about the portal down even stronger. And there are two staff that need protection, Lieutenant Wells and the Vulcan temporal physicist T'gan. The two of them are the primary source of hands on knowledge we have of the portals."

"I will do the best I can, but I still have limited resources", Jason said.

"We will shift what we can", the Vulcan replied. "I do want to make one thing clear, the information about the portal and Pangaea can not make its way into the wrong hands. Even if you had to blow the portal up or kill Wells or T'gan, you will take those measures. Unless the environment changes, we have a month in regards to the horizon, not three now."

The screen went blank and Jason stared at it, not believing what he had just been told. He was an analyst, he wasn't an assassin. How did they think he was supposed to do this? Why did he let himself get into this situation? Even if he managed to get through the event that was either going to or not going to happen, what would happen if his dual role was revealed. What would Commander Soran's reaction be? What would the reaction of anyone he had dealt with on the station be? Would there be trust anymore? Could there be trust anymore? His 'resurrection' had caused enough distrust. He wouldn't need more.

'Fuck', he thought, as the full realization that he had standing orders to kill two innocent people should events happen that threatened them being kidnapped or coerced. One of those people he had intimate relations with, which he had not told the directors.

Sighing, he thought, 'I should have stayed on the Geneva.'

"A chonách san ort", Jason cursed himself in Gaelic, the language of this mother's ancestors. "It's your own damn fault."


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five


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