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Sins of the Father - Part I

Posted on Fri May 31, 2019 @ 12:50am by Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Tue Jul 16, 2019 @ 9:36pm

908 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Starbase 211
Timeline: 3 weeks ago

3 Weeks Ago – Starbase 211

Rob had never been so glad to get off a transport as he was this day. All he wanted to do was get a shower, find Jason, and then eat some real food and have a good stiff drink. It had been a long seven years in following his lead on the clone of his dead wife. He had made her a promise that he would figure out the mystery as to who had cloned her and to find out who was the real Aine O’Flaherty.

All his thoughts of getting a shower came to a standstill as two security guards approached him.

“Commander Haines”, one of them said. “Admiral Jenson would like to speak with you.”

‘How the hell did Jenson know I would be here?’, Rob thought.

Shaking his head, Rob knew there was no sense arguing as Rob was certain Jenson had told the two men to stun him if he didn’t come.

“Actually, I am retired boys”, Rob replied. “but do lead the way.”

The two guards led him to a rather crowded and busy bar. Obviously, this was going to be an off the record discussion. Rob followed them to a table where Admiral Jenson sat. Dismissing the guards, Jenson motioned for Rob to take a seat.

“Look what the cat dragged in”, the Admiral said. “A drink.”

Rob took the seat, staring at the fat slob of a man before him with eyes like daggers. If he could get away with it, he would kill the Admiral right here and not lose a wink of sleep. The man had caused him and his unit so much trouble over the years that rage was the only thing that came into his mind whenever there was mention of the man’s name. How the man had made it to the rank of Admiral was beyond him, except for the fact that the man was an ass-kissing, political brown nose.

“I only drink with friends. What do you want?”, Rob growled.

“Now, now, that’s what do you want, sir”, Jenson said staring right back at Rob.

“I’m retired”, Rob replied.

“I re-instated you”, Jenson said with a greasy smile.

“Fine, what do you want, Admiral”, Rob said, not using the term sir, which he saw as signs of respect. He definitely did not respect the Admiral.

“Well, while you were off gallivanting across the galaxy”, Jenson replied. “A situation occurred on Xi’Cadia that I think your particular set of talents can help bring to an end a bit faster than what current levels of diplomacy are accomplishing.”

“So, what is this situation that you are sending me into?” Rob asked.

“Xi’Cadia recently withdrew from the Federation”, the Admiral replied. “Normally that wouldn’t be too much concern, but they provide a hell a lot of dilithium to the Federation and they also announced an alliance with the Cardassians quickly after their withdrawal.”

“So, the Cardassians are more than likely pulling the strings”, Rob replied, folding his arms.

Jenson nodded, continuing, “and on top of that, there are Federation citizens for all intents and purposes being held prisoners. Employees of Raddon Corp. There are locals not too keen on the new arrangement and are looking to resist and they need a little help. Your mission is simple, go in, make contact with the dissidents, rescue the employees, kick the Cardassians in the balls, and make sure the Xi’Cadian government decides to re-evaluate their position with the Federation.”

Rob was going to mention the legality of things, but he knew Jenson was a man with a high degree of moral flexibility.

“Assigned, resources?”, Rob asked.

“You, a couple of phasers, a ride to Xi’Cadia, and whoever you can find on Xi’Cadia to help you”, Jenson said with a smile. Just as Rob would kill him without hesitation, the Admiral disliked Rob and would do the same if Rob didn’t have a certain degree of blackmail on him.

“I think I am going to sit this one out”, Rob replied.

“I don’t think so”, Jenson said. “First, I am sure new evidence can be brought to light regarding your last court-martial inquiry. Second, a couple of governments and the Orions want your head for whatever you spent the last seven years doing. I for one would like to see what the new head of the syndicate would do to you. Third, I would hate to see your son’s Starfleet career stall. He’s come a long way in two years. Play things right and there might even be a promotion in it for him, given that the boat sailed for promotions long ago in regard to promotions for you.”

Rob snarled, “You ever even hint about doing anything to my son and I will snap your fat neck even if we are in the middle of Starfleet Command.”

“Be at dock 29 in two hours, there will be a runabout waiting”, Jenson said standing up and walking away. “Good to see you Haines.”

“Likewise, Admiral”, Rob replied, scratching his nose with his middle finger.

If the Admiral cared about the gesture, he didn’t show it. Rob shook his head and had a couple of drinks before buying the bottle and heading towards dock 29.

To Be Continued

Lcdr. Robert Haines
Semi-retired rabble rouser
APB Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Deep Space 5


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